Who Will You Remember?


 Thank you Uncle Gar and Grampa Winter.  Wish you were here to thank in person.  I was too young to really know what you did.  I thought it must be like the movies.  I think I was a lucky kid to know you, just wish I had the chance to know you now I’m older.


  1. Uncle Gar and Grandpa were so young when they went to war. Five of my uncles went overseas, three of them leaving children behind. One of my cousins was only a week old when his father left for war. They were gone for the duration of the war. Fortunately, my father and my uncles all came home. They are all gone now. We owe them so much. It changed their lives forever.

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  2. My grandfather, your great-grandfather came back from the first world war (the war to end all wars) after being gassed with Chlorine gas. He had scars on his face, which I didn’t think anything of as that’s the way he always looked. My aunt told me many years after he died that they were chlorine gas scars. I never knew and wish I had the opportunity to ask about it. They had so many untold stories!!!


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