Sunday Chuckle: Dangerous Henry

There is a nice guy at work, who isn’t the best with movie titles.  He’ll say to me, “I saw a movie on Netflix you will like,” but then not be able to tell me the correct name of the movie, or the name of anyone in the movie.  He reminds me of my grandma, trying to remember movie titles.  We took her to the theater to see “There’s Mail Waiting for You” (You’ve Got Mail), and she also really enjoyed “Brother Can You Spare a Dime?” (O Brother, Where Art Thou?).

The man at work was recently describing a movie he called “Dangerous Henry”.  It took me a minute….

So take it from the man at work that I now refer to as “Dangerous Dan”:   watch Dangerous Henry for some action thrills!



  1. I’m like that as well. People will name drop a movie title and I have no idea what movie they are talking about unless the disucssion turns into the actual goings on in the movie and than the ol lightbulb will go off in the noggin…
    Having said that if the conversation is about Maidens Number Of The Beast I can tell u the running order of the album front to back, back to front..
    Movie though have always been a stumbler for me except for my all time fav Die Hard and a huge shout out to Stripes and Meatballs…..
    Chris Makepeace as The Elder!

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    1. Stripes and Meatballs — two classics right there! Although I know there is a segment of fans who feel Stripes was great up until they get into the RV. Half the movie, the basic training stuff, is amazing. My copy comes with a little fold-out cardboard RV!

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  2. I hated Hardcore Henry but laughed at his alternate title. It reminds me of the time my colleague bought 300 at a garage sale and asked me if I wanted to watch it. She said, “Have you heard of this movie called Zoo?”

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        1. My dad referred to Orville Reddenbacher is Colonel Coon-crap. Mr. Dressup was Mr. Strippo. Polka Dot Door…well that was the Paki-dot Door…oh my dad.

          Urban Peasant, I remember that guy, but we preferred the Frugal Gormet who he just called “Frug”.


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