Sunday Chuckle: 8:30 am Walmart Run

When you know the guy ran out of toilet paper at 8:30 am on a Saturday, but didn’t want to put just the toilet paper on his debit card.



And then I got home and it turns out I bought the “wrong” toilet paper.


  1. Them cherry cola Tic-Tacs are good.

    The wrong toilet paper is the kind advertised by the shitting bears. I hate those ads. But I kind of respect that they’re so awful? I don’t know. I am conflicted.

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    1. I checked the toy lane first. Nothing there. Still completely pillaged post-Christmas.

      Speaking of toys, a “third party” post is a massive undertaking. I don’t have it done. But I do have a photo gallery coming soon with some cool third party merch.

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    1. Here are some early thoughts of the Crue. Mick is awesome. Vince is still the laziest singer in rock. But I haven’t finished the show yet, I have about five songs to go. The light show during Tommy’s drum solo gave the wife a seizue!


  2. HA! I missed this one for some reason! I know what you mean by the wrong toilet paper. I find TP expensive, so I had tried to go cheap – that is one area you should not. I try for the triple-ply doubles.


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