#619: State of the Rock — FYC!

I didn’t plan on writing anything on this subject until next year, but here goes.

First of all:  Thank you.

Thank you for reading and following for the last 5 ½ years.  Thank you for your comments, your emails, and in some cases your valued friendship!

Thank you for joining me as we talked about music and all sorts of miscellaneous tangents.  Thanks for sharing your points of view!  Thank you for being interested enough to read about my life at the Record Store, and after.

This is where we get serious.

A few weeks ago, my wife the incredible Mrs. LeBrain was diagnosed with cancer.  This is on top of her major, decade long struggle with epilepsy.  It feels like another kick in the shins.  We made some major progress on the epileptic seizures this year, but now we have this new setback.

I’m not going to get into the details, except to say that right now, we are told the prognosis is good.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t fear, or pain.  Pain exists daily for her, and fear is probably right there with it.  She has a fighting attitude.  We both do.  In my role as supporter, it’s my job to keep her going.  It’s a role I wouldn’t trade with anyone else.  We are all dealt different cards in life.  I’ve been a supporter for a long time now.  It’s not an easy job, but I have a gift for it, I guess.

Being a supporter might not be as difficult as being the one with cancer, but it does require time, and lots of energy.  I talked about having writer’s block a few weeks back.  I expect that there will be times in the weeks to come where I won’t have any energy to write.

I know you understand that.  I know there’s no pressure to write every day, except the pressure I put on myself.  And Jen has put no pressure on me to cut back or do less writing.

I continue to write because I feel good doing it.  I have been a creative personality for as long as I can remember.  Writing about what I love – music – brings me great happiness.  It helps me forget, for a short while, the real struggle of our lives.  Reading your comments is its own form of joy.  After all, writing is only half of the equation if nobody is there to read it.

Again – thank you for reading.  You probably didn’t know that it pumps me up, like fuel injection.  The first thing I do every morning is read the comments.

Because even the supporter needs to take care of themselves, I continue to do what I do.  I must do what makes me happy.  I don’t plan on stopping for this.  As much as I love to write for you, I do it mostly for me.

There are going to be times when I’m too tired physically, mentally or emotionally to work.  There may be some days with no new content.  I’ve been having trouble dedicating time to finishing the KISS Re-Review Series.  Now you know why.

This is not going to stop us.  We have the best medical team, and family to support us.  We have friends who have offered to be there with us in this fight.  I’m confident we are going to beat this.  I’m looking forward to getting it all behind us.

We have a busy schedule in the coming weeks.  Lots of appointments and tests and travel.  If I miss a day, or two, or three, don’t worry.  It’s just us taking on a bigger challenge, together as a team like always.  But when we beat it, and I’m sure it’s “when”, I know you’ll still be here.

Thank you for your support.  When I feel we have something to update, I’ll let you know how it’s going.  Until then, stay safe and healthy this season.  We have the upcoming Christmas bounty, and all the year end lists to look forward to.  Please continue to join me as we rock and roll all nite (and part of every day).

Fuck you, cancer!

Mike (LeBrain)



  1. Wish u all the best! Hang in there JEN! Mikey u will be the rock of support! Dude anything you need get ahold of me…anytime…
    U will beat this Jen….
    Mikey no worries on blogging ..take care of yourself and wifey first and foremost!


    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yeah man. We’ll all be here to read your posts when they come. Don’t worry about us. Take care of yourself and your lovely wife. Fuck cancer indeed.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. So sorry to hear this but I’m relieved the prognosis is good, you have a good team and I know you guys will beat this. In the words of our Lord and saviour Paul Stanley “I just know-oo-ow”. Stay strong and take care of yourselves. And blog if/when you can. You’ll probably still do more posts than me anyway hehe

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I hate hear that Mike. You and Jen will be in my prayers and thoughts. Trust me, every one understands that Jen and beating the cancer are the most important things right now and we will be there for you when you do post and we will be there in spirit when you don’t. I wish there were stronger words than Fuck You Cancer!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. My very best to you both, Mike! Hang in there and THANK YOU for this wonderful blog. I love your writing, insight and critiques. Merry Christmas. And yes, fuck cancer!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Echoing the other comments, Mike. That support role can be a heavy burden, no matter how committed and clear you are. Hope the Mrs gets what she needs medically and that you can care for each other emotionally along the way.
    Write/post when you can – sometimes a change of focus is important.

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  7. All the best in the fight Mike!! Something tells me you both are going to kick the Big C right out to the curb and down the gutter (as is fitting)! Keep on fightin’ the good fight my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you!! For writing about the music we all grew up with and love!! Hang in there and best to you and your wife!!!! BTW the CD is getting VERRRRY close. Cant wait to ship them off to all of you who supported it…the support is greatly appreciated!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Just read this update Mike. You’ve both got this! Sending healing thoughts and lots of good vibes your way. Will be looking forward to reading in the days and weeks ahead! Shari and Greg


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