1. Not everything is alright. There are a lot of songs I like.


          This is going to be a running joke now isn’t it? Me and “alright”.


  1. That cameo idea is fantastic, I might check that out and see who is available. I can’t believe you guys got more snow…crazy. It is going to be in the high 80’s this weekend, can’t wait!!


    1. and agreed, Jann is terrific – both in concert, like you said, and as a person. She helped raise $ for the food bank in Kingston recently too & that’s great your mom loved her message!


  2. Haha I was happy it snowed! We had quite a bit here, and I did not mind brushing off the car at all. Cool on Jann Arden, I like that idea. Also, seriously, Sebastian? We did a driveway visit with my Mom, at more than recommended distance. We’re over 50 days quarantined now, hard on all of us, especially the kids. Weird times. Also glad you got to see Grandma, appreciate her – all my grandparents are gone, I’d love to talk to them again. Enjoy! As for album orders, I broke down and ordered the new Pearl Jam (Gigaton) album. I’d told myself I could wait. Apparently not.


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