METAL: Point of Entry! Our introductions to heavy metal music with John Clauser, Reed Little, Roger and Jex Russell

GRAB A STACK OF ROCK With Mike and the Mad Metal Man

Episode 55: METAL:  Point of Entry

We are back to live streaming this week!  Tonight I am joined by John Clauser of My Music Corner, Metal Roger, Reed Little of the Contrarians, and Jex Russell joining in a little later at 8 PM!  The topic tonight is a simple discussion:  What was our “Point of Entry” into Heavy Metal music?

It’s an important question.  We are all passionate about the music we love.  We all have a story about how we got there.  What’s yours?

We will show off some old records, and talk about how we discovered and fell in love with this genre of music.  I will run some old promo clips from MuchMusic to illustrate our stories, and the fun will flow like molten lead!

Topics to cover:

  • What music did we listen to before metal?
  • What metal band or song changed that?
  • What were our first metal albums?
  • What were our earliest memories of listening to metal?

There will be vintage MuchMusic clips and lots of records.  All this and more with our fantastic panel!



Friday March 15 at 7:00 P.M. E.S.T. / 8:00 P.M. Atlantic.   Enjoy on YouTube, or (HOPEFULLY) Facebook!


  1. Great topic. Looking forward to this one! Metal Health was definitely an early metal album for me as well, although not the first. That would require some memory digging that I’m not capable of at this time of night.


        1. I’ll try to get to it as soon as I am able. I know what he’s been up to though, as I was halfway through writing his next chapter before everything happened.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking forward to it, Mike! For years, I was too embarrassed to disclose what I was listening to in my teen years, but I’ve come to accept that it’s a part of my journey that’s made me who I am today, and at the end of the day: It’s all music :)

    Tune in tonight to find out what it was that I was so embarrassed about, lol!

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