REVIEW: Skid Row – The Gang’s All Here (2022)

SKID ROW – The Gang’s All Here (2022 Edel)

I’ve never hid my disappointment that Skid Row have been unable to hang into a lead singer for long since Sebastian Bach’s 1996 ouster.  Johnny Solinger was their best shot at a permanent lead singer, since replaced by a dizzying array of vocalists.  Erik Grönwall, from Swedish Idol and H.E.A.T., was probably the biggest hope.  Sadly, as a cancer survivor, Erik was forced to resign and focus on his health.  The one album he made with Skid Row, The Gang’s All Here, received critical acclaim in 2022 and was called Album of the Year by several outlets.

Erik Grönwall brings the necessary range and power, more so than Solinger.  Unfortunately, both Solinger and Bach had a lot of character in their voices.  Grönwall has a more generic sound, and this robs Skid Row of some of what made them special.  He almost sounds too good, too professional.

A lot of people will disagree and that’s fine.  We’re all entitled to our opinions.

Only two songs here, “Time Bomb” (sort of a punky rewrite of “Piece of Me”) and “The Gang’s All Here”, made it onto the tour setlist.  80% of the album was not played live.  There are shout-along choruses, Kiss-like guitar licks, and Bolan’s bass bounce…but do the songs stick to the brain like albums of yore?  Some do.  The best moments are the ones that recall the past, such as “Resurrected” which has a “Monkey Business” familiarity.  Unfortunately, the trite lyrics are another one of those “we’re back where we belong” kind of songs.

The strongest song is the ballad “October’s Song”, which comes closest to nailing the timeless Skid Row level of quality.  Grönwall’s schooled approach to singing is opposed to Bach’s desperate passion to blow down the biggest of buildings, but that was a long time ago, and Bach is never coming back.  “October’s Song” has some great riffage and should have been made a permanent part of the setlist.  You’ll not find a better song among the new ones.  We’ll say it right here:  this song stands up against the back catalogue, even the intense Slave to the Grind ballads.

Credit due:  Skid Row almost go activist on the environmental message song “World On Fire”.

Much of the album was written with previous singer Z.P. Theart, of Dragonforce.  Core Skid Row members “Snake” Sabo, Scotty Hill, and Rachel Bolan handle the majority of songwriting, retaining Rob Hammersmith on drums.

If you want a new Skid Row album that you can pump your fist to, stomp your feet, or bang your head, then The Gang’s All Here is a must-buy.  If you were hoping for a Skid Row album that you’ll remember for years like Slave to the Grind, Subhuman Race, or even Thickskin, then the jury is still out.  Thickskin had way better songs – there, I said it!

3/5 stars


    1. We do have a live album coming, which I will buy! And Jon Bon Jovi is trying to convince Lzzy to join permanently…which is exactly what should happen given the difficulties with the other guy who wants to be in the band!


  1. It’s been.. disappointing to see the band struggle in the wake of Bach’s ouster. Because as much as people like to go on and on about Bach’s vocals, it wasn’t just that which made Skid Row special to me in those first albums.

    Bolan’s lyrics were absolutely poetic, and his bass lines were bombastic. Scotti and Snake knew how to riff. Affuso’s drumwork was on fire.

    And then… what happened? I get Bach not being there, and Affuso also vamoosing, but where’d the bass go? Why were the lyrics so meh suddenly? I write rock fiction, and Skid Row was always an inspiration, but really it’s the first 3 albums I play, I don’t bother with any subsequent albums post-Bach (and tbf I don’t listen to Bach’s solo work either. for the same reasons.)

    There’s a few exceptions on some of their later work, but damn. I don’t wanna buy an entire album because one, maybe two songs on it are decent.

    Did not help I couldn’t stand Solinger’s voice. I really did try to give him a fair shake but eventually I gave up. I had other bands I was into that became my fiction soundtracks instead.

    I may check this one out though, your review has convinced me to give em another shot.


  2. I am like KK, I am a H.E.A.T. fan so I really like Erik and his voice. I did like this album maybe a little more than you and it was the first Skid Row album I’ve listened to since Bach left the band and it was because of Erik.

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    1. Check out Thickskin! Grant and I RAVED about it during the Skid Row show. A really great album. I realize a lot of people like Erik which is great, but there is more gold in this band’s catalogue than is widely known.

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        1. Pretty much. It’s no wonder it didn’t sell. Ripe for a reissue, with the DVD they also had out at the time… but Skid Row don’t put any care into their reissues.

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