WTF Comments: A real who’s who of WHO?!

Stevie Rachelle of Tuff and Metal Sludge did not like our show on The Decline of Western Civilization Part II.

He posted the link to the Rock Daydream Nation episode in his forums, and his readers went to work skewering us!  Peter Jones received the brunt of the brutality but we were all called “dicks”, “incels”, “angry”, “probably Rush fans”, and “dorks”.

Speaking personally, I’ve never heard a Tuff song.  I’ve never seen a Tuff music video.  I’ve never watched a Tuff interview aside from this movie.  Stevie Rachelle has spent more time looking at my face and listening to me talk, than the reverse.  And I think that’s just wonderful.

The link is below…enjoy the comments!

“Makes you wonder why those fucking nerds even bother. I scrolled through his channel – dozens and dozens of videos and almost all of them not even a thousand views. A thousand is bare minimum for putting effort into a video, and even then it’s pretty pathetic. What’s the point? These guys must just like listening to themselves speak.”


  1. A member of Tuff is hurling insults? Boy, I bet those sting. He’s complaining about Pete Jones being a failed musician lashing out at the industry, then he takes pot shots at Rush, Badlands, and Van Halen. If he’s too dumb to spell “tough,” then I guess he’s too dumb to recognize his own hypocrisy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. He’s not the one hurling the insults, he’s letting his minions do it for him.

      But he clearly posted it with a title indicating he didn’t dig our video.

      Dude…here’s the fun thing.

      Stevie Rachelle of Tuff has spent more of his life listening to me talk, than I have him. He literally has spent more time looking at my face than I have his.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. No don’t, I was wrong, he was indeed hurling insults. He commented on the actual video too.

          Peter responded with “thanks for watching”.

          I told him “I’m not angry, in fact I said clearly in the video I was saddened.”


  2. Metal Sludge, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. Well, all publicity is good publicity and so on. Being a Rush fan is an insult to these guys, you must be doing something right I’d say LOL.


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