My Music Corner: Year of the Priest – Turbo (1986 – Judas Priest series)

Johnny Metal and John the Music Nut over at My Music Corner have been relentlessly going through the Judas Priest catalogue, from Rocka Rolla to Invincible Shield.  This week they tackle the 11th Priest album Turbo.  A very divisive album:  Priest go synth!  Yet also a crucial album as it garnered them some newer, younger fans.  Where do we fall on this album?  We go through the album track by track, before the Music Nut dives deep into the Fuel For Life tour.  We talk background and fallout.

Thank you to John and Johnny for having me on.  This was a blast to record.  Good memories, good music, and good guys.

On this episode of The Year of the Priest, we look at 1986’s Turbo. This was a bit of a divisive album for Priest fans! How do we look at it?


    1. It was so fun. I love those guys. I’m so happy John Clauser is with us on WordPress now.

      Originally, I wanted to do Priest Live, and I wanted to do it with Harrison, but…life, eh? My goal is eventually to get Harrison on one of these other shows like Rock Warehaus or My Music Corner. I think Harrison’s genius when it comes to live recordings needs to be shared. Hopefully one day.

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        1. True. A country I would love to visit one day. I would love to go during our winter and find it to be summer there. Go record shopping with Harrison. Maybe find a black squirrel somewhere to be friends.

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        2. I wish it were possible to organize a trip for everyone to meet everyone :)

          I know Jex has talked about taking a road trip out this way with Tim, but I can’t see that happened until his little ones are a little more grown!

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        3. Japan Japan Japan! And we’ll get LOUDNESS to play our convention!

          England can be season 2. LOL

          You know what? Maybe this is the kind of thing we can write for The Adventures of Moustachio and the Brain. We go to Japan and suddenly Godzilla attacks!!

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        4. LOL! They play the song and it lulls him in to a deep sleep. While we rock out with the band. And the follow up will be a battle against Death and they come back and tell us not to fear the Reaper. We could have a whole BOC series. 😂

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  1. I’ve been watching the rest of the series, Mike, and will definitely look forward to seeing your episode too. Henry.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


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