WTF Comments: Angus Young the Old Age Pensioner?

Congratulations to clouddog2393 for making the WTF Comments list in 2024!  There were lots of crap comments that didn’t make the list, but here’s clouddog with two about Angus Young.

The subject was AC/DC’s 1991 interview by two MuchMusic contest winners.  I deemed this interview “hilarious”,  but clouddog didn’t agree.  (Punctuation and capitalization fixed in below quote.)

“The funniest thing about AC/DC is seeing a balding, skinny 70-something old man running around the stage still trying to act like the rock star guitarist he was back in the 70s. Pathetic really.”

He then dropped an almost identical comment three minutes later:

The funniest thing about AC/DC is watching a balding , skinny OAP [Old Age Pensioner] running around the stage pretending to be the rock star guitarist he was back in the 70s. Pathetic really.”

No, what’s pathetic is taking your time out to comment on a video you didn’t even watch or care about.  That’s pathetic.  So is ageism.  With luck and good health, all of us will be 70 one day.  We should all be so lucky to be able to do something we love doing at that age.  I look at Angus today and marvel that he looks better than I do right now.

Congrats to clouddog2393 for this WTF of a comment.  Erik Woods, John Snow and others had some fun with him below.


  1. I had someone comment about how they disagreed with me on something… and then add another comment about how they didn’t really care about the topic anyway.

    If they didn’t care, why did they comment in the first place!? I’m so confused!!!


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