REVIEW: Winger – Winger (1988)

Part I of a Winger DOUBLE-SHOT.

WINGER – Winger (1988 Atlantic)

When Winger started out, they really played down to their audience.  Kip Winger was a classically trained musician.  Reb Beach was already a virtuoso guitar player whose talent can’t be under-stressed.  Keyboardist Paul Taylor had been around the block a number of times, including a stint with Kip Winger in the Alice Cooper band.  Most impressively, drummer Rod Morgenstein is best respected for the rock fusion combo Dixie Dregs.  To hear guys with that background singing a song that goes, “She’s only seventeen, Dad says she’s too young but she’s old enough for me,”…well it’s just embarrassing.

I call bullshit, Mr. Clarence R. Winger.  He’d been studying classical music since the age of sixteen.  You know he could do better if he wasn’t trying to write cliche rock lyrics.

Musically, Winger (the debut album) isn’t half bad.  In fact it’s more than half good!  The opener “Madalaine” is cheesey rock, but it’s above the bar due to the intense guitar shreddery of Mr. Beach.  It was an era when it was OK to just get up there and tap tap tap away.  There is some musical integrity contained herein, but it’s not in the lyrical department.  The single “Hungry” begins with a string quartet (only 22 seconds’ worth), arranged by Kip.  See?  Flashes of the talent within, but cloaked behind a typical rock power ballad with one of the most overused titles in the genre.  Good songs both…but written down to a specific audience by guys who can do better.

Chief offender “Seventeen” wouldn’t be half bad if it had a different title; any title.  Call it “Buttermilk”.  Instead of:

“She’s only seventeen (seventeen),
I’ll show you love like you’ve never seen,
She’s only seventeen (seventeen),
Dad says she’s too young but she’s old enough for me.”

Change that to:

“I love my buttermilk (buttermilk),
Makes my pancakes as smooth as silk,
I love my buttermilk (buttermilk),
Mom says it’ll make me fat, stop that buttermilk!”

See?  My lyric had depth that theirs doesn’t.  It’s light and shade.  Yes, buttermilk will make your pancakes extra tasty, but what of the health costs?  I could go on and on about the brilliance of my lyric vs. Kip Winger’s.  But I won’t.  You get the point.

Shredding musicianship aside, “Seventeen” is not a good song.

“Without the Night” works well enough as a Bon Jovi-esque power ballad.  What should have been deleted, because they already had enough original material, is a cover of Jimi’s “Purple Haze”.  This is dreadful, overplayed, oversexed, with the only saving grace being a guitar battle with Reb Beach on one side and Dweezil Zappa on the other.  Two monster players going at it is right on.  Kip Winger “ooh ahh-ing” all over “Purple Haze” is blech.  Just focus on Reb and Dweezil, and try your best to ignore Clarence.

The original LP had a side break here, and I think that’s a good idea.  I need to take a moment to get some fresh air.  Something stinks in here….

“State of Emergency” has a little progressive complexity to it, some chops and lyrics that are not about seventeen year old girls, so that is good.  “Time to Surrender” shreds impressively over a slow Ratt-like riff.  All considered, “Time to Surrender” is one of the strongest tracks on the album.  Sadly, “Poison Angel” is the worst.  This one could have been dropped.  “Hangin’ On” is good enough, again boasting some impressive playing from Reb Beach.  The key to listening to Winger is to focus on the instrumentation.

The most impressive track is the ballad “Headed for a Heartbreak”.  Cheesey, yes.  But listen for a moment, to the arrangement, and to the playing.  It’s a hit power ballad, yes…but there are progressive complexities to the arrangement.  Listen to Rod Morgenstein’s drumming.  His patterns are not simple rock cliches.  Too bad it’s so hard to hear what he’s doing.  Winger has a brittle production, thanks to schlock-meister Beau Hill, ruiner of many an album.  Over-processing and harsh gating on Rod’s drum sound gives the album a plastic feel.  Some tracks such as “State of Emergency” should have more heft, but it is lost.  “Time to Surrender” needs less gloss.  The album has hardly any bass, and the thing about that is that Kip Winger is actually a pretty good bassist (not to mention singer).

The CD only bonus track (oh 1988, I miss you so) is a short rocker called “Higher and Higher”.  It’s a better track than the similar-paced “Poison Angel” and should have swapped places with it.  There’s also one other interesting little track to be found.  Another short rocker called “Out for the Count” made an appearance on the soundtrack to Karate Kid III.  I picked that up at a Zellers store, I think, on a clearance sale around 1992.  It was an odd find, but being a collector I grabbed it for the one track.  (Also on the CD is “48 Hours” by a band called PBF, better known as Pretty Boy Floyd!)  Swap “Out for the Count” for “Purple Haze”, and the Winger album would have been far stronger.

It’s really hard to boil this down to a simple number rating.  I’ve come up with an equation based on your valuing of playing and songcraft,

Where x = a scale from 0-5 on how much you value shredding,

and y = a scale from 0-5 on your importance of song craft,

Then the rating for this album is:

= 3 + (x/4) – (y/4) / 5 stars









  1. Never heard of these folks at all. Perhaps you should contact them about the possibility of a Buttermilk reunion single? For charity or some such. I’d buy it.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. You know, they really should have done that. Instead they got heavier for the third album and broke up. But they should have gone WITH the flow. Done up the T-shirts. Try to win over the Beavis and Butthead fans a little bit.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Too bad history is 20/20 and the present is not! The third album was called “Pull”, as in what you say when you’re skeet shooting. They felt that releasing the album was like saying “Pull!” — everybody’s going to shoot it down no matter what.

          But if they tried to ride that Beavis and Butthead wave, they might have increased their fan base.


        3. In an alternate universe they are still releasing records and playing sold out arena and stadium shows … all because of a t-shirt.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Entertaining and thorough review. I love me some Rod Morgenstein. Glad he got his much deserved payday … and a whole pile of Rock and Roll pussy. But…. algebra sucks … and so does fucking Winger.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Didn’t IV and Karma get good reviews. Good albums. Used to love Kip’s solo stuff. Couldn’t stop spinning Down Incognito. If you ever get a chance to see Kip solo don’t miss it! Haters don’t bother.

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  4. Thought the first track was the strongest after that it was kinda so so in songs and production. Than again i was being bombarded with so much music in regards to new bands/old bands those years between 1986-1990 were off the hook!

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  5. As I said on your other review of these people, I don’t know much (if anything) about them except that they exist. And between this review and your other one, I cannot see me heading for the shoppes to find their stuff anytime sooner than never.

    Also, math for the rating scale. If it takes that much to get a rating, it probably wasn’t worth it! Hahaha

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  6. A very underrated band that got some bad vibes after Beavis & Butthead slammed them and then Lars and James throwing darts at a Kip Winger pic – I guess they couldn’t stand the fact that Kip Winger has more talent in his pinky than all the members of Metallica combined.
    This album is pretty uneven, I think, but there are a few really killer tracks on it. Yes, Seventeen, a really good song musically, is embarrassing lyrically – and then some. I think Kip knows that today, when Winger played Sweden Rock they didn’t play the song and when I saw him playing an acousticic show in Stockholm by himself, someone shouted for Seventeen, Kip just smiled and replied “Well, she’s 35 now and much too old for me…”. He didn’t play Seventeen then either.

    As for third album Pull, it’s a damn masterpiece and easily Winger’s finest moment, I’d give it 10/10 without any hesitation.
    Since they reunited, Winger has released three albums – IV, Karma and Better Days Comin’, all of them awesome records.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s AWESOME that Kip has a sense of humour about Seventeen. One thing about Winger — they always came across as “nice guys” of rock. No drug scandals, no drama, no fallout. Just four good players looking to make music and have a good time. And maybe that hurt them?


      1. The Europe syndrome you mean? Too clean cut for rock n roll. Maybe.
        How much BS would that be if that was the case?


  7. I saw them play as part of a three day show held in a cow pasture in central Montana a few years ago. My wife is a fan and I teased her relentlessly about “Kip the ballerina” from the videos. I had a change of heart when they took the stage… they were a really good band! They did play “Seventeen” and changed up the lyric to poke fun at themselves for getting older. I went as a hater but left as a fan.


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