#509: Rant Random


GETTING MORE TALE #509: Rant Random*

Journaling is a gift that keeps on giving.  I’m so glad that I decided to document my years at the Record Store.  Even when I think the well is dry, I keep finding little tiny flakes of gold.  I’ve collected four retail rants from back in the day for your edification.

Date: 2004/05/03

Manners? This guy was just standing in front of me, burped three times, and smelled of pepperoni when he did. It was so gross I felt like I had to puke.

Date: 2004/05/18

I have decided that I want to work at the Money Mart next door. All they ever seem to do is take breaks! The one girl, she’s on her second smoke break in one hour!**

Date: 2004/06/02

You know you’re stupid when…
You pay for a neon sign to be made that is grammatically incorrect!
I was just walking past Angel’s Diner, who advertize that they have “The best rib’s in town!” Yikes!

Date: 2004/06/21

The last thing I needed to see today was an older couple purchasing a CD about tantric sex.


* Title inspired by XM radio DJ Grant Random

** I noticed this because I had a bit of a crush on her, as noted in Record Store Tales Part 170.  Not a creepy crush though I swear.


        1. Tonight. Lights out. Roughly 3am.

          Me whispering ” b b b b b bird bird bird. The bird is the word.” While hovering over my wife’s face until my wife wakes up.

          Wish me luck.

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  1. Dude, you did not want to work for a money lender. You’re screwing with desperate people in a time of need, and just shoving them down further. Those places churn my stomach. You’d have been better to be unemployed – then you could take all the smoke breaks you wanted and not have that shite on your conscience.

    I see copies of the Kama Sutra at work (thrift shop) and wonder who would buy a used copy of that book. Don’t you wonder where it’s been? Anyway, who cares if an older couple gets a book on tantric sex? Good on ’em for still being so physically and emotionally connected after all these years! You know what are hotbeds (natch) of hot sexy action? Retirement homes! Think about THAT this afternoon!

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    1. Check this out…a money mart cheques cashed place opened on main street in Stouffville, right downtown. The downtown has been struggling with keeping businesses open, so let’s try a money mart? It stayed open for six months. I guess no one needs their cheques cashed in Stouffville…
      Meanwhile, barbers, tat parlours and nails spas survive!! …bedroom communities…lol

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      1. Weird how a tat parlour (a luxury expenditure in my opinion) does well but downtown is otherwise suffering! That probably means it’s a good shop and people will travel to use that artist. (Assumption)

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  2. Aw man … Bad grammar is off putting, huh? I always slap my head when I see “CD’s, LP’s and Tape’s” when I walk past a record store or I’m at a record fair. In fact, my favourite secondhand record store has those very signs. Urgh!

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