#1122: Debbie’s Records [VIDEO]

A video sequel to #725:  Mum’s Music

RECORD STORE TALES #1122: Debbie’s Records

Rediscovering music can be just as good, if not better, than discovering it in the first place.

I’m not sure why I segregated these records from my collection.  When we brought “Mum’s” music home with us after she passed, I stuffed these nine albums in my closet, without assimilating them into my proper collection.  I’m sure there were reasons, but today I welcome them with open arms.

Mum liked Canadian music, soundtracks, and the classics.  Not so much classical, but classics like…well, you’ll see.

I made this video instead of writing a story, because I wanted the camera to capture the emotions of seeing these records.  I went in unspoiled.  I didn’t look at the records in advance, because I did not want to spoil the surprise.  It has been years since I looked at or played any of these albums.  These not were the only albums of Mum’s that we kept.  Elsewhere, mixed into my collection properly, are the Beatles, Gordon Lightfoot, and The Buddy Holly Story.

Please enjoy this emotional look at Debbie’s Records.


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