Rock Daydream Nation: Rock Court: In defence of Vinnie Vincent Invasion

One of the “super-secret” tapings I was involved with is finally ready for your viewing pleasure!

In this courtroom drama, I played the role of the prosecution, with Peter Kerr as the defense.  Judging was the honourable Reed Little (The Contrarians), who had to choose whether or not he was going to buy Vinnie Vincent Invasion, based on our testimony.

I have not seen the final episode myself, but I look forward to watching how I did with a couple weeks distance!  This show was a lot of fun, and I’ll be back on Rock Daydream Nation again this fall, defending a band I love!  (Or at least, an era I love from a band I like!)


    1. Thanks John! I had a blast doing it. I can tell you a secret – next time I’m on Rock Court, I’m defending a band we both like a lot. Or at least, we like the glory years. A band from New Jersey.

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  1. Now you guys should do Nitro, who are even more ridiculous and the songs are even worse. Michael Angelo Batio is a much better player than Vinnie though. Vinnie does play really fast on the VVI album, but he’s sloppy as all hell. Batio is metronomically precise, but his songs suck so I guess it doesn’t matter. Jim Gillette blows ass. He’s got absolutely no power to his vocals.

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        1. They had a song called “Freight Train” which I assume is what you remember. Fuckin’ Jim Gillette was making fun of King Diamond for using falsetto on an Internet forum years ago. All his vocals are totally falsetto too, only with 1/1000th the balls of King Diamond. Not to mention their music sucks ass, and Mercyful Fate rules.

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