#1133: Mike and Aaron Return to Toronto – Today!

RECORD STORE TALES #1133: Mike and Aaron Return to Toronto – Today!

It has been a long, strange last few years, hasn’t it?

Aaron and I went record hunting in Toronto almost annually, for years, ever since 2012.  The goal was to buy music.  Lots, and lots of music.  Records, CDs, whatever.  We always did very well, and I began documenting everything for YouTube.  The video series has proven to be very popular.  But Aaron and I haven’t been to Toronto since 2018.  Why?

2018 was our annus horibilis.  Jen was sick.  Cancer.  She survived.  Her mother did not.  The only reason I went to Toronto with Aaron that summer was because “Mum” insisted.  “Go with your friend,” she told me.  Within six months of Jen beating cancer, we lost “Mum”.  I loved her mom.  I don’t say that lightly.  We were very close.  Because Jen is the kind of person who can sleep in until noon given the chance, her mom and I would patiently sit together, drinking coffee and watching old movies.  Our favourite topic to discuss was, of course, Jen!  Jen didn’t like this too much.  She hated when we talked about her!  God, I miss her mom.

2019 was the summer we spoiled ourselves, and I elected not to go to Toronto that year.  Jen and I celebrated our 11th anniversary, since we missed our 10th in a hospital waiting room.  In 2019 I got fat, grew my hair long, and spent as much time at the cottage as I could.  Since 2018 was the year without a summer, I vowed to take advantage of every minute from that moment on.

We all know was happened in 2020, which dragged on into 2021…

I became something of a hermit during this time.  Most of my friends would tell you they don’t see me often.  The one I’ve seen the most is Rob Daniels.  (Watch this space for a video!)  I haven’t seen Meat in over two years…Scott Peddle I saw last year…same with Max the Axe.  What friends have I seen?  Not many.  I’m an introvert by nature, and if the pandemic did any damage to me, it was to give me an excuse to burrow into my little hole and not come out.  And so I haven’t gone to Toronto with Aaron since then.  I did have lunch with him in Port Elgin last summer, but our record shopping excursions remained on hold.

It takes a lot of mental energy for me to force myself out the door and to be social, but Aaron really makes this easy.  He does all the driving.  He’s pleasant company.  So is his dad, Wayne, who also comes with us to Toronto.

So, today, Aaron and I return to Toronto with Wayne.  We’ll be hitting up BMV first in the morning.  Then Pauper’s Pub in the afternoon, followed by the finale at Sonic Boom.  I am not bringing a list.  I’m winging it.  I am waiting to be surprised and ready to be spontaneous.

Wish us luck.  Mike and Aaron are returning to Toronto!



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