REVIEW: Judas Priest – British Steel (30th Anniversary Edition, pt. 1)

Part one of two.  Today we’ll be looking at Judas Priest’s landmark album British Steel.  Tomorrow, the second and third discs of the 30th Anniversary Edition:  British Steel live!

JUDAS PRIEST – British Steel (30th Anniversary Edition, 2010 Sony)

Man, does this make me feel old. Back in my highschool days when I first got serious collecting music, British Steel was a must-have. It was considered the quintessential Priest platter, and even back then when it was only in the recent past, it still had all the makings of a classic. Then, on its 30th (!) anniversary in 2010, it was given the treatment it deserves, perhaps not the exact treatment we dreamed of, but it is certainly satisfying enough.

I’ve bought British Steel five times now. First was my original cassette back in highschool. Then I picked up a used vinyl, probably from a co-worker named Chris that was purging all his metal (for shame, but I got a lot of Priest from him). I bought the remastered CD (with bonus tracks) when it came out in 2001, then a 180 gram vinyl reissue a couple years ago. Let’s just say I’ll be really pissed off if Priest decide to do a 35th anniversary edition.

Disc one appears to be the same audio as the 2001 remaster. The credits are not clear, but that would be logical since the CD is identical down to the two included bonus tracks. These are a live version of “Grinder” from an unknown tour, and the completely unrelated “Red, White & Blue”. This song has no place on the album as it was written and recorded for the Turbo/Ram It Down sessions in the late 80’s. I’m not sure why it was retained for this 30th anniversary edition; it seems sloppy to leave it.

My original cassette edition of British Steel had a different track order. “Breaking the Law” commenced the set, so it is still shocking to me to hear British Steel open with “Rapid Fire”. Beginning with your heaviest guns can be a big gamble. “Rapid Fire” was borderline thrash metal, before that term had really been coined. The brutal lyrics are among Halford’s most enjoyable to listen to due to clever internal rhymes:

“Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
That’s always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Sifting the good from the bad it’s the age for the rage
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free.”

Unfortunately “Rapid Fire” also introduces the big problem with British Steel and every Judas Priest album for the next decade: The robotic combination of producer Tom Allom and new drummer Dave Holland (ex-Trapeze). Where Priest had enjoyed the lyrical swing from great drummers such as Simon Phillips and Les Binks, they had chosen Holland to usher in the 1980’s. Coming from a funk rock band such as Trapeze, I’m still not sure how Priest arrived at Holland. His style is certainly not to my taste. While he is known for some simple but tasty fills from time to time, as far as I’m concerned a drum machine could have done the same job.

The second track is the classic “Metal Gods”, complete with the banging of silverware on Ringo Starr’s kitchen countertops to simulate the marching of a robot army. On a track like this, Holland’s robotic rhythm works perfectly. “Breaking the Law”, made immortal by Beavis and Butthead, is a song every metal fan should know. Though heavy, it was simpler and more accessible than much of the music Priest had recorded before.

Some of Priest’s worst lyrics can be found on “Grinder”. It’s too bad because “Grinder” has a cool relentless beat. But I just can’t sing along to “Grinder, looking for meat. Grinder, wants you to eat.” On the other hand, I do love lines like, “Got no use for routine, I shiver at the thought. Open skies are my scene, this boy won’t get caught.”

“United” is a cool slow anthem, marked by Dave Holland’s echoey drums. I always considered it a brother song to “Take On All the World” from Killing Machine. It has a similar vibe and direction. On the original LP, it appropriately closed side one.

Side two was introduced by “You Don’t Have To Be Old To Be Wise”. You gotta love that title. This is a pretty standard hard rocker, catchy and strong. It also fits with the more accessible direction of British Steel in general. Following it is the ultimate Priest single “Living After Midnight”. I still enjoy this song. I enjoyed it when I was a kid, and it was the theme song for the WWF tag team, the Mightnight Rockers (later The Rockers: Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)! It’s one of those songs that everybody knows.

“The Rage” was estimated by bassist Ian Hill as one of only two bass intros he got to play. It’s a slow groove, angry musically and lyrically. The guitar solos absolutely complete this song as the classic that it is. From slow to fast, “Steeler” is next, the final song of the original nine. KK and Glen throw down some serious guitars on top of this scorcher. Lyrically, the title seems to be quite blunt as to what this song is about. Sounds like Priest are pissed off about being robbed, as so many bands were:

“Check for decoys, stay sharp edged,
Double crossers get your head,
Carpet baggers bluff and strike,
Kiss of Judas, spider like.”

What a statement to end an album like British Steel on, as it crashes to a close on one final power chord.

…Only to be followed by “Red, White & Blue” which sounds absolutely silly and out of place by comparison. I don’t think it would have been a good song if it were included on Turbo or Ram It Down where it belonged, and it’s definitely not a good song on British Steel. I don’t know how to describe it but to say it’s definitely of outtake quality.

Then from Long Beach, California comes “Grinder” live. This is probably from 1984, Defenders of the Faith tour. It’s interesting to compare the live versions on discs one and two, since it’s so many years later. There is no question Rob’s voice has changed, but that’s stating the obvious.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the live portion of this 30th anniversary set. Be sure to come back then, or better yet subscribe! As for British Steel?

4/5 stars

1. “Rapid Fire”
2. “Metal Gods”
3. “Breaking the Law”
4. “Grinder”
5. “United”
6. “You Don’t Have to Be Old to Be Wise”
7. “Living After Midnight”
8. “The Rage”
9. “Steeler”
2001 bonus tracks
10. “Red, White & Blue”
11. “Grinder”



  1. I like this album but it’s a tad overrated I feel. Some great tracks but there’s something about it that just doesn’t quite work for me. I’ve always assumed it’s the plodding Holland factor. He was much better in Trapeze! He fits in better on later albums but he wasn’t a great choice for Priest.


    1. I think it is the plodding Holland factor. If you took this same album, put Les Binks on drums and had anybody else produce it, whoah nelly. I bet it would have changed it completely.


      1. Exactly. And the worst of it is that it’s the fast songs that he ruins the most, the ones that should be the most exciting! The guy couldn’t play fast with any flair, he just sounded like a caveman.


        1. I don’t know if you’ve read any of Popoff’s books. This is the kind of thing he really rips Priest for — a decade of Holland and Allom. Though to be fair I don’t think Allom’s impact was as negative as Popoff thinks.

          Even Dave Mustaine referred to Holland as a “clown”. On the Painkiller tour when Megadeth opened for Priest, he said, “When had that last clown in there, I don’t know what they were thinking.”


        2. Hahaha good old Mustaine. Never at a loss for words. I’ve read some Popoff and listened to him rip into this album on podcasts.

          I don’t mind Allom’s production at all actually. It’s more a performance problem for me… although I guess the producer has to take some blame for that too.


        3. I think the production wasn’t the big issue. Though the relationship staled by Ram It Down, that record was nowhere close to where Priest needed to be.

          When Scott Travis came aboard Priest finally got the drummer they needed.


  2. I know they’re like crack cocaine for you but this is my problem with bonus tracks, they alter the shape of classic LPs. When I’m king my first pronouncement will be to ban record companies from adding them on the end of discs, they will have to put them on a separate disc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes exactly, I’m always on board with bonus tracks, but KEEP THEM ON A RELEVANT ALBUM! To put a song from the session for Priest’s LAST album of the 80’s on their FIRST album of the 80’s does not make any sense at all.


  3. Yeah the bonus track thing with Priest is a puzzle,you guys said it best!
    British Steel was my second Priest purchase (Unleashed In the Studio was my first)
    As like I have said before I was supposed to see Priest open for Kiss back in oct of 79 but Priest cancelled and a young no name John Cougar opened anyways…..
    Grade 8 and British Steel drops and the look of the cover and the live shots on the back,yeah I’m sold as a 13 yr old!
    But I agree with u guys about this whole Holland deal esp when the other big British band at the time had two drummers one named Clive Burr followed by Nicko Mcbrain who pushed the band and me and my buddies would always give the tip to Maiden in regards to the whole rhythm section of Maiden…I mean there is no competition there if u ask me……
    Any hoo this is a great record and I was sold on it right away and still am to a certain point.
    My fav songs are You Don’t Have To Be Old To Be Wise,Grinder( lyrics are dumb,but man that middle part like u mentioned Mike just sells it to me every time I hear it) & Rapid Fire.
    So yeah a pretty ripping record to enter the 80s but for me I liked the next studio one better…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Point of Entry? I don’t know if I like it better, but I did in the 80’s. Point of Entry is sassy for a Priest record. It’s kind of an odd duck.

      With the simpler rock songs on this album, it was no surprise that several tracks became hits!


      1. Well I liked the songs more,very underrated album/tour as no one ever talks about it for some reason but I was a sucker for simpler more straight ahead rock.
        Now having said Screaming is my all time fav Priest record…..


  4. I’ve heard this album referred to as the moment heavy metal broke away from the blues and became its own genre. Also the beginning of thrash metal.
    I think Scott Ian of Anthrax said that on VH1, but I don’t feel like searching YouTube for the quote. Nice review. The only Priest I have is a greatest hits, but I’ve been meaning to pick this one up. I’ll wait to see what you have to say about the live ones before I make any decisions.


    1. Well it’s up along with some great reader comments so let me know what you think!

      I think if anything, Priest invented thrash metal earlier on Sin After Sin — Dissident Aggressor, which Slayer covered.


  5. I want this one, and your review only makes that even more so! All I have here is their first two, and Screaming For Vengeance. Oh, and Turbo on vinyl. But I wanna get this. Yes yes yes! Not sure I need the fancy-pants version, but I always say that.


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