#525: Best Hats in Rock

GETTING MORE TALE #525: Best Hats in Rock

With all the head-banging going on, it’s no surprise that the majority of rockers do not wear hats on stage.  The flailing around in musical ecstasy means that hats don’t stay on top for long.  Also, with those hot stage lights beating down, nobody needs to preserve their body heat with a hat.

Yet some rockers have managed to make hats a trademark.  Let’s have a look at five of the best.*



5. Jeff Ament’s whatever hat

During the Ten period, Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament used to sport some cool, huge hats.  We have no idea what you call these hats, but there is no denying their 90’s cool-ness.  If I had long hair again, I’d want one of these hats.


4. Ritchie Blackmore’s pilgrim hat

Blackmore is well known for his anachronistic mixture of time periods.  Playing medieval music with electric guitars?  Sure, why not.  We don’t know why Blackmore wants to look like a passenger on the Mayflower, but it does not matter.  The hat has become iconic, though not as iconic as…


3. Lemmy Kilmister’s assortment of Motorhats

God bless Lemmy, for he had a fine collection of headgear, usually emblazoned with skulls, crossbones, and World War II symbology.  Lemmy may not have been a fashion icon, but he did own some pretty cool hats.


2. Brian Johnson’s newsboy hat

This one is near and dear to my heart.  Brian’s hat was to cover a receding hairline, but I had one just like it.  It was perfect for keeping a tangled mess of hair under cover.  Best of all, I could use it as a “hair mold”.  I would comb my hair in the morning, tuck it under the hat to “set” it, and an hour later it would come out looking perfect!


1. Slash’s top hat

At LeBrain HQ, we think Slash’s hat has become the most iconic rock and roll piece of headgear.  One look at that hat, and you automatically know who is underneath it.  The fact that Slash hid his face behind curtains of hair meant that fans had to recognize him in other ways.  That’s where the hat comes in!  Even if you wouldn’t recognize Slash’s face in a crowd, it’s a guarantee that you know his hat.


Honorable mentions:

Kim Mitchell’s OPP hat

Tom Morello’s assorted baseball hats

Mick Mars’ skull hat


What are your favourite hats in rock?


*Not including bandanas or hair pieces


  1. Couldn’t argue with Slash being your number 1 – he’s definitely who I thought of when I saw the title of the post. I’d also have Rick Nielsen and Michael Nesmith’s Monkees period hattage.

    For utterly ridiculous hattage you’d have to have Jamiroquai in there, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some of my personal favourites-
    Tony Martin’s cowboy hat of recent years
    Alice Cooper’s Elected top hat
    Noddy Holder’s “mirror” hat

    Liked by 1 person

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