VHS Archives #34: Iron Maiden FC vs Glass Tiger, MuchMusic & Music Express (1988)

“I had to mark the singer from a band called Glass Tiger who was quite useful. Sadly for him the pitch was in poor condition and after I chased him round for 45 minutes, he twisted his ankle and was stretchered off. I never touched him ref — honest!’ Stretchered off with ‘undisclosed injuries to his testicles’ was I believe the newspaper quotation that tells you all you need to know about the match.” — Bruce Dickinson*

This video clip of a football match between Iron Maiden FC and Toronto’s finest singers and media is surely a rarity.  It’s a shame that more wasn’t broadcast.  On a personal level, this match meant to lot to me.  My heroes (Iron Maiden) were facing off against my sister’s (Glass Tiger).  And of course Glass Tiger and Co. were pummelled.  I loved holding that over her head!

Look for Frew and MuchMusic alumni including Master T (Tony Young) and Kim Clark Champniss in this fun clip.

It must have been cool to be at this game.  I wonder what it was like?  Wait it a minute — why don’t I just ask a guy who was there?

“I was at that game. Covered it for the newspaper at U of T [that] I wrote for.  Keith Sharp (then of Music Express magazine, later my boss at ACCESS) was friendly with the band. As a kid he was a goalkeeper for the Manchester City youth squad, so he had some skills, and he’d organize a match with the Maidens, who were all soccer fiends, whenever they were in town.  Alan Frew (Glass Tiger) went down with a knee injury during the match… Others on the Music Express squad that I can recall were Mark Holmes (Platinum Blonde) and Maria Del Mar (National Velvet).  I even got some Maiden sideline quotes for my story… And it was the first time I met Keith.” — Jamie Morrison, friend and former journalist

Check it out below!


* Thanks Deke at Arena Rock for providing the Bruce quote!


  1. I know you’re not much of a sports guy, but I love the alternate video for Futureal which is just highlights of Maiden’s soccer matches

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