REVIEW: Europe – Last Look at Eden (2009)

EUROPE – Last Look at Eden (2009 Ear Music)

When it was released on September 9 2009, Joey Tempest and Ian Haughland were quoted talking about how this was the best album Europe had done in the reunion era. I personally don’t agree; I think Start From the Dark is the best. However that’s not a slight against Last Look at Eden, a regal very European platter of great songs.  From rockers, to ballads, to blues (like the closing epic “In My Time”), Last Look at Eden is a well-rounded Europe album.

You can tell what you’re in for right from the opening prelude: Grand arrangements, lush recording. The Europe of old, in the world of today. This goes straight into the title track, a sort of “Final Countdown” for the new era. Indeed, Last Look at Eden combines sounds from Europe’s past, brought sharply into the new millennium. A good example is “New Love in Town”, a great ballad that would go toe-to-toe with the lush landmark ballads this band did in the 80’s.  There’s even a hint of Zeppelin on “Mojito Girl”.  I hear a smidge of Marillion in “No Stone Unturned”.  Elsewhere you will find groove, such as on the driving “Gonna Get Ready”.  “The Beast” is unstoppable!  If it wasn’t for Joey Tempest’s voice and the thick tone of John Norum, you wouldn’t know it was Europe.  But it is, and has the kind of chorus that they do so well.

To me the weakest parts of this album were some of the lyrics, “Catch That Plane” being the worst. It’s not 1986 anymore guys.  “It’s getting hard, so very hard, I’m gonna need some attention.”  What on Earth could Joey be singing about?  “Catch that plane and get your ass, your pretty ass over here.”  Oh.

I also find the album cover to be a poor representation of the music inside.  It’s not bad, with the apple (“Eden”) and the ferrofluid spikes.  Everybody will have their own interpretation, but it just doesn’t do the music justice.

There are two bonus tracks on this edition, more on different editions. Here you get a live version of the old B-side track, “Yesterday’s News”, probably the best version of this song released yet. There is also a live version of “Wake Up Call” from Start From The Dark.

Pretty damn good.  Lots of killer, only a little filler.

4/5 stars


  1. You made a fatal error mentioning Marillion. Now everyone’s gonna bail on you again.

    I’m surprised “Catch that Plane” isn’t about 9/11.


      1. I like the country song where the guy wants to put a boot in someone else’s ass. Actually it’s a terrible fucking song, but the boot in the ass line should be the basis for an entire new country song about a cowboy that likes to put his boot up literal assholes. Those things must really smell at the end of the day.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. The Beast is a great track. It’s as you say a song that really doesn’t sound like Europe. They were smart when they came back. Forging a somewhat new vibe and not just making records that sounded like they were from 88.

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    1. A think a lot of it has to do with Norum’s natural guitar sound. Then again I don’t know what Kee sounds like these days but I think Norum must be heavier and greasier. I’m sure Jompa will tell us!


  3. This was the album that brought Europe back in to my life. I think a 4 is an accurate and solid score. It was nice hearing a modern and energized version of the band. And yeah, “Catch that Plane”…maybe a left over track from back in the day.


  4. They’re in the solid category for me since the reunion. Great live but after the albums have been out a while I forget about them. I liked Start From The Dark and War Of Kings more than this one. Agree that the version Yesterday’s News is awesome.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agreed! Except for when Joey was replaced by his satanic lookalike. (sorry inside joke. I sadly ran into those people who actually believe that when I posted a review for War of Kings. Then next came comments from someone who claims to be Joey’s wife, but is not. Bizarre doesn’t even begin to sum it up, but I had great traffic that month!)

      I’m a big fan of what John Norum brings to the table. And yes — good catch on that Kashmir. I hear it too.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay I went to your site, searched for War Of Kings and laughed my way through it all. The piece d resistance comment found on YT to Miranda;

        Are you the psycho b—- that wants everyone to think you’re married to Joey Tempest? Is this supposed to be Joey singing to you?”


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