Mike Fraser takes us inside the recording studio on an epic LeBrain Train

“What happened to the guitars? Well put them back the way they were!” – Jimmy Page

A huge, huge, huge thanks to Mike Fraser for hanging out on a Friday night!  Growing up a young rock fan in Canada, we heard legend of Little Mountain studios in Vancouver.  Tonight, Superdekes and I got to ask the questions we wanted to know for over 30 years.  And Mike delivered!

Krokus.  Loverboy.  Honeymoon Suite.  AC/DC.  Aerosmith.  Bryan Adams.  The Cult.  Coverdale-Page.  So much more!  We tackled some of our favourite albums and a few cult classics.  From the Stone Gods to Canadian folksters The Rankin Family, we tried to explore the slightly obscure corners of Mike’s discography.  And we had a blast!  We took a few viewer questions, and if Mike comes back to the show again in the future, then maybe we can ask him the rest.

As I often do, I started early with an unboxing.  Start the video from the beginning if you want to catch that.  If you’re only interested in Mike (couldn’t blame you) then skip to 0:08:00 of the stream.

Make sure you watch all the way to the end to catch the brand new music video by T-Bone Erickson:  “Balls of Steel”.  This song is a tribute to Superdekes, who hooked us up with Mike Fraser for this show.  Thank you Deke, and thank you T-Bone for this awesome premiere video!

Feedback has been saying that this was the best LeBrain Train yet.  Do you agree?


  1. Mike was a phenomenal guest. What a great chill guy who just went along for the ride on the Lebrain Train with us. I mean does it get any better about stories about Krokus and Hookers hanging around LMS?
    We are definitely bringing him back sooner than later.

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  2. You and Deke did a great show. That was by far the best show ever and I don’t mean that in slight against the prior guests as all have been awesome. Mike delivered on every front. And then to top it off with “Ball of Steel” by T-Bone, Wow!!! You guys out did yourselves tonight.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. You know it. Harrison wants to do a show on Favourite Actors. I said sure, we’ll get there eventually, gives us an excuse to talk to one of my favourites, Richard Dreyfuss.


  3. Fraser was way cooler than I thought he’d be. Not that I thought he’d be a jerk, but he was just so cool. One of the guys. Getting two hours of sleep a night at the studio, what a trooper!


  4. Mike Fraser had so many stories that had me at the edge of my seat! From Joe Perry and Steven Tyler being right behind him to working with Jimmy Page and Dave Coverdale. Again, I loved the Blue Murder story. I also respect him for being the type of guy that doesn’t say what happens in the studio unless it’s ok to do so. Great show Mike and thank you again Deke for having balls of steel!


  5. Finally got all the way through this EPIC video (in several sections over several days). HOLY SMOKES this was amazing. You guys did such a great job, the questions were awesome, the new T-Bone video slayed me (LOL), and Mr. Fraser is a truly, truly brilliant guest. I could’ve listened to him talk for hours and hours. He must have so many more stories, and so much knowledge about the process to share… incredible. Well done all, this is one for the history books, for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, thanks man!! Deke was completely stunned by that T-Bone video. He had no idea, and I loved it!

      Mike Fraser will be back. And next time hopefully we’ll get to ask some of the questions we didn’t get to the first time! What an awesome guy — totally down to earth. And generous with his time!


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