SUCCESS! Mike and Aaron Returned to Toronto!

A full documentary video is coming!  Aaron, Mike and Wayne returned to Toronto on June 15 2024, and there was much celebration and feasting.

I acquired:

  • 16 CDs
  • 1 CD/DVD box set
  • 6 vinyl
  • 1 cassette

Total expenditure over three stores:  approximately $255.

Stay tuned for the epic video report coming soon!



And yes…I bought a drone.


    1. The video will be awesome. 150 files or so ready to be edited. I think you will be shocked at some of the high prices though. Sonic Boom has clearly decided to price things according to Discogs highs.

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    1. OK so I don’t explain the sign in the video, so I will explain it here! Two weeks ago the Arkells were at Sonic Boom to release their new single Big Feelings (non-album track). It was a first come first serve deal, and of course I was not there two weeks ago and so I didn’t get one. It’s not on Discogs yet…maybe never be, because it’s so limited.

      Anyway I was please as punch that the Arkells window display was still up at Sonic Boom! It was really cool. I did get a picture of the big window, which is in the video.

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        1. I am hoping that eventually they will release that single on something else, but who knows? Max himself was in the YouTube chat when they premiered the new song, and he said it was “first come first serve” and wouldn’t let on if there are future release plans.

          The vinyl is one of those custom jobbies…like I did with the Grab A Stack record…so I doubt it sounds very good. I think they printed about 500 copies or so.

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