Part 174: Muscle of Love

RECORD STORE TALES Part 174:  Muscle of Love

I had forgotten completely about this.  It turns out that even before LeBrain was LeBrain, my old record store customers were calling me to pick my (le)brain about everything rock.  I found this in my journal:

Date: 2004/08/03 15:34

A dude just called me specifically to hear a “60 second review” of Alice Cooper’s Muscle Of Love record.  This is so awesome… I did a damn good 60 second review, too!

I wish I had recorded what I said for my 60 second review, but it probably would have went something like this:  “Great album, not as great as the previous four with the original band, but still pretty awesome.  Lots of lesser known classics on there, like ‘The Man With The Golden Gun’ and ‘Teenage Lament’.  A little more basic rock, a little less elaborate than Billion Dollar Babies or School’s Out, because this is the one that Ezrin didn’t produce.”  

Working at the record store was a near-intolerable daily grind, but something like this would have made it all worthwhile.  I’m glad I recorded it!


Part 175:  Muscle cars and flyers…


    1. It’s not complete but it’s proven to be a great source of memories. I was a pretty diligent writer but only a fraction of the stories are about music or the store, a lot of it is personal stories.


    1. And thanks WP for the related offerings! I don’t know how it selects these things, what does this have to do with the Voyager records? They’re both records? I dunno!

      This is an underrated album. I still play it frequently! Haven’t reviewed it yet though.

      Liked by 1 person

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