GALLERY: Rush and The Tragically Hip 2013 postage stamps

Rush and The Tragically Hip 2013 postage stamps – Canadian Recording Artists series

Package of 10, $6.30.

I went down to the post office to pick up my latest CD treasure from Discogs, when I noticed these beauties:  the new 2013 Rush, and Tragically Hip postage stamps!  Had to have ’em.  The budget didn’t allow for the Guess Who set (apparently their best seller).  I’ve never heard of Beau Dommage, but apparently they are “considered the Beatles of Quebec and French music” (Canada Newswire).

I love the little details.  The “Stereo 1” on the Hip package.  The “Side A” and Anthem Records serial number on the Rush.  It’s the little things like these touches that make these stamps fun to keep in package, safe in my collection!

For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy these cool postage stamps.  I’ll try to pick up The Guess Who next week.

5/5 stars!


    1. I’m good with it! I laughed. Of course I haven’t had a coffee yet either.

      I’m sure there are Rush fans internationally who will love to get their hands on a set.


  1. I wish the US post office did something like this. We only get Elvis, Bette Davis and Bonsai trees. I’d love some Rush stamps.


    1. Nothing again Elvis at all, but…there’s already soooo much Elvis merch out there. I’m sure I could find an Elvis toilet brush if I tried hard enough.

      Bonsai trees? Really? Aren’t they native to Japan?


        1. Awwww! Cool man! That rawks!

          Are you keeping yours? Using them? Did the post office comment on what is selling best in your neck of the woods?


        2. No problem, figured you’d dig it and since i was standing right there, it was a natch.

          The lady at the counter didn’t really seem to care, didn’t say much as I asked for them. She did say (when I asked) that they didn’t have books of 10 of the Beau Dommage. All they had for them was as part of a little circular cut-out, containing one stamp each of all four bands.


        3. Interesting, I didn’t see the circular cut out one. Then again I was very focused on the parcel that I was picking up last night, a treasure to be sure, by a band who just released a new album…


  2. Also – Canada Post did release stamps of Canadian artists a few years ago. They were sets of four with four different artists. Those artists were: Bryan Adams, Anne Murray, Gordon Lightfoot……and I can’t remember who the fourth was. Maybe Leonard Cohen? I unfortunately didn’t buy these when they were available.


    1. All very interesting selections! The one I would be most interested in would be Gordon Lightfoot. I think these new sets look way better than those. Bryan Adams is cool. I think the Rush one is the best of them so it’s interesting internationally.


    1. Sure. If Mike doesn’t get to it first, I’ll mail you some. No idea if they’ll sell out or what, so good to act quickly. They were about $7 CDN for each set of 10. Shoot me an email with an address and paypal or whatever to a stewart at g mail dot com. Lemme know how many and which ones. I can hook you up.


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