Part 232: Amanda

RECORD STORE TALES Part 232:  Amanda

Although by this time, 2004, I had become a jaded prick in the relationship game, I decided to give dating another shot.  I met this girl from Cambridge named Amanda, nice girl, nothing wrong with her.  It was quickly obvious however that it wasn’t working out.  She liked Trailer Park Boys and had her own car which was a bonus.  She just didn’t get my passion for the rock.

Back at that time I was already working on the Record Store Tales.  In the original sequence of events, I was actually writing what was then supposed to be Part 13:  Perspective.  Most of the original Record Store Tales were excised, but the original Part 13 would have fit in between what became today’s Part 4 and Part 5.  As I was home writing Part 13, Amanda was on MSN, wanting to chat.  Even though my record store bosses regularly accused me of abusing MSN Messenger at work, I have never like it.  I’m an email guy. I always found it annoying.

AMANDAI told Amanda I was deep in a creative mode and I wanted to finish writing this chapter.  She waited about 10 or 15 minutes before pestering.  She was bored, but I was in the midst of what seemed like a multitude of musical and personal revelations.  It was just one sign that she didn’t really get what I was about.

That weekend it snowed.  I was working the Saturday, and after work she picked me up to go and get something to eat.  I had just read an article about Yusef Islam, the former Cat Stevens, and how he was on a no-fly list in a world of post-911 paranoia.  Two subjects I’m passionate about are music and politics.  While I leave politics aside for LeBrain’s Blog, I do like to discuss issues in private.  Making conversation, I asked her if she’d heard this story about Cat Stevens.  She was irritable about having to drive in the snow, and didn’t answer.  I quietly asked again, trying to thaw the personal ice a bit.

“Did you hear that story, about Cat Stevens?” I prodded.

“Actually, I don’t care,” she answered.

We went out to eat, but those words just ate away at me.  She didn’t care.  And music is the most important thing in my life.  Who was I trying to fool?  This wasn’t going to work out.

The next time we spoke, we agreed to part ways.  She was pretty upset.

Looking back, the funny thing to me is the day when I was all wrapped up in the writing of the original Part 13.  For all my bluster about being a “writer” and “an artist” working on “my story”, and pouring all my soul into it, Part 13 didn’t even make the cut in the end!  Crappy writing is crappy writing and some would say I haven’t improved much since!


  1. When the other half does not care about the ROCK…….be gone!
    U know Mike with u posting that picture of Boston’s Amanda it brings back a flashback for me in high school. I believe Boston released the Third Stage album a few months before Xmas 86. I mean I was 18 at the time and rock/metal was in our blood and me and my buds dug the first few Boston albums good solid rock/melody etc Well when Third Stage was released I can’t mean to tell u how many conversations we had for a few months in our high school cafeteria about what the f** k all of us just bought. With 86 u had releases from just about everybody as u would know..Halen,Roth,Priest being the biggies and even though we discussed Priests Turbo at great lenght(direction change) it doesn’t compare to the Boston chatter!
    We just couldn’t believe that Scholz would start off aBoston album with a ballad!???
    Who’s call was that..sure there may be a few good tunes but like one guy said ….
    It’s good to know I payed $10.99 for a album cover!


    1. And didn’t he spend 6 years making 3rd stage? I remember reading the liner notes, and he’s talking about studios being built, technical problems lasting years…man I can’t even imagine. And 1994 for the fourth album?

      I have no idea if they are even still any good.


      1. Yeah I bought the 94 and it collected dust pretty quick! Man Schlolz just lost all whatever momentum that was built up for any kind of Boston album….
        Believe it or not they started a tour here in Tbay about 5 yrs ago..Kim Mitchell opened and so was Eddie Money but in true Tbay fashion it poured so much rain they almost cancelled the show(outdoors) so basically Kim Mitchell played a shortened set and Eddie Money got shit faced at the hotel and never showed or was paid off (depending on the story)and Boston featuring Micheal Sweet were quite good I mean they played the hits and Scholz had that guitar sound live. I think there’s a few youtube clips of them playing here in Tbay ….


        1. Michael Sweet’s a kick-ass singing (still) and his band’s version of “Peace of Mind” is just awesome. Totally awesome. Full respect for having Sweet come in to sing.

          I recall there was a fifth album with an ACOUSTIC guitar on the cover and a female lead vocalist…


  2. For over a year, I dated a girl who tolerated some of my tastes, but clearly preferred (and probably still does) new country. The really blatant stuff, CMT, all that. We agreed just to not talk about music… and, as you can well imagine, it still didn’t last. And look how it turned out for me! See? It was probably confusing and hurtful at the time, but look where you are now – right where you oughta be. It’s all good, man!


    1. It’s ALL good. The last 8 years of my life have been incredible. In all truth, despite the deaths in the family and everything else, the last 8 years have been the best, thanks to Mrs. LeBrain.


  3. My wife is mostly into dance music but she’s also into 70’s glam rock, especially The Sweet. She’s also into Thin Lizzy so we have some common ground here and that’s been key to our 8 years of marriage.


    1. My lovely wife (of ten years, just this month) likes most of what I listen to, although she won’t go so far as Slayer for more than a song or two. But she’s the one that introduced me to the wonders of Tom Waits, so she’s definitely fine as hell! :)


        1. Thanks! Actually the wording there was weird, it was on Sep 21st. 10 years married, together 15.

          And further to the story, she has some things I don’t tolerate for long – Neil Diamond, Tom Jones. I get it, but I also don’t. ;) So I like to think it evens out if she leaves the room for Slipknot.


      1. My lovely wife also dislikes Rush – it’s all because of Geddy’s voice. She acknowledges the incredible musicality and prowess of them as players. She even admits it’s distinctive but she just can’t stand his voice.

        Andhere’s me with 9 more Rush albums courtesy of you know who. Bwa hahahaaaa!


        1. Exactly, yup. Though my lovely wife won’t usualy say “I’m outta here!” She’s more likely to just leave the room quietly if it appears I’m digging deep into an album and this won’t just be a track or two. I’ll look up from the liner notes and realize she’s no longer there. Poor gir, oh how she suffers. :) I’m good to her though, I have HEADPHONES!


    1. The first thing that came to my mind when I wrote that last paragraph was Jack. I knew I had to drop that scene in there. Perhaps that’s how I was on that day that I was writing Part 13!


  4. My first boyfriend in University was a big Floyd fan (and Chris DeBerg of all people). I was obsessed with Rush and Led Zeppelin, which he found too masculine for a chick to be into progressive and classic rock..(??).that relationship didn’t last. When I first met my husband, he was impressed with my knowledge of music. He’s into AC/DC and everything rock. He is also a blues fan (me too, but not like him). Music has always been in my life – it feeds my soul. I can’t imagine anyone I’m interested in say to me, “Whatever, I don’t care,” How hurtful!


    1. On the topic of the blues, I was just turned onto a band called Too Slim and the Taildraggers. I bought this album called Blue Heart, it’s like dirty down south ZZ Top blues. Need to review it. I recommend these guys.

      Music is critical to a good relationship, I think! I have musical grievances with many ex’s. I was subjected to Dance Mix 95 multiple times. (That same girl once told me, “Iron Maiden? You know they will never be cool again, right?” A) like it would matter, and B) wrong!


      1. My husband bought us tix to see ZZ Top in November at Casino Rama. He called me up while I was in appointments and on voicemail said he is going to buy tix to ZZ Top, and I can’t stop him. Yeah, like I’d stop him!!
        Pfft Dance Mix ’95…Remember Big Shiny Tunes 2? Still got my copy!


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