#555.5: A Short Visit to Sonic Boom

GETTING MORE TALE #555.5: A Short Visit to Sonic Boom

Yesterday I took Mrs. LeBrain to Toronto to see a neurosurgeon.  It was a great meeting; very positive, but we will get more into that in a future tale.   (Look for an upcoming Getting More Tale story called “Seize the Day” if you want to know more.)   After the meeting with the doctor, she had some tests.  I didn’t need to be around for the those, so with a couple hours to kill, I went down to Sonic Boom on Spadina.  I was accompanied by Mrs. LeBrain’s Mom, who insisted we cab to the store.  It was a rainy miserable day outside.  Wet, cold, windy and unpleasant.  The cab ride wasn’t unwelcome.

I’m glad I shaved my beard down to a goatee the other day, because almost every dude in that store looked the same.  Bearded hipsters buying vinyl, left right and center, lookalikes all!  I tuned out the background noise and focused on the cool.  Upstairs they had two colouring books I almost considered getting.  Do you know anyone who is a huge fan of either James Franco or Benedict Cumberbatch?  If so, I am happy to report that Sonic Boom had colouring books of both.  (They also had Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation.)  I spied the new Mastodon among the new releases, but headed downstairs where the real treasures usually lay.

Although I put in a Herculean effort, there was little to be found.  Maybe I have too many CDs, because everywhere I flipped it seemed to be “got it, got it, got it, got it…”  Aaron asked me to look for Danny Michel and a few other titles.  Nothing to be found.  I was struck by how just about everything seems to be reissued on vinyl today.  The Spice Girls’ first album, Spice.  I fail to comprehend.  It doesn’t compute.  I considered buying some Kiss reissues, but I didn’t really want to come home with something I already owned.

With some persistence I did liberate three titles:

  1. The Sword – High Country (CD, used, $9.99)
  2. Queen – The Game (2 CD remaster, used, $9.99)
  3. Rush – Agora Ballroom, Cleveland Ohio, May 1975 (vinyl, new, $32.99)

The Queen set was in the recent arrivals, and that is a nice score.  I’m nowhere near complete with my Queen remasters, but when I can pick them off one by one, used?  That’s the best way.  The Rush on the other hand is something of a chance I’m taking.  This is a radio broadcast vinyl, and I’ve never bought one of those before.  They had several available.  I don’t have anything live from Rush in 1975, so that was the key factor.  Also a non-album track:  “Bad Boy”, a Larry Williams cover.  180 gram coloured vinyl to boot.  Should be good times.

Not a knockout shopping excursion, but not a waste of time either.  We walked back to the hospital (although Mrs. LeBrain’s Mom would have preferred a cab) and got soaked, but it’s good to stretch the legs when it’s a long day of driving and sitting.  Besides, we enjoyed looking at the Toronto scenery.  The fruit and vegetable markets smelled great.  They even had bonsai trees.

Back in the hospital waiting room, I was able to do a little research for my Kiss Re-Review series in progress.  Guess which album I have to write up next.

I don’t want to use the word “disappointing” for this Sonic Boom trip, because I am very pleased with my new albums.  I told Uncle Meat I wanted some more The Sword, and Sonic Boom delivered.  I’m more surprised than disappointed that I was only able to scrounge up three finds this time.  Every visit is different, and I’m sure that next time I return (either in the fall with Aaron, or sooner for more tests) it will be another story.  Sonic Boom is still an absolute must for any music fan visiting Toronto.  Don’t miss out, and be sure to check out the new arrival bins.  They are often the key to many great finds.

As always Sonic Boom gets 5/5 stars.  And so does Mrs. LeBrain for being a tough-as-nails trooper.



  1. Mrs. Lebrain and Mrs. Lebrain’s mom get 5/5. I have The Sword and Queen. Both great as expected. I looked at that Rush a few times and almost pulled the trigger. I hope it is awesome, and a review would be sweet.

    As for me, the Sonic Boom treasures are upstairs in the new arrivals used vinyl section. I often lose time there.
    Once I went out to a parking ticket. :(

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bop, I know that Rush would be high on the request list. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to get it prioritized.

      A parking ticket, no way!!

      We had one parking snafu, which was the hospital no longer had underground parking! I pulled in and the sign now says STAFF PARKING ONLY, so I had to back up on Spadina, no fun, but there was parking only one block away so no big deal once we drove around once. There were even spots available.


  2. Any trip that results in Queen & Rush finds can’t be considered a complete disappointment!
    Glad to hear the meeting with the neurosurgeon went well – I’ll join Jen in cheering for the Leafs tonight when they face the Wings!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks like some great finds! I remember going to that Sonic Boom location back when I lived in Toronto. Great place and it’s hard to find record stores as cool as Sonic Boom. Brings back good memories. Sadly I was on a broke student budget so I couldn’t buy much then.

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  4. I’m so glad the meeting went well! Wahoo! You go, Mrs. Lebrain!

    I approve of all three of your finds. So niiiice!

    I’ve never had a trip to Sonic Boom where only three items caught my attention. Never! Of course, I am faaaaar less picky than you, and can always find tons. Last time I even snagged about 20 discs from the $0.99 bin and I’m sure no one else would have!

    Thanks for looking for Danny Michel for me. I am very surprised they had none (!) of his stuff on hand. That’s disappointing, ‘cos he’s awesome. But like you say, next time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not a big fan of buying CDs just because they’re cheap…I’m at a stage now where the space is more important than the money. And the time, too. I have stuff from Toronto 2015 that’s still unheard. So it’s a balance. I try to stick to things I really want to own.


      1. Man I’m the exact opposite. I buy discs on spec all the time. I get CDs for $1.50 where I work. I get to hear sooo much music for cheap, it’s awesome. Every now and then I do a cull and some go out. I’m actually due for another cull.

        I can’t believe you still have stuff from two trips ago you haven’t heard! You gotta rock that shit! Gah! :)


  5. Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to check the store out if I ever make it to Toronto. Good the hear your MIssus is fine. These days it seems I do my record hunting online. Sure do miss the old days. Oh well…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Looks like some nice finds. I quite fancy that The Sword album, too.

    Glad the neurosurgeon meeting was positive. That’s great news. Good vibes to the LeBrains!

    Liked by 1 person

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