The Show Must Go On! Favourite Concert Memories on the Friday LeBrain Train

Dave Lizmi was a no-show, but that can’t stop the LeBrain Train from rolling.

We’re good at improvising, so tonight’s show was a discussion of favourite concert memories and rock star encounters.  Encounters such as:  Rush, Kim Mitchell, Cyndi Lauper and more.  Have you heard the story of Lauper asking T-Rev for directions in Sarnia?  Or Uncle Meat blowing pot smoke in Geddy Lee’s face?  You will after watching this!

Thank you T-Rev for your understanding, and thanks to Uncle Meat for pinch-hitting at the last minute.  Apologies to you for the change of plan.  I talked to Dave a few days ago, and he was good to go.  I don’t know what happened.  But we rocked it anyway!

Also — a couple of minor announcements were made, although as we’ve seen, anything can change.  Let us know what you think.



    1. Yeah Eric basically gave his notice last night to Max the Axe. He’s not into singing anymore and is…well, I guess he’s gotta talk to Max still. But it sounds like Max will be looking for a singer.

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        1. Don’t give him any ideas!!

          T-Rev and I both tried to talk him out of it…between you and me I think he will change his mind at some point in the future. I hope so anyway. Harrison was crushed!

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        2. The segment was towards the end if you wanna hear it from the man himself. He has his reasons, but simply – he ain’t feeling it.

          The other announcement is the one I told you about, regarding a tentative end date for the weekly show.

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        3. That announcement I knew and although sad, I know it is really over, just not as frequent. I tried to get one last guest, but it isn’t panning out. I went big with Tommy Thayer!! I haven’t heard back…oh well. Didn’t really expect it, but at least I tried.

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        4. Deke and I have a big one we are going to ask. We might have a shot because it’s through the agency that we have worked with previously. This band has a big box set coming that they are promoting so we are hoping to talk to their singer. We shall see.

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    1. Semi. I’ve been doing it every single week for 16 months and I’d like a break from the routine. But we have some cool stuff still to come. Who knows. They are talking 4th wave in the fall.


      1. It’s been a good streak. Cannot even start to realize how many hours u have spent with getting the show to us. Thank U!

        Fall is not looking so good with schools starting and Delta around. Over here they are saying that is not so bad anymore since only a few are being hospitalized. Looks like they are overlooking long covid.

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        1. A friend of mine who has been on the show two or three times has long Covid. Got it back in March 2020. I pledge to be here every week as long as Covid makes our lives a nightmare. I will do my best to stick to that pledge. Even if I can’t do a big show with lists and guests I’d still like to go live every week as long as necessary.


  1. Hey good on you for adapting and making the best of it! Concert stories are awesome. I haven’t watched it yet but I got the announcements from the comments. I can understand both, and just say to you and to Meat: you do you. It’ll be what it will be. And I’m with John, I’ll want the new EP when it drops! I’ll need deets!

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  2. Shoot I forgot about Meat blowing smoke into Geddy Lee’s face and T-rev giving Cyndi Lauper directions, those were great stories too. I’m glad you were able to get Meat at the last minute and that you three put on a great show together.


      1. Yup. Retrospective was out in 1997. The Toronto date for Test For Echo was July 2, 1997. They played the 2112 songs that day.
        The first time my girlfriend (now wife) and I saw Rush together. Plus you were there too. Who knows? Maybe right near us.
        Fun times.

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  3. You should do some googling. A lot of people mentioned they ordered albums from him and never received.

    Fortunately I still like the music. No issue removing the association with my guest. The tunes rock.


    1. I have, and still do buy albums from artists who may not be great people in real life.
      I have no problem separating the musical artist/band from the human being.

      History has proven that most of our heroes did bad stuff. Take teenage groupie exploits as just one example. I’d have to toss most of my collection if I thought about it too much.

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        1. No I’m just saying… have a read.

          A lot of what I read are complaints that I have.

          Ignoring messages but being active posting pictures etc at the same time. Dogs, guitar pedals, gear.


  4. Well here’s the background. He messaged me the night before that his dad was sick and he could not back the show. The following Saturday, right before showtime, he called. He said he’d still love to do it but he was drunk. I said “well I have two guests booked, you could join us if you like.”

    So he did, but he was very drunk and smoking something with a blowtorch.

    The other guys had fun, but I did not. I was trying to keep everyone engaged and the show on topic but I did not enjoy it. It was the least enjoyable show since we did Super Heroes a year earlier with a guy who refused to show his face and I had to do it over the phone. Not good times.


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