Sunday Screening: Interview No-Shows: Mean Gene Okerlund edition

Having recently joined the “interview no-show” club, let’s have a look at some other no-show related interviews. Things go off the rails when Mean Gene has to interview a missing Captain Lou Albano. He also has to confront Kamala the Ugandan Headhunter about some interviews he missed up in St. Louis.  Have a look at the WWF when things go off the rails!



    1. I had so, so, so many good childhood Saturday afternoons watching Mean Gene on the WWF. We used to get minimum five hours of WWF on weekends.

      2 hours Saturday afternoon. 1 hour of Maple Leafs Gardens on Saturday night at 7:00 PM — the best hour of the weekend. And then 2 more hours Sunday. Once a month, you’d get Saturday Night Main Event too, which was where all the big storylines launched.


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