#927: Red Sun, Red Meat, Ready to Rock

RECORD STORE TALES #927: Red Sun, Red Meat, Ready to Rock

When the city traffic finally abated and we were on our way, only then did we begin to enjoy the music.

We had an historic soundtrack for both the trips to and from the lake.  On Thursday night for the drive up we enjoyed:

2021’s musical selections are strong.  Lee Aaron proved she has the album necessary for a good-time summer, and Polychuck played well in the car.  ZZ Top was obviously spun in tribute to the late great Dusty Hill.  When Afterburner concluded, we played “I Got the Six”, and “Sharp Dressed Man”.

On the Sunday drive home, Jen slept while I got nostalgic for the year 1989 with:

  • Aerosmith – Pump
  • Motley Crue – Dr. Feelgood

My feelings this time out were that Dr. Feelgood is tremendously overrated while Pump is not.  Pump is solid and probably the last time Aerosmith nailed it front to back.

On the front deck this weekend, I spun a lot of music.  Most notably Guns N’ Roses’ new song “Absurd” about six times in a row.  I also listened to a new album by group out of Halifax called War & Sin that you will be hearing about.  The album is called The War Within and it hits all the bases, like good heavy metal with diverse influences.  The singer reminds me of Blaze Bayley, but in a good way.  You can check out the album on iTunes.

I had a couple good fires this weekend, and the soundtrack of Kiss went well in that setting.  A cottage weekend without Kiss just isn’t right for my soul.  This weekend I chose Dressed to Kill and Destroyer.  I brought the laptop over to the fireplace and let Kiss do the rest.

It was a solid three day weekend anchored by music, fire, food and swimming.  On Saturday I believe I went for five swims total.  The last was a sunset swim and we got some pretty cool video footage that you can now enjoy with me.


  1. Heavily approve of Afterburner, and I had to lightly smile at the clarification that being reminded of Blaze was a good thing. And the similarities with him don’t end there. The War Within’s title is very close to the title of Blaze’s last album, War Within Me.

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  2. I love that you listened to music driving in the car to and from the lake, as I’m trying to make more time listening to my CDs. Glad you had a lovely weekend listening to music that makes you happy!


        1. We’re going to speak to the guy renting the place about the problems. He also has been telling his renters it’s a “private” beach. We realized this when one came up to my mom and asked if she’s “allowed” to be there.


        2. I’m sick of the renters taking over the area. They bring four trucks and then don’t have room to park them. Neighbors are starting to rope off their driveways so renters don’t use them for truck parking. One of them wanted to bring a big boat trailer… fortunately they couldn’t find a place to park it.


        3. Give Em Enough Rope.

          It’s getting to be that you need someone watching the neighborhood every day so you don’t get people parking everywhere and taking over.


        4. At minimum. Man, this is our every summer, even here in town. People from elsewhere just blowing in, using the place like a public toilet, and then leaving. It’ll be over in a couple of weeks, when school starts up, but that doesn’t help you all summer.

          Is there a town council that can be approached? Some kind of neighbourhood committee?


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