Nils Molin

REVIEW: Dynazty – Renatus (2014)

Thanks to Jompa Wilmenius for sending us this CD!

scan_20161218DYNAZTY – Renatus (2014 Spinefarm)

Renatus means “rebirth”, but this is the first Dynazty album to have made its way over to LeBrain HQ.  Being our first exposure to the band from Stockholm, what will their rebirth sound like?  Power metal, heavy on the syncopated beats, accented by keyboards and melody.  Like Savatage cranked up to about 15 without any restraint.  The stuttering bass drum can be tiring after a while, as can the bipping and bopping keyboard accents.  The vocalising and guitar solo breaks are absolutely highlights, bringing their sound back from the edge of overkill.

From “Cross the Line” over to “Starlight”, the speed does not let up.  It’s as if you took the fastest songs by Ronnie James Dio, injected them full of caffeine and watched them go.  (Throw in some early Queensryche, too.)  “Dawn of Your Creation” departs slightly from this trajectory but not without a purely-Yngwie lead guitar solo.  “The Northern End” is the first break in the storm, allowing the song to slow down enough for its power to impact.  This defiant anthem is an album highlight.  “Incarnation” too is a little different, bringing back the Savatage on steroids vibe.

There’s a natural spot for a side break right at “Run Amok” which restarts the engines going full speed.  “Unholy Deterrent” might be the most aggressive of the tunes, like the front of the battle lines, stampeding everything in its way and rendering the land burned and scorched behind.  Then, if there is music that backs up an army of Orcs marching out of Mordor, it should be “Sunrise in Hell”.  The lines have formed and the charges are about to begin, and the beats continue to thunder below.  “Salvation” provides the silver lining, a triumphant power rock tune.  Closing on an ominously heavy note, “A Divine Comedy” completes the album without once letting up on the metal assault.

The album sounds technically flawless to the point of sterility, except when it comes to the vocals which have all the edge.  Not a bad album or even a bad sound, just too close to the edge of parody.  There is a very fine line between clever and stupid.  Fortunately Renatus never falls over the edge.  Within its powerful tracks you will find several favourites.  Best of all the album never overstays its welcome.  This is a point more bands need to pay attention to.  Less is often more, especially when you’re as relentlessly heavy as Renatus.

3.5/5 stars


Nils Molin – lead vocals
Rob Love Magnusson – lead guitar
George Egg – drums
Mikael Lavér – lead guitar
Jonathan Olsson – bass