Scary Carrie

Part 193: Dandy Douche 3 – Scary Carrie

Dandy 2

RECORD STORE TALES Part 193:  Dandy Douche 3 – Scary Carrie

Dandy Douche had two girlfriends simultaneously.  The one he really liked was a long distance thing in Toronto, and he had a local one too.  She worked at the mall at a music store there.  Both knew of the other, and supposedly accepted the situation.  He was really mean to the local one too, and dubbed her “Scary Carrie”, because she was clingy and did “annoying” things like make him lunch to bring to work.

Dandy moaned about Scary Carrie a lot. One afternoon at work, while he was complaining about Scary Carrie, this father came in with a little kid.  He was a boy about 3.  The little boy heard Dandy talking about “Scary Carrie” and started running around the store chanting “Scary Carrie!  Scary Carrie!”  Except he couldn’t say his “R’s” and it came came out as “Scawwie Cawwie!  Scawwie Cawwie!”

It was pretty hilarious at the time.

Whether Scary Carrie was as frightening as this dinosaur remains unknown.

I mean, this dinosaur is so scary, he took the dude’s gun away and the dude took off. That’s scary.