Sunday Chuckle: Keurig Katastrophe

I poached this one from the social media of world famous bass clarinetist Kathryn Ladano.  She blamed this mess on her Concerto for Bass Clarinet and Industrial Orchestra.  [That show was April 14 cancelled due to an ice storm.]

This just proves even world class musicians are human beings…who need coffee to function!



  1. I’ve been there – the forgetful coffee prep that is, rather than the world-class musicianship!
    Hope you and Jen are staying dry today, it’s looking messy on the roads in Kingston this morning

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    1. Well Geoff, I did need to get out of the house. We stayed in all Saturday and it was a bit stir crazy. We could out this morning and it was OK. Miserable outside, but a good day for wandering the mall and buying some new music.

      GO PENS and LEAFS!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I bought one of those damned things for my lovely wife, thinking it’d make her life easier in the morning. Even with the cup underneath in the proper spot, the damned thing leaked all over every time we used it. Yes, we checked it over, we were using it properly. So we returned it. The new one leaked too. All done with those.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh there will still be a stop at Moonbean. My lovely wife LOVES when I bring some of their beans home. And I might get some for others too… you know how I roll. :)


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