Gallery: Cheap Trick, Kitchener Ontario, 6/10/2019

Dr. Kathryn saw Cheap Trick at the Centre in the Square and has returned with photographic proof.


“Cheap Trick were great! They played for about an hour and a half straight with no encore. It was a good mix of old songs and new. There were a bunch in the middle I didn’t know. Robin Zander can still sing pretty well, but his shortcomings were very obvious when he started to sing ‘The Flame’ with just himself on guitar. When he has all the other players behind him, his voice sounds much better and you can’t hear where he’s lacking. There was an extra guitar player (Robin Zander’s son Robin Taylor Zander) in the back and Tom Petersson played a twelve string bass. Rick Nielsen threw picks into the audience and I caught three!  Looking back, I didn’t get any close ups of Robin Zander! He was right in front of me plenty.”


  • Hello There
  • Way of the World
  • Oh, Candy
  • Big Eyes
  • California Man (The Move cover)
  • On Top of the World
  • Stiff Competition
  • Downed
  • Ain’t That a Shame (Fats Domino cover)
  • High Roller
  • Lookin’ Out for Number One
  • Stop This Game
  • I’m Waiting for the Man (The Velvet Underground cover)
  • The Flame
  • I Want You to Want Me
  • Dream Police
  • Surrender
  • Clock Strikes Ten
  • Goodnight Now


    1. The Move cover is on their album Heaven Tonight. It’s their most acclaimed, but my least favorite of the classic first four studio releases by a long shot actually. My favorite are the first two, even if they are opposites. Their debut is rough and raw, and kicks some rockin’ butt in a furious but melodic punkish way with a sardonic sense of humor, and In Color is a polished power pop masterpiece. I own every album from their debut until One on One, and I came back on board for the decent Woke Up With a Monster and the astounding 1997 creative comeback second self titled effort.

      I own every song on this setlist on their respective albums aside from the Velvet Underground cover and “The Flame”. Never liked their mid to late ’80s direction, but they were invincible in the ’70s. Pretty cool they played some of those early ’80s tunes like “Stop This Game” and “Looking Out for Number 1”. Fun fact, “Stop This Game” and its parent album All Shook Up were produced by none other than Sir George Martin himself.

      Harrison, check out their 1977 debut and In Color. Also, At Budokan is an all time classic live album. Fair warning, the original CD pressing is different than the vinyl because they used the wrong tapes. So the original At Budokan CD has some of the songs undoctored. I prefer the original vinyl release, but it’s pretty funny to hear Robin Sander butcher the leads on the Fats Domino cover on the CD without overdubs presumably done by Rick Nielsen.

      As you may have gathered, I’m sort of a fan. Glad Dr. K. Ladano was able to attend. I saw them a few years back, and the setlist wasn’t quite as adventurous. Wish Bun E. Carlos was still with them. He was a force behind that kit.

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      1. I’ve heard good things about the Budokan record, but the only Cheap Trick song I know is Dream Police, which I do like, so I may check out the live record. I like live albums.


      2. Great stuff Holen. I don’t know what the full story is behind Bun E. I wonder if they just had a falling out. Or if it was over money? I don’t know. I wish they’d get the full original lineup back.

        My sister mentioned she liked Next Position Please best. It’s a great album. She had it on an old cassette I found at Dr. Disc and gave to her for Christmas. Two bonus tracks on the cassette!


      1. if u would really like the pick I can mail it to you. I must have thousands (if not hundreds in reality) of picks and drumsticks from whomever. Coolest are the ones with text on them so u know who’s picks they are. The most treasured to me for some reason is the drumstick I got from Mick Fleetwood. My favorite pick is probably Stevie Rays. What are yours? Whose pick would u love to get? or already have?


  1. I seen them on Austin City a while back. Does that count? They were good. But nothing like “Live” with a few picks. Did you catch them first try or did you have to peel them off the floor?


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