Steph Honde Saturday! NoN / Hollywood Monsters star joins the LeBrain Train

Episode 33

Steph Honde is a multi-talented singer and guitarist from France, and this week Deke and I are privileged to welcome him on board the LeBrain Train:  2000 Words or More with Mike Ladano!

Steph has played with artists such as Paul Di’Anno, Vinny Appice, Danko Jones, Greg Godovitz, Jim Crean, Don Airey and many more.  With his bands Hollywood Monsters and NoN (Now or Never), plus his many collaborations with Crean, Steph Honde boasts a pretty damn cool discography.  He has an album under his own name with the covers CD Covering the Monsters, and just released an acoustic album called Empire of Ashes!  Perhaps just as cool, Honde is an avid music collector with a CD library to die for!  (Legend has it that his Zappa collection alone can move mountains.)  We have a lot to geek out about!

Because Steph is based in France, there won’t be the usual Friday night show.  Instead you can catch us bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Saturday morning.  Please join Deke, Steph and myself on Saturday October 24 at 8:00 AM E.S.T. / 2:00 PM France time.

Facebook:  MikeLeBrain  YouTube:  Mike LeBrain





  1. I’m going to miss the first 1/2 probably as I will be getting back from RSD around 8:30, but I will see what i can do about speeding things up. I’ve got go pick up another Cheap Trick live album, Down & Outz EP and Skid Row’s Slave to the Grind Expanded Edition.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t Def Leppard comin out too? I would like the get the Warren Zevon album. Just listening to Queen A Kind of Magic on this Friday nigh. How about u?

      Liked by 2 people

        1. is the Smith and Myers any good? I’m kinda closet fan of shinedown occasionally…I think I have a couple of Down N Outz releases but haven’t llistened to them much. Should I dig em up?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. If you like acoustic and half covers then you will like it. It is not Shinedown. down n outz is good if you like 70s glam rock. That is all the cover and now original songs in that style.


  2. My store has this comin up Def Leppard : Rock ‘n’ roll hall of fame 2018
    Skid Row bonus tracks;
    beggar’s day (remastered version)
    holidays in the sun (remastered version)
    get the fuck out (recorded live at wembley stadium 1991) [remaster]
    delivering the goods (recorded live at wembley stadium 1991) [remaster]
    Just watched this Sammy Hagar interview:

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, do u really remember all your singles too? For years now I’ve had trouble remembering what albums I own and have on occasion bought another copy thinking I don’t have it yet. Has that ever happened to u?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No man unfortunately I’ve bought a lot of duplicates over the years, it’s very hard to keep track, especially now that I really don’t have enough space to keep it all organized. I’m still working on getting it all on my hard drive, so it’s still a work in progress with probably duplicates I haven’t discovered yet.


      1. u too? I keep reading all these stories of people having excel files of all their albums and how handy it is just to look them up on your phone while in the store and that usually makes me feel like a dinosaur.


  4. Hey thanks, wondering how u can remember all that brought back a memory I had forgotten. Back in the day I had almost memorized the issues of local hard rock magazine and every time a band name came up I could find the review or story of them in my magazines in just minutes and I had huge pile of those magazines. So I can relate.


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