Surprise Live Unboxing

The LeBrain Train:  2000 Words or More with Mike Ladano

Went live for a short stream yesterday, just to unbox some stuff that I didn’t wanna wait until Friday to do. You’ll have to watch to see the three special new arrivals.

Also just building the hype for March. The whole month is already booked up and I’m really excited. Watch the video and check out what we have in store. It’s not a spoiler to tell you that this Friday is Riffs of the 80s with Mike Slayen!  This is a followup to our very popular Riffs of the 70s show back in January.  Mike will demonstrate some of the riffs we’re going to discuss.  As an added bonus we’ll also have Rob Daniels with us, who always has an interesting set of picks.

Check out the video, and subscribe to my channel so you never have to worry about missing one!







And speaking of…


  1. Nice headphones! My Sennheisers covers are starting to peel, might be time to upgrade again so I’ll look at some AT stuff and see if I can afford any of it. Also, Alice Cooper, no surprise!

    I dunno if I have any skills that aren’t useless…

    I had my collection catalogued in a .txt file, but we just recently did an insurance update and now I’m making a spreadsheet with all the information on it (to be stored off-site). It’s a labour of love.

    Looking forward to Friday’s Maiden show. I’ve been having fun going back and looking at all the artwork. I don’t have as much of it as you guys, but I’m pretty solid on my list already.

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        1. Far too rich for my tastes. At a certain point you have to ask if a guy my age can even hear the difference between $200 and $400 headphones. (I doubt I can hear $200 worth of difference.)


    1. I spoke to Harrison earlier about the Maiden show, and since he has no “show & tell” I will be putting his artwork up on the screen. If you have anything like that, lemme know and I’ll do the same for yours! Deke’s will be entirely vinyl show & tell.


      1. It’s really just the head. The darker colour just doesn’t work there at all. Bleugh. I don’t really like his appearance and design too much anyway. Galvatron superior, Megatron inferior, but even comic Galvatron’s colours are pretty meh too. I just don’t think comics are a good medium to tell stories involving Transformers. I feel you need more motion to the medium.

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        1. I dunno, after the movie, my favourite piece of G1 (excluding Beast Wars) is season 3 and 4 of the show. I just find the post-movie era with Rodimus and the proper Galvatron to be the best G1 had to offer.
          Rodimus > Optimus
          Galvatron > Megatron
          BW Inferno > G1 Inferno

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        2. Harrison=Nerd.

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