#1010: A Quick One


“And I said welcome to the show!”

Welcome to this “Behind the Scenes” instalment of Record Store Tales!  Just a quick update on music, writing, and other assorted goings-on!  The soundtrack for me writing this is the new Marillion album, An Hour Before It’s Dark.  Great album.

Things are rolling on, and we are enjoying our summer.  Together.  Jen and I have not spent this much time together in years.  I’m happy to report that we still enjoy each other’s company.  I have to tell you, I don’t miss the show.  The LeBrain Train – remember the LeBrain Train?  Instead of broadcasting to YouTube every Friday night, we’re enjoying the sunset.  I’m sorry if that’s hard news, but I don’t miss it.  I can’t help how I feel.  On the other hand, as many of you know, I tend to get depressed in the fall and winter.  I like to have strategies to cope with the depression, and for the last two years, that has been the LeBrain Train.  So, I am certain that when winter rolls in, I will need the show back.  It won’t be the same — I want to keep things fresh.  The Meat Man and I have been discussing ideas.  We will be back at some point in time.  I know that because I know my depression will eventually return.  The show, and you the viewers, help me cope.

Be patient.  It’s not time yet.  I will know when it feels right.  Summer is short in Canada.  We only get so many weeks, and before too long the days are short and the temperatures cold.  I know some of my pals, like my good buddy Aaron, love the winter.  All I can say is there are times I’m envious.

I’ve been posting daily, keeping a steady pace, but don’t be surprised to see “filler posts” pop up now and again.  Kind of like this one.  For me to sit down and spend two hours listening and writing every single night — it’s just a hard pace to keep up.  You’ll know the filler posts when you see them!  I was thinking of doing a “Sheik Week” – an entire week of posts dedicated to the tweets of the Iron Sheik.

Views are down, comments are down, but I keep on keepin’ on.  Music and writing.  It’s what I do.  What I have done for most of my life.  I’ve been branching out.  Fiction is refreshing.  The ways the words flow so easily when I write fiction, it’s remarkable!  Writing a music article is hard work.  Finding out the facts, confirming the details, describing the music…sometimes I feel like I am running out of words.  I don’t have that problem with fiction.  It’s so refreshing.  You have already read The Adventures of Tee Bone Man, we have seven chapters now, and we are building the story into something huge.  You’ll see.  In my spare time I have also been writing “sexy fiction” that is not for public consumption.  I have been inspired and the words flow easily.  It keeps things fresh.  I enjoy writing fiction.  I need to find more ways to incorporate fiction with my musical writings here.  I will figure it out!

In the meantime, I will be continuing to report from the lake with fantastic photos, rocking videos, and stories of our musical roadtrips.  Jen and I met 17 years ago and I’ve never felt closer.

It has been a great summer.  And it ain’t over yet.


        1. I count it as a paragraph, BUT you are wrong — that is a Kiss quote! Psycho Circus! Leppard was “I said a-welcome to my shoooow! It’s just you and me babe! We got the whole damn night to go.”

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Good to hear u doing fine!

    I know writing reviews is hard work, I burned out long ago and haven’t returned to it. Took me a long while too to stop making mental notes of everything while at live shows.

    Looking forward to going through winter with reading your blog!

    And thanks again for your input in helping making the corona times less cruesome with your blog always being there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d love it you posted some of your old reviews. Have you ever thought of starting your own site? Or sending me or John your reviews to post?

      I will be here for you this winter — I am starting to think about what the show will look like in the future.


  2. It’s been in the 80s the last few weeks, and I never thought I’d be so stoked about the 80s. But after about three months straight of nothing but high 90s and over 100 degree temperatures, I feel like we’ve been blessed. It’s looking like it’s gonna be better than last year. The peak temperatures weren’t quite as high last year, but the extreme heat of the mid 90s lasted until fekkin’ October. It didn’t start getting nice until about a week and a half before Halloween.

    I’m with Aaron! I’m an autumn/winter guy. Used to be the opposite, but I just have zero tolerance for all the brightness and sweating through my underwear anymore in the summer. I get the appeal for some people, but it really doesn’t gel with my pale vampiric ass. Not so sure I’d prefer winter if I lived in Canada though!

    I also wanna read your erotic fiction.

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    1. I wouldn’t call it erotic. It’s not like that. I call it sexy fiction. I’m not comfortable sharing it but maybe one day. It was more a personal thing. And also breaking the boredom of writing the same crap all the time.

      If you are a winter guy, then I have one request: this winter, fill the comments with encouragement and support! Maybe fun winter stories of digging your ass out of the snow? LOL

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  3. I can imagine what a relief not having the show on Fridays. No stress and you’ve been enjoying that lake house even more this year as a result. Good on you. When it comes, if it comes back, should be on your terms…as it is your show!! And fiction is fun…I haven’t written in so long (other than the one Tee Bone Man and that was a blast. I need to start working on another one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes yes yes. i can’t wait to incorporate some spaceships into Tee Bone Man, and maybe we could even see the introduction of a certain individual who is buried on Mars. Hint hint.

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        1. I’m sure we could, it’s just is it really seconding when I’m agreeing with the person who agreed with me?


  4. Hi Mike, I haven’t commented in a while, but I still check in every few days to see what you have been listening to. I’m particularly hoping you’ve had a chance to acquire the new Holy Diver 40th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition, because it would be fun to read your impression after seeing your previous Dio reviews. FWIW, I’m quite impressed and look forward to similar editions for Last in Line (already confirmed) and maybe further albums.

    Enjoy the last days of Canadian summer!

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    1. Hi Mark! Holy Diver was on my birthday wishlist but it did not come to be.

      I fully intend to buy it and review it. Especially for box sets, this takes a lot of time.

      My next box set reviews I will be working on:
      1. Def Leppard – London to Vegas
      2. Kiss – Destroyer
      3. Judas Priest – 50 Heavy Metal Years

      These will all be multi-part reviews over several days or weeks.

      Thanks for the comment and please feel free to drop in anytime!


  5. A blog dedicated to the Iron Sheik’s Twitter account… I love it!!! “TO THAT JABRONI TRAIN LEBRAIN… GO FUCK YOURSELF!” – The Iron Sheik

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