WTF SEARCH TERMS: 2 Wild LeBrains edition

Happy hump day.  For this edition of WTF, I’ve collected 10 of the weirdest sexual phrases that, somehow, some way, Googled these people to me.  Missed the last edition?  Click here!


WTF Search Terms IV:  2 Wild LeBrains edition

  1. buttombass
  2. zebra girls black lesbian video
  3. 2 wild lebrains having sex
  4. porn go 69
  5. thussy peing
  6. hot leggs winkel goes
  7. girls in muddy leather pants
  8. alice piss leather pants
  9. pee open door video  (9 hits from this guy??)
  10. And finally:  gou.14.shemale.3.rat.t

See ya next time for more WTFs!


  1. OK, I’ll admit that the “girls in muddy leather pants” search was me, but this? This is a pro: “gou.14.shemale.3.rat.t” I mean, that’s a work of genius. I Googled it myself, just now, and (including tthis post today), you are the TOP 6 HITS for that search term. Well done, Mike.


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