Part 308: The Cottage in the Woods (VIDEO BLOG)


RECORD STORE TALES PART 308:  The Cottage in the Woods

As bad as the stress used to get, there was always one place I could return and truly recharge my batteries:  the cottage.

I’d pack a dozen or so CDs (tapes in the early days) and go on long walks with my Discman.  Eat some steaks.  Check out the water, rivers and funky bridges.  The phone never rang.  Heck in the early days there were no phones here.  No cable TV, no wi-fi.

Today, I created, edited and posted the video you’re about to see in one day, entirely at the cottage.  How unimaginable to me back then.

I tried to re-create the experience of being here visually — probably the most peaceful place in the world.  I hope this gives you a taste.  Enjoy


  1. Awesome. Funny, living up here on the shores as I do, I take a lot of this type of scenery for granted. I was on some trails on my bike yesterday that you gotta see – next time I’ll take my phone and get some pics… Man, if I had your technical know-how, I could do a whole video like that of just sunsets. But you absolutely right to put this up here, it’ll be nice for other folks to get a glimpse. I got a chuckle how you said the cottage was so relaxing and then the first half of the music was so anything but relaxing! haha it slowed down when the song switched. And forgive my ignorance, who did the music? Maybe I should know, but I’ll blame lack of coffee and a Megadeth-blasted brain. :) Well done.


    1. Hah, no technical know how required! My laptop did this almost by itself, apparently it’s really good with slide shows. Editing was a breeze.

      As for the music it was just free public domain stuff I found on YouTube!



      1. I’m sure my iMac has a feature that does it too. I’ve just never been arsed to go try. All that futzing would cut into my valuable (HAHAHA) review-writing time! ;) I do enjoy your videos and slideshows, though. It’s great fun.


        1. Check out Sarca’s husband’s recent Mario Brothers video. Not only is it very entertaining but I wish I had his technical skills. Just great work. I spent yesterday morning watching his vids. She posted an article on her page.


    1. Even though I said I was done with it, I used Windows again. My laptop is a lot more stable. It was easy-peasy! And so perfect that I did everything from edit to upload right there at the cottage. In some ways this entry was more about the process than the content for me. How times have changed drastically.


      1. I remember being at the cottage with no phone line, spotty cell service and no internet…one year we got a dish installed, but hardly watched it bcause WE’RE AT CAMP! Nice to have on a rainy day though. Those were the days when I read a lot! Glad Win movie maker is working for you!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yep, that’s where it starts!!

          My childhood best friend had a cottage just an hour out of Sudbury on an island, so for the longest time – no phone service. They managed to bring a TV on the boat, later a vcr, THE BLOODY NINTENDO!! haha. There was a place on the lake where you could fill up your boat, get snackies, and rent movies. Wild. That was 20 years ago.


        2. I always wanted to stay on an island cottage. Always been fascinated with ’em.

          I forgot the Nintendo! When we got one we did start to bring it, but that was the 90’s. We had a couple video rental places in town. I remember Peter saw that they had an Ozzy video called The Ultimate Ozzy, and he asked if he could buy it. No matter what he offered they wouldn’t sell it to him.

          Who knows maybe I will have to start a new storyline called Cottage Tales.


        3. This island was cool. I really miss that cottage. My neighbour ended up selling it because they moved away. In the end they had to commute from Kingston to west of Sudbury – far! I was sad to see it sold! But, my hubs said no way to an island cottage – they are a pain to get things to (I mean, transporting a couch or a stove by boat??!). But, I loved that place!


        4. Concentrating on reviews, but with something to replace the Record Store Tales, because although I NEVER imagined having 308 parts, I really am running out of shareable ideas!


        5. 308 parts – that’s the power of journalling! I am also impressed! I am equally impressed with your reviews, so you need to keep that going.
          I have a few ideas how you can segue from RST to something else…how about LeBrain’s Life Tales or LeBrain’s After Record Store Tales (ha) something like that? Then can relieve yourself from the RST subject and you can write whatever you want on anything :)
          If you want help fleshing this out let me know.


        6. Keep those suggestions in your back pocket — I actually have an entire blog post about this coming soon :)

          Damn I always talk too much and spoil surprises :)


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