VIDEOS: The Cottage in the Woods 3

WARNING:  These videos contain 0% Rock.  However the water was nice and choppy this past weekend.  In addition, I saw a cute family of ducks surfing near their nest!


Enjoy the videos below.

See also:

RECORD STORE TALES Part 308: The Cottage in the Woods
The Cottage in the Woods 2


  1. Aw dammit, I wanted to see one of those ducks pull a Laird Hamilton and take the curl clear across to shore.

    I tried filming during our vacation at the beach and got the same wind noise, so I abandoned the idea. I’m glad you got these up here for posterity.

    Actually, what I wanna do, is get one of those mics with the foam around it and record several hours of beach from a tripod. Just the waves coming in. Hours. Then, in February, we can put that on and reminisce…


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