VIDEO: Mike and Aaron Do Taranna 2018

MUSIC CREDITS: “Shit” parts 1 – 5 written and performed by AARON


  1. Holy Heck is that Lucifer playing those licks?? Mr Books debut album ‘Booked Into Hell!”

    Lots of music purchased…Mr Books always goes outside the box with the tunes! Genius Gza! hahaha….
    House of Lords….Pomp rock! Mr Books with a Book…BAM down deal…..

    Landano Cheese Blotto…hahaha…
    Yngwie nice… G3 shred fest….
    Nice looking plate of food man….

    I enjoyed this vid while eating my lunch man….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Lucifer. Doubtful! As for Booked Into Hell, I’m sure I have a condo there already…

      I knew you’d like that I got a book. And it’s one I’ve wanted a while, to boot! For some reason I never see Blake’s poems, and I work in used books for a living!

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    2. They also had the Genius/GZA CD with the build in chess set! Guess who already had it?

      I enjoyed making this vid while eating that fish and chips. Did the food look amazing or what? It’s the first time we ever filmed as the food was coming and it worked out perfect didn’t it?


  2. Fish and chips, eh? Looks nice. Thanks for the show and tell part, enjoyed it. I don’t have a buddy to go record shopping with…would be fun. Would love that tribute to Fleetwood Mac as well. I love to listen to tribute albums. Usually there’s always a jewel or 2 in there. Just listened to
    Art of McCartney over the weekend. Do u have it?

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  3. Good choice on The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. I have the original CD, if you bought remastered make sure it’s not the remix. I can’t remember which series remixed them, but the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is considered to be their pinnacle along with Selling England by the by the Pound.

    Lamb is a concept album about (no joke) a budding young Puerto Rican gas station attendant who goes on some kind of mystical journey that ends with him castrating himself. The details are fuzzy like most concept albums. I think it’s a really good album, most people give it classic status, but it’s one of the most thick, dense, and hard to penetrate prog rock albums. There are a lot of liner notes in my CD, but they’re typed in the smallest font I’ve ever seen. I can barely make them out, but I still can thanks to 20/20 vision.

    I’ve got quite a few ultrarare West German target Genesis CDs, or Peter Gabriel solo. They were all oddly cheap.

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    1. That sounds like the most bizarre concept album I’ve heard of yet. And yes, unless you are Savatage and kind of spell out your stories, most concept albums are very fuzzy. The castration stuff…is that fuzzy? I can’t see myself singing along to songs about castration. LOL


      1. He has to get castrated because he does the dirty with some snakelike women, and then he finds a colony of slippermen who are ugly, and they’ve all done the dirty with these girls too. He realizes he has become one of them, so he has to get castrated as it’s the only way to become human again. He then wears his brown severed meat stick around his neck in a jar, There’s another part where he’s got hair on his heart, so he has it removed, shaved, and then put back in. I think Peter Gabriel was on too much acid, because it’s about as coherent as a Zodiac Mindwarp song, only much proggier.


  4. Sweet finds. You guys always find the cd’s at Sonic Boom and BMV. I am so obsessed with the vinyl at those places I find I have no time to shop for cd’s. The last 2 times at Sonic Boom I was the last guy in line as they were closing up.

    Burnin’ Bernie Pleskach from The Stinkies was on a few Sadies albums as well, and I know Aaron loves them. Plus signed cd’s are always cool.

    The only thing is you ran out of recording time before you guys showed your cassette finds. Oh well, next time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sonic Boom had quite a big cassette collection in the corner… it smelled like patchouli and there were hipsters on unicycles over there, so I didn’t bother.

      That’s cool on the Sadies news, thanks! I sure do like me some Sadies.

      Funny, we did CDs and not LPs, really. I shop for bulk, especially the 3-for-$10 bins, and LPs are always more so I’d get fewer total… Ah well. Next time? Next time!

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    2. Well you know me, I’m 99% a CD guy. I love the convenience of CD. Rip it with one button. LPs take more loving care with Audacity etc.

      But, I also love listening to LP rips at work and in the car. When I hear a little pop or fuzz it reminds me that it’s my own LP I’m playing.

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    1. Fuck I know.

      I just wanted the FM trib for those two bands. Goo Goo Dolls were a great band. I say “were” because they haven’t been in 20 years. Tonic too. But Jeff Russo from Tonic is now the composer on Star Trek: Discovery.

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  5. Mmmmm…. That Let There Be Rock Aussie edition would be mighty tempting. Which BMV was this? Did you happen to see/remember the price? Might have to check it out… David Knopfler has a solo career?!?…. Priestess! Nice!… Aw, man. Sloan 12 is already in the used bin?… This was great! Heading over to KMA….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This was Bloor and I don’t remember the price, And yes David had a solo career! I know that because the old Record Store had one single David CD sitting in the Dire Straits section that nobody wanted to buy.


  6. You’ve out-done yourself again! Fantastic video editing, sir. I’m just glad you had useable stuff, I mean, it had me in it so that’s sketchy at best. Also I’m astounded that you kept those guitar shit riffs haha. I’d forgotten all about those – for those who want to know, they were recorded in one evening, in a row, one take each, in a total of less than 20 minutes probably. It’s obvious, when you hear them.

    So many great finds. I’m glad you’re so happy with what you found, dude, it makes the trip into the stinkin’ hot city even more worth it. I know I’m happy with what I got, and will start reviews posting tomorrow probably.

    Thanks for the day out, dude, rock on!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha nope, that was literally a “oh shit, I told Mike I’d do some music for his video of the trip, better set up and do something tonight and send it tonorrow” kind of situation. Total last minute. That was the Epiphone Les Paul on the old Fender G-DEC too. I’ve got the Boss Katana now, bet I could do something better on that!


    1. Aww thanks man! I am happy with the way the video came out too. I wish we could get better audio at the Pub, but hey, it’s a pub not a recording studio!

      I put about 10 of these on a flash drive and brought them to work. So far I have played:

      New York Dolls
      Mighty Mighty Bosstones
      Cheap Trick
      Stompin’ Tom


  7. Well done gentlemen – I suppose the Hammer Japan import crowd would qualify as a niche audience!
    Nice work finding Coke Machine Glow for a Fiver & I enjoyed the original soundtrack too!


  8. I don’t know what to say. So much to like on this show. How about I have that Stompin Tom on vinyl and I really dig the curling rock cup. Your shows are fantastic, right up there with BuriedOnMars. Eating health food to boot. Travel show, food show, music, books, comedy, drama ….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dude, that is so kind! I really appreciate it. BuriedOnMars is a pro…

      I played Stompin’ Tom today and loved it. A couple tunes kind of went by me, but it caught the plant foreman’s attention! “Is that Tom?” He knew it.

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        1. That makes sense to me. And why not?

          The plant manager was trying to explain to a younger fella that Stompin’ Tom stomped a hole in a board, but he didn’t exactly succeed in making the story interesting in any way. LOL

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        2. That’s funny. Nothing worse than a bad story teller. There’s way better Stompin stories. If we ever meet we can swap a few.. Nothing more Canadian than him. I await the next segment of your road show.


        3. That is so cool. I had a buddy that drank with him in the early 70’s out on the west coast. They were on a boat together. He was going to a gig up around Prince Rupert. Not one false bone is that guys body. I don’t know how I did it but I have at least a half a dozen Tom albums. He was so far from what I was listening to but he snuck into the pile.

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        4. I have a bunch of his stuff too.
          Even a rare first pressing of his first album The Northlands Own. The early ones just call him Tom Connors.
          Not Stompin. On Rebel Records before Tom started Boot Records.

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    1. That’s all A! He recorded those riffs several years ago. What you have not heard yet is “Shit Pt. 6”. That one is unreleased to date. Maybe it’ll be in the next video!


  9. I finally got the Mustaine version of MD.45. Just listening to it. I didn’t even know this existed until last year. Got the original on release. Had no idea it’s been rereleased with Mustaine on vocals.Really digging this so far.


  10. I have the CD version of Def Leppard’s ‘The Vault.’ It’s a good album, but the best part is reading the little booklet with notes depicting the band’s first 15 years.


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