#896: Plans


Plans.  Gotta make ’em, but sometimes nothing goes according to them.

Winter is over.  We made it through.  I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (appropriately acronymed as SAD), so winter is always a hard time.  It feels good to be on the other side of it, and not have to put on layers of warmth just to take out the garbage.

Last fall I made some plans to make it through the winter.  I completed some, and I left others unstarted.  That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, and what was winter 2020/21 but a shitty stale crumbled up cookie?

As we hunkered in for the winter, I gave myself a couple projects to keep me occupied.  One was continuing with the VHS Archives.  I accomplished very little on this.  I did not play any video tapes at all this year, and only uploaded videos I already had on my hard drive.  This season I only posted six videos.

I also wanted to teach myself Photoshop this winter.  I didn’t get anything done there.  As it turns out, I didn’t really have to, thanks to the generosity of friends.  Good ol’ T-Bone has donated his time and made plenty of great artwork for the LeBrain Train live show.  Plus our artist friend Saige did some great work too.  I’m so lucky that we have built such an amazing community of artists and writers together.

Speaking of the live show, I had one plan that I thought would be easy, but never came to be.  As a proud Canadian boy, I wanted to show some of our American friends (especially the one in Hawaii!) what a Canadian winter looks like.  I planned on doing a live show outdoors in a snow storm.  I thought that would be an absolute hoot.  The weather never really aligned with a good live stream day.  It was kind of a mild winter compared to others.

Looking back at the goals from the fall, there are two I did accomplish. One was to make a dashcam video of a shitty winter drive, set to the music of Max the Axe. I did that with “Magnum P.I.” and it is a great example of a typical winter commute.  The second mission accomplished was to keep on live streaming.  I still haven’t missed a week — knock wood.

I couldn’t have done it without my friends.  You know who you are.  Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re one of ’em.


  1. I sent Harrison some pictures of what our winter looked like, and I think he can attest that this American winter had snow enough. It was in the negatives for over a week and the white stuff just kept piling on. Lana probably didn’t have that experience.


  2. What you have created with the podcast is incredible. I know it is a lot of work for you but much appreciated. So you weren’t able to do some projects, but you’ve done a lot and should be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Great write up.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. There’s that great John Lennon line about life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.
    And so terrific that T-Bone & Saige have contributed artwork, I have Sarca to thank for so many spectacular logos over the years!


  4. Man, don’t worry about not getting to everything. When this quarantine all started, I had a whole list in my head of what I was gonna do “if I ever had the time,” and now I had the time so… at least half of that list was a lie, honestly. I did some stuff, others I just let go. As for learning, I wanna do more music theory. I wanna improve my photography. I wanna play a lot more guitar. I wanna study other texts and absorb what they have to say… I have found some success in just chipping away in wee chunks, digestible that way.

    Your site is a must-read, and your live shows are awesome. You’re killing it, dude!


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