WTF Search Terms: Mythbusters edition

WTF Search Terms VII:  Mythbusters edition

Welcome to the latest installment of WTF Search Terms!  This series presents actual search terms that real people typed into Google, somehow leading to my site.  If you missed the last installment, click here!

I’ve noticed there are a lot of confused people out there.  I thought I would do a public service, by correcting some people’s misconceptions.  Enjoy.

10. where do terry and deaner live  (Nowhere.  They are fictional characters from the movie FUBAR.)

9. did farrel mitchner from fubar acually die (No.  Farrel is also a fictional character, from the same movie.)

8. did farrel mitchner really die  (No. His real name is Gordon Skilling.)

7. farrel mitchner actually die  (Non. Il est un acteur.)

6. is farrel mitchner really dead  (Nyet!)

5. will ferrell hates glenn humplik  (No.  This was a joke on a comedy show.)

4. marilyn manson sucks himself off  (No, he doesn’t.)

3. removed bottom ribs for sucking cock  (No, he didn’t.)

2. cinemaphonic quadrovision  (This isn’t a real thing either.)

1. www,sex,video,ladano  (This DEFINITELY does not exist!!!)

See ya next time for more WTF’s!



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