WTF Search Terms: Musical Inquiries edition

Welcome back to WTF Search Terms.  These are real search terms that somehow led people to  Today, I thought I’d answer some people’s musical questions.

Click here for the last WTF Search Terms XV: Fan Favorites – Thussy Edition.

WTF Search Terms XVI:  Musical Inquiries edition

1. why is lenny kravitz last two cds a disappointment

Lenny Kravitz has sucked since cutting off his dreads.  Scientists call it “Samson Syndrome”.

2. whats the dirt on richie kotzen screwing bandmates wifes

Great question.  Kotzen was actually screwing Rikki Rockett’s girlfriend/fiance while on tour with Poison.  Kotzen later married her after being terminated by Poison.

3. glenn tipton can’t play anymore


4. iron maiden lyrics “what information do you need”

“We want…information…information…information!” – The Prisoner

5. does blackie lawless ever talk to anyone? 2013

Blackie Lawless has taken a vow of silence and now speaks through a computer like Stephen Hawking.

6. i wonder book list of names in the rock roll band kiss used to be in ks benny gene simmons paul stanley ace frehley peter criss and vinnie vincent

I wonder what this person is actually asking.

7. quite riot mr roboto

No.  It’s QUIET Riot, and Mr. Roboto was by Styx.

8. did malcomb mcdowell sing in a rock band?

No.  But there’s this musical:

9. back street boys with guitar


10. lebrians bb pin

I am not posting my BlackBerry pin, thanks.


Be sure to check back soon for more WTFs!


  1. I learned something valuable here: that Quiet Riot needs to do an all-Styx covers album (insert laughing smiley face here).

    Also, who types in long sentences into Google like the “i wonder book list of names…” person? Some people shouldn’t be allowed online.


  2. BUT MIKE!!! How am I meant you send you vaguely discomforting pictures of myself if you won’t give out your BB pin thingy?

    Honestly, it’s just plain selfish.


  3. Haha these are fun. Mike was trying to goad me into answering #1 with my story about seeing Lenny live and the bastard lip-synched. I’d swear he did. But I am trying to let my anger about that go… Honestly, I haven’t heard any Lenny in a long time, old or new. I couldn’t say whether anything has sucked. People used that haircut argument with Metallica, too. Also, what’s wrong with Malcolm McDowell’s chest in that still for the video? Looks like a tit only on the one side. Weird.

    I’d love to go the Google Christmas party. I’m sure they save up all the best searches of the year and then do a presentation of them when everyone’s good and drunk. It’d be a riot.


  4. Blackie Lawless anti talking is true….a buddy of mine moved to Scotland last yr and seen Wasp in a club. He told me that on stage Lawless was telling everyone about all the merch available but after there set he just bolted straight to the tour bus without saying a peep to anyone like thanks for the cash suckas!


    1. Yeah I kind of figured that’s what the person asking meant. I just wanted to be a smart ass. Anyway this is what I have heard, and I’ve been hearing it for years from different people. One of my customers told me that Blackie was the biggest prick he ever met and even denied being Blackie.


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