#729.2: Uncle Meat Destroys 2018!

Man of few words, but many lists:  Uncle Meat presents his top movies, albums, and disappointments of 2018!



1. Bohemian Rhapsody
2. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
3. Mandy
4. A Futile and Stupid Gesture
5. Avengers: Infinity War
6. BlacKKKlansman
7. A Star is Born
8. Solo
9. Ant-Man and the Wasp
10. Black Panther

* LeBrain’s comment:  I’m pleased to see the MCU and Coens make strong showings here, but Solo surprises me.


1. The Wake – Voivod
2. Used Future – The Sword
3. The Tree of Forgiveness – John Prine
4. The Sciences – Sleep
5. Town Burned Down – Adam’s House Cat
6. The Wolf Bites Back – Orange Goblin
7. Mankind Woman – Brant Bjork
8. Our Raw Heart – YOB
9. Spaceman – Ace Frehley
10. Triumphant Hearts – Jason Becker



1. Tenacious D – Post Apocalyptico (Both the animated show and album)
2. Kiss completely playing to tracks live
3. Troy Tulowitzki
4. LeBrain’s Porn Debut

* You can’t please everybody!


      1. The bar is so low now… disappointment after disappointment with the high points effectively being a reboot of A New Hope and a flick that sets up the original trilogy.

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        1. If learning gets in the way of some cold hard cash I think they’ll just continue to roll the way they have been.


  1. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs really disappointed me. I had hoped for something good from the Coen brothers, but I thought the first anthology chapter showed humorous promise that the rest of the movie betrayed. I thought it buckled under its silence and seriousness and didn’t really have anything to say at all. I thought it was pretentious nonsense, but I’m definitely in the minority. I respect Eric’s opinion.

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  2. HAHAHA…Mikey and the Weiner! That pic there is hands down my fav photo from 2018!
    slick to see Spaceman in there as well! Atta Boy Meat Man….
    Tulo..what a fuckin dud!
    Im not a Jays fan…I follow it as Baseball is my fav sport but man Atkins and Shapiro are like Beavis and Butthead of Baseball operations…hahaha…I know Tulo wasn’t there deal but man get a move on fella’s…
    Cool Lists …
    Keep em Comin!

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    1. Geoff, after discussing with Harrison, I’ve decided to wait for Netflix to see it. I really have a struggle with biopics. Unless its an historical figure that was dead long before I was born, I really have a hard time getting past the actors!

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