the Iron Sheik

Rest In Peace the Iron Sheik (1942-2023)

Sadly at the age of 81, Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri, better known as the Iron Sheik, has joined the Squared Circle in the sky.

The Iron Sheik’s real name was Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri. Unlike many “foreign” WWF wrestlers, Vaziri was actually born where he was billed from: Iran. In his early years, he worked as a bodyguard for the Shah of Iran.

The Iron Sheik won the WWF World Heavyweight Championship from Bob Backlund on December 26, 1983 due to Backlund’s manager throwing in the towel during a vicious camel clutch. Sheik lost the title January 23, 1984 to Hulk Hogan and his atomic legdrop. Hulkamania had begun.

Fans of 80s wrestling knew the Sheik best for his tag team partnership with Nikolai Volkoff. Under the management of “Classy” Freddie Blassie, the Sheik and Volkoff took the WWF Tag Team Championship from the U.S. Express on March 31, 1985. The U.S. Express took the title back on June 17 of that year. The angle here was the US/Iran/Russia political rivalry, played out in the ring.

It was kind of a big deal when the Iron Sheik was caught doing cocaine while rival Hacksaw Jim Duggan was smoking weed in a car on the way to a match. For the WWF, an impact of this was that the Sheik was caught partying with his supposed enemy. This destroyed the illusion. The WWF let the Sheik go, and Duggan also temporarily left the organization.

Less than a year after the cocaine incident with Hacksaw Jim Duggan, the WWF deemed the public’s memory short and the Sheik made a triumphant return defeating “jobbers” (the guys who always lose to the bigger names). He bounced around other wrestling organizations, came back to the WWF in 1991, and then wrestled the independent circuit for almost a decade.

In his later years he enjoyed a pop culture status as a minor icon. In 2013 he challenged then-Toronto mayor Rob Ford to a match. Both men were caught doing cocaine during their professional careers. He has even appeared on the Canadian television program Kenny Vs. Spenny, attempting to sodomize Spenny with a bottle!  We loved ya, Sheiky!

More Classic Iron Sheik Tweets

Here are a dozen more tweets from the Iron Sheik’s Twitter account.  Rumour has it that his account is handled by a couple Canadian guys.  What do you think based on the Can-Con in some of the tweets below?  Canadian Beer Day and Carly Rae Jepson?  There’s definitely something Canadian going on with his Twitter.

Love you Sheiky Baby!

Sheik Week Day 5: Ending Sheik Week With Hilarious Tweets

Thanks for joining me this week for Sheik Week, a collection of the Iron Sheik’s funniest tweets.  Reader Brian Richards said “hell yeah!” when I suggested this as a week of “filler” posts.  Unless you’re a jabroni, then you have enjoyed these past five days of the Sheik’s most hilarious tweets.  From song lyrics to current events to pop culture, the Shiek has capslock commentary on them all.  Follow the Sheik on Twitter and check out some of his classic WWF matches.


Less than a year after the cocaine incident with Hacksaw Jim Duggan, the WWF deemed the public’s memory short and the Sheik made a triumphant return defeating “jobbers” (the guys who always lose to the bigger names).  He bounced around other wrestling organizations, came back to the WWF in 1991, and then wrestled the independent circuit for almost a decade.  Today he enjoys a pop culture status as a minor icon.  In 2013 he challenged then-Toronto mayor Rob Ford to a match.  Both men were caught doing cocaine during their professional careers.  He has even appeared on the Canadian television program Kenny Vs. Spenny, attempting to sodomize Spenny with a bottle when he mentioned Hulk Hogan as one of his favourite wrestlers.  We love ya Sheiky!

Sheik Week Day 4: The Iron Sheik Still Hates Hogan

When I said “should I do a Sheik Week?” reader Brian Richards said “hell yeah!”  It’s Sheik Week at bubba!  This week, we are enjoying some of the Sheik’s most hilarious tweets.  From song lyrics to current events to pop culture, the Shiek has capslock commentary on them all.  And he haaaates Hulk Hogan to this day.  This series will run Tuesday to Saturday this week.  Let’s hear it for the Sheik!


It was kind of a big deal when the Iron Sheik was caught doing cocaine while rival Hacksaw Jim Duggan was smoking weed in a car on the way to a match.  For the WWF, an impact of this was that the Sheik was caught partying with his supposed enemy.  This destroyed the illusion.  The WWF let the Sheik go, and Duggan also temporarily left the organization.

Sheik Week Day 3: The Sheik Suplexes Your Thursday Into Submission

With the support of reader Brian Richards, it’s Sheik Week at!  This week, we are reading some of the Sheik’s most hilarious tweets.  From song lyrics to current events to pop culture, the Shiek has capslock commentary on them all.  His grudge against Hulk Hogan is just as heated as ever.  This series will run Tuesday to Saturday this week.  Let’s hear it for the Sheik!


Fans of 80s wrestling know the Sheik best for his tag team partnership with Nikolai Volkoff.  Under the management of “Classy” Freddie Blassie, the Sheik and Volkoff took the WWF Tag Team Championship from the U.S. Express on March 31, 1985.  The U.S. Express took the title back on June 17 of that year.  The angle here was the US/Iran/Russia political rivalry, played out in the ring,

Sheik Week Day 2: Hilarious Sheik Tweets Aplenty

You can thank long time reader and recent pal Brian Richards.  It’s Sheik Week at, you jabroni!  This week, we are examining some of the Sheik’s most hilarious tweets, bubba.  From song lyrics to current events to pop culture, the Shiek has capslock commentary on them all.  He really seems to hate Hulk Hogan.  This series will run Tuesday to Saturday this week.  Let’s hear it for the Iron Sheik!


The Iron Sheik’s real name is Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri. Unlike many “foreign” WWF wrestlers, Vaziri was actually born where he was billed from: Iran.  In his early years, he worked as a bodyguard for the Shah of Iran.

Sheik Week Day 1: The Best of The Iron Sheik’s Twitter

Thanks to long time reader and recent pal Brian Richards…welcome to Sheik Week at, bubba!  For the next five days we will be looking at some of the Sheik’s most hilarious tweets.  From song lyrics to current events to pop culture, the Sheik has capslock commentary on them all.  And he really, really, really still has a grudge for Hulk Hogan.  This series will run Tuesday to Saturday this week.  Let’s hear it for the Iron Sheik!


The Iron Sheik won the WWF World Heavyweight Championship from Bob Backlund on December 26, 1983 due to Backlund’s manager throwing in the towel during a vicious camel clutch.  Sheik lost the title January 23, 1984 to Hulk Hogan and his atomic legdrop.  Hulkamania had begun.

Sunday Screening: The Soviet national anthem as sung by Nikolai Volkoff

One of the greatest “heel” tag teams of all time were Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik.  It was the height of the Cold War, and what could be more antagonising than the Russian national anthem sung in the middle of Madison Square Gardens?  Only the Sheik declaring “Russia #1, Iran #1!” and spitting on the USA.  In reality Nikolai (Josip Hrvoje Peruzović) was from Yugoslavia and was known as a really nice guy.  By contrast, the Sheik (Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri) actually is from Iran and might be a little psychopathic!  Or it could all be an act, who knows?

Even though Nikolai’s anthem was designed to irritate, I actually like it.

In 1990 Nikolai switched sides, turned “face,” and was gifted an American flag by “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan.  (Incidentally, Duggan and Sheik were once caught doing cocaine together, a tremendous scandal as they were supposed to be sworn enemies!)  Nikolai used “The Stars and Stripes Forever” as his entrance music when he turned “face”, waving his new American flag.

But I’ll always remember him as one of the greatest villains, singing that Russian national anthem as only he could!