
Takeover of Rock Heaven (Part 1) – A Tee Bone Man Multiverse Story (By 80sMetalMan)

Takeover of Rock Heaven

Part 1: The Plan

A Tee Bone Man Multiverse Story

By 80sMetalMan


Somewhere in Hell:

Satan walked into the room waiting to address the assembled gathering, when he was distracted by a commotion. His security was  holding back Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein, who were demanding to be let into the meeting. Calmly, he walked over to where the commotion was coming from. “Look,” he said sternly, “I said clearly that you two aren’t coming in here.”

“You need us,” Hitler argued.

“No we don’t ,” Satan returned. “This isn’t a military operation, otherwise Julius Caesar would be here. Even it if it was I still wouldn’t have you two in here. You both demonstrated your military incompetence while you were on Earth.”

“But you have Vlad the Impaler here,” Hitler protested.

“He’s here for a different reason,” Satan explained. “Besides, if we have to kill any prisoners, we have your man Werner Poetsche. Now go before I go back to shoving pineapples up both your asses. “

With that, Hitler and Saddam were marched away and the door was closed. Satan let out an exasperated sigh before sitting at the head of the long table. As he sat down, Vlad questioned, “Why is he here?” pointing to Dave Holland.

“Because I should be in Rock Heaven,” Dave snarled back. “I’m only in Hell because of a bollocks conviction. Fucking Elvis used that to not allow me in, damn him.”

“Enough!” Satan boomed, his thunderous voice shaking the room. It achieved its goal in silencing all. “Mr. Holland is here at my request. He will help us in rounding up all the key members of Rock Heaven and he can get some revenge.”

That’s right,” Dave affirmed. “They’re all a bunch of assholes. They wouldn’t let me in but I bet when that woman beater Tony Iommi dies , they’ll let him in.”

Satan sighed again. “They probably will. Some religions look favourably on men hitting women. That’s another reason why I plan to take over and have summoned all of you here. There should be no Rock Heaven, most of those rock stars should be with us here in Hell. You are all going to help plan my takeover. I have had a mole there since 2003 and he’s been feeding me information whenever he can.”

“A mole, that’s a brilliant idea!” Al Capone complented. “Who is he?”

“You’d be very surprised,” was Satan’s reply. “My mole did get me into Rock Heaven when some mortal went back in time to try to wipe out heavy metal. So, now it’s the perfect time to act.”

“Couldn’t we take our legions and just storm the place?” Vlad suggested.

“It’s not that simple,” Satan explained. “The other side has a fail safe. If we simply invade, we risk all out war with Heaven, I mean the real Heaven. We don’t need that, so we have to be more cunning.”

“Is that why Julius isn’t here?” Caligula inquired.

“Exacty why!” Satan affirmed. “And why we can’t risk an all out war with Heaven. The last time that happened, Heaven’s forces were commanded by George S. Patton who studied Caesar’s strategies and thwarted him at every turn. We got our asses kicked.”

“So tell me exactly how we are going to take over Rock Heaven?” Charles Manson probed.

“Yeah, you know once we act, those two Canadian super-heroes and their companions will try to stop you,” Dave Holland pointed out.

“I know,” Satan conceded. “But I have a plan. Those two super-heroes will be on a wild goose chase and while they’re distracted elsewhere, we will make our move. Besides, once we take over Rock Heaven, I think the town of Thunder Bay will thank us. They’re not happy with those super-heroes or the musicians in Rock Heaven for putting on that concert which nearly destroyed their town.”

Somewhere in Rock Heaven:

Martin Suplee’s head was pounding once again. He hoped he might have had a reprieve this time around. After all, Rory Gallagher and Jeff Beck were more blues guitarists, likewise with Dusty Hill on bass. Even with Razzle on drums, he thought it might not have been the metal he was constantly being bombarded with. However, he couldn’t have been more wrong. They turned up the amp and blasted him with power chords and blistering guitar solos. His head was throbbing by the time the session finished.

The throbbing began to ease as he was escorted back to his cell. In one way, he was lucky. Most of the time, he was subjected to sessions involving Lemmy, Jeff Hannemann and Cliff Burton. Those sessions left him with the feeling his head was going to explode in scanners fashion. “I guess I should be grateful,” he thought to himself as he entered his cell.

He needed no force to go into the cell, it gave him respite from the constant jamming of decesased musicians from the genre he tried to erase from history. Had it not been for this time alone, he would have gone mad ages ago. Several of his hench-persons who had travelled back in time with him urged him to admit that he was wrong in trying to erase metal from history. He stubbornly refused. If anything, constantly being bombarded with heavy metal from dead metal musicians only strenghtened his belief that his cause was right.

Suplee was still thinking this over, at least when he could because even in his cell, he was still able to hear those musicans playing. At that moment, it was Warrell Dane, Eddie Van Halen, Lorne Black and A.J. Pero who were assaulting his eardrums. Suddenly, he was distracted by shuffling at his cell door. Suplee turned and saw a singer, who didn’t sing heavy metal and he admired somewhat, standing at his cell’s entrance.

Before he could say anything, the singer put his finger to his lips and whispered, “I’ve come to get you out.” With that, the singer beckoned and Martin Suplee followed. Stealthily, the pair tiptoed through Rock Heaven and somehow, nobody noticed them. They carried on until they came to a huge door.

“This is the way out,” the singer directed.

“Where will I go?” asked a rather perplexed Mr. Suplee.

“Why, to Hell of course,” the singer responded, trying to keep down the volume of his voice. “Why, if anyone leaves Rock Heaven, the only place they can go is Hell. My boss is expecting you. He will assist you in ridding the world of heavy metal.”

Suplee opened his mouth to ask for more details but the singer had mysteriously vanished from sight, leaving him on his own. Not knowing what else to do, he thought to himself, “It’s worth a try” and pushed the door open and stepped through. As he entered a strange void, all he could think was “Maybe there was still a chance that he could wipe heavy metal from ever existing.”

Back in Hell

Satan waited along with those he assembled as the figure materialized before them. “When it did, he addressed the confused new arrival, “Welcome to Hell, Mr. Suplee.”

Bewildered, Mr. Suplee looked around the room. Why he actually was in Hell! He recognized Satan as he was responsible for him being in Rock Heaven. If that wasn’t enough, he recognized some of those with him, chiefly Al Capone and Charles Manson. Plus the were two other men and a woman, who he assumed was Lizzy Borden, due to her clothing. One man was in medieval dress, the other in a Roman toga. However, the remaining man bothered him. He was dressed in heavy metal attire. Therefore, he sensed a trap.

“Who’s he?” Suplee asked pointing to the metal clad Dave Holland.

“Why, he’s part of my plan to take over Rock Heaven!” Satan laughed louldy sending vibrations around the room. “All those metal musicians should be suffering here in Hell. Don’t you agree?”

Mr. Suplee nodded, “What do you want me to do?”

Satan explained, “What you didn’t know when you went back in time to destroy heavy metal from existence is that when those in Rock Heaven created heavy metal, one of the blueprints they used was Nazereth’s “Hair of the Dog” album. What you need to do is go to this MetalMan’s house and steal his copy. You can get your revenge on him as well for his assistance in Tee-Bone Man and Superdekes defeating you. When you steal that album, MetalMan will call for the super-heroes and they will come to stop you and you can defeat them.

“How can I defeat them? Last time, I had a special device but they neutralized it. Now I’m just an ordinary human.”

“That’s where I come in!” Satan boomed. “I can give you powers that will help you defeat them.

“Then give me those powers,” Suplee demanded. “And I shall defeat those meddlesome super-heroes and wipe heavy metal from history!” His laughed resembled those from cartoon villians.

“Very well,” Satan chortled. He pointed his trident at Mr. Suplee and the transformation began taking place. Suplee let out a long blood-curtling scream as large black wings began growing from the middle of his back. However, he took the pain as a new aura overcame him. When the wings had fully grown out, his clothing mysteriously changed to black robes. A few seconds later, the transformation was  complete and Suplee felt different.

“Arise,” Satan commanded.

Mr. Suplee stood tall. He spread out his new wings fully, nearly knocking into Al Capone.

“Your transformation is now complete,” Satan informed. “You can know go and destroy Tee-Bone Man and Superdekes.

“Yes, I will have my vengeance on those two,” Suplee snarled before he mysteriously vanished.

Once Suplee had gone, Caligula asked, “Do you think he’ll succeed?”

Satan mischieviously replied, “He doesn’t need to. All we need is for him to keep the super-heroes busy long enough so we can make our move on Rock Heaven.”


To be continued….







Deep Black Rainbow – The Full Concert by 80sMetalMan, from the Adventures of Tee Bone Man

On New Year’s Eve, Tee Bone Man hosted his amazing concert featuring the denizens of Rock Heaven.  John T. Snow, Harrison Kopp, Aaron KMA, 80sMetalMan and I all contributed a set to the story.  (Holen tried, but was unable to finish.)

It can now be said:  80sMetalMan was so into this story, that he wrote six pages!  This would not work in the context of Tee Bone Man’s chapter with all the writers involved.  We needed a story with reasonably equal sections from each writer.

Undaunted, the MetalMan edited down his section for the story.  However, the full expanded text is now available at his WordPress site!

Thank you to the MetalMan for your contributions to Tee Bone Man over the last two years!  Check out his expanded concert set.  It’s pretty awesome.

Tee Bone Man stories by 80sMetalMan:


The Adventures of Tee Bone Man: Tee Bone Man’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve


Chapter Twenty-Three: Tee Bone Man’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve

By: Mike, Harrison, Aaron, John and Michael

The stage was, quite literally, set!

Deke’s Palace hadn’t been this abuzz with activity since its early days as a whiskey distillery. Back then, it was technicians in lab coats scurrying about their business. Today, it was the finest road crews that the Great White North possessed, summoned together for a concert unlike any other.

On the very roof of Deke’s Palace, a mighty stage had been erected.  Somewhere in the world, a retired Gene Simmons was crying in his cheerios that Kiss had never managed a stage show like the one being assembled on this day.  For today, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes have arranged the ultimate concert.  Massive speakers were being hoisted by crane, while Deke observed from the snowy ground below.  He glanced over his glasses, checked something off a checklist, gave a thumbs up to the crane operator, and walked over to a nearby Tee Bone Man.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this for a change, but we’re right on schedule!” shouted a cheerful Deke over the grind of machinery.

Tee Bone smiled.  “I told ya!”  He patted his friend on the back.  “Thanks for doing all the hard work on this one Deke.  If those guys thought last year’s Christmas party was something else, wait until they see what we have ready to roll for New Year’s.”

Deke laughed.  “Well, it’s our friend the Metal Man who helped arrange the bands tonight.  But yes, those guys will not see this one coming.  I think it’s safe to say that nobody’s ever seen a show like the one we’re putting on.”

“Staging it on the roof of Deke’s Palace was your idea, and a brilliant one at that,” complimented Tee Bone Man.

“Thanks!” beamed Deke.  “It was the only space big enough for the entertainment we have planned.  The backdrop will be pretty epic, and the industrial heaters we rented will make it feel like a spring day outside.”

“Do we have final numbers on attendees?” queried Tee Bone Man.

“Not everyone has RSVP’d yet,” answered Deke from behind a screen as he looked up the data.  We have 65 ‘yes’ responses, 14 ‘no’, 23 in the ‘maybe’, 95 who have not read the email yet, and Max the Axe who responded with a postcard that just said ‘you gotta’.”  Deke paused to shake his head.  It was Tee Bone Man who recruited Max into the Northern Nights, while Deke had his reservations!  “Some of the ‘yes’ respondents include Aaron, Snowman, Metal Man, the Mars Man, King of the Sharks, and the Durling Foundation.  They said they’d be sending some reps.  Strangely, they are to arrive by dirigible…”

“We should open up a large batch of tickets to sale for the public,” said Tee Bone, skeptical that everyone would make it to Thunder Bay Ontario for a concert in the middle of winter.  “Help us recoup some of the cost for the equipment rentals.”

“Rentals are covered,” said Deke as he checked another item off his list.  “Thank the Snowman.  He’s  covering the whole show.”

“What about booze and herbal remedies?” asked Tee.

“Max the Axe sent a care package a week ago.  It also contained a VCR and a number of 8-track tapes, but I haven’t ascertained why,” answered Deke matter-of-factly.

Tee Bone turned somber a moment.  “And what about Moustachio?”  Their friend had disappeared months ago through some kind of energy portal.  “Think he’ll make it to the party or am I just wishing upon a star?”

“He won’t be making it,” said Deke as he patted his friend on the back, “but he’s alive out there somewhere.  There’s no evidence he didn’t survive.  He’ll be back.  Maybe not this year, but we’ll get him back.”

A brisk wind blew snow in the faces of the two friends.

“I think these guys have this under control,” said Deke as he packed away his clipboard.  “Let’s go inside, get some hot cocoa, and talk song requests.  Right now, only you, me and the Metal Man know who’s playing.  We’ve custom picked musicians for each of our friends, but we haven’t thought about what we wanna hear yet!  We have lists to make!”

With that, Tee Bone Man was airborne!  “Race you to the door!” he cackled as he soared away.

Show Night

Backstage was buzzing, but security was tight!  Absolutely nobody was getting close to the dressing rooms.  Deke had hired the best and only the best.    Groupies in scantily clad outfits and sky-high hair were waiting for a glimpse at anyone with a musical instrument.  Nobody had seen a thing.

The stage was black, but mountains of amplifiers could be made out with the naked eye.  A web of lighting hung overhead.  Enough seats for every invitee were waiting, some already filled.  Meanwhile, hundreds of people filed into the general admission section as Tee Bone opened sales to the public.  It seemed unfair, he reasoned, to deny the public a chance to see this historic event.  A webcast was set up to stream, and people were expected to tune in by the tens of thousands.

At side stage, from his own observation area, sat the little black squirrel named Ripper.  Moustachio’s faithful companion, Ripper had been living with Tee Bone and Superdekes every since Moustachio disappeared.

“Squee!  Squeeee squeeee!” cried the little squirrel.  Tee Bone Man answered the call and was soon by his side.

“What’s up, little buddy?” asked Tee Bone as he petted the animal to calm him down.

Ripper pointed to the giant stacks of rock power around him, Marshalls all.  He pointed to his ears and shrugged.

“Oh!  You’re worried about the volume!” said Tee Bone as he snapped his fingers.  “I forgot!  Deke made these for you.  Happy New Year, Ripper.”  In the palm of his head, Tee Bone presented a teeny tiny pair of military grade earmuffs.  “These will protect you, little guy.  Enjoy the show alright?”

Ripper nodded yes with glee and put on the muffs.

Tee Bone strolled around the area, looking for his friends.  Taking a seat near the front of the stage was an unmistakable Meaty Man.  Tee Bone raced over with a smile on his face.

“Meaty Man!  You made it!  We really weren’t sure!  We haven’t seen you since we saved you from the Sasquatch, in what seems like ages ago.”

Tee Bone offered a hug and the Meaty Man accepted.  He lit a cigarette.

“Well, ya know,” he shrugged.  “Someone sent me a plane ticket, so I figured what the hell.”

“That would have been me!” screamed the Snowman as he appeared from the crowd, hand extended for a shake.  “I had to make sure you didn’t miss this show tonight.”

The lights began to suddenly dim.

“You guys take your seats!  I gotta go!  Enjoy the show!” said Tee Bone Man as he departed once again.

A few spotlights came to life on stage.  There was a low hum.  People shuffled into their seats as a few more lights began to move about, as if hunting.  Then a voice boomed!

“THUNDER BAY ONTARIO!  You wanted the best…and you got more than you bargained for!”

Then the floodlights exploded into brilliance, and a fully suited Tee Bone Man was standing there on stage, arms extended into the air!

“Get ready for the party of your lives, Thunder Bay!  Deke’s Palace is proud to present…the Stars of Rock Heaven!”  A slideshow of faces from rock stars past scrolled on the massive screens behind.  John Bonham, Lemmy Kilmister, Ronnie James Dio, Jeff Hanneman…and so many more.  An audible gasp could be heard from the crowd.  A few mumbles and whispers.  “Could it be?  Could it really be?”

As if to answer that question, a spectral Ronnie James Dio, all aglow with the afterlife, joined Tee Bone Man on stage!

“Ladies and gentlemen, here’s our MC Ronnie James Dio to introduce our first performer!”  Tee Bone allowed Ronnie to take the center stage.

“Thunder Bay!  You are the kings of rock and roll!” shouted Ronnie.  “But you know, we don’t want to rock you too hard right from the beginning!  This first performer is a special request for someone called the ‘Meaty Man’!  Are you out there somewhere ‘Meaty Man’!”

From the front, the Meaty Man could not believe what he was seeing or hearing.  He looked around, pointed at himself, mumbled “Me?” to the Snowman next to him, and stood.  A spotlight caught his figure as he rose.

Dio pointed.  “There he is!”  The crowd cheered.  “Thunder Bay, we’re starting acoustic tonight, so please welcome to the stage, from Kitchener Ontario via Rock Heaven…Mr. Paul MacLeod!”

From backstage, a man with an acoustic guitar, white T-shirt, and a black beanie cap emerged.  He waved to the crowd and sat on a stool.

“This is a song called ‘Down on the Streets’,” he announced and began to play.

A tear hit the Meaty Man’s eye.  He just watched in silence as his friend played the song.  He smiled, turned to the Snowman and simply said “Thank you.”

Paul played a brief four song set.  “Giants”, “The Trickster” and an acoustic version of Hibakusha’s “Moped Song” rounded out his show.

“Thank you Thunder Bay!” waved Paul as he exited the stage.  “I’m due back in Rock Heaven, but it was great playing for you!  Enjoy the rest of the show!”  He vanished into the frosty air.


It took a while for the pandemonium and energy to subside enough that Dio could be heard, as he stood in front of the throng. Arms wide in a gesture asking for a lower volume, Dio smiled. This was what it was all about, and the excitement was palpable.

Finally, what could pass for a hush spread through Deke’s Palace, and Dio smiled again. “Are you having a good time?” he shouted into the mic. The crowd roared! “I said… are you HAVING A GOOD TIME?” The crowd roared again, impossibly louder this time. Grinning, Dio waved for hush again and got it. He had their attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends and allies, we are here tonight to witness the Stars Of Rock Heaven. This is a night for the ages, a night to remember, a night of all nights. We’ve already had rock royalty on this stage, and more are coming!”   He saluted the crowd in “devil horn” fashion and they responded with cheers.

“And now we will add to the rock royalty to grace us this evening, so please direct your eyes to center stage.” The stage was dark behind Dio, but there came a sudden, gentle beat from a drum set. The drummer was using brushes, tastefully, immediately locking into the pocket.

The lights slowly came up, and everyone gasped and cheered at the same time as they recognized a familiar face, and Dio gleefully shouted into the mic, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is our great pleasure to introduce… Mr. Charlie Watts!” The crowd exploded with excitement and, at the acknowledgement, Charlie simply nodded his head in the crowd’s general direction, back ramrod straight with perfect posture and determined, as he was, to maintain his tasty rhythm.

Dio’s grin widened as he turned to face the crowd again. “Oh folks, we’re not done yet. Let’s add another Charlie!” The crowd was hanging on his every word. “Now, he may not be royalty of rock, but he is royalty of another level… won’t you please welcome to the stage the one, the only, the legendary… Mr. Charlie Parker!”  And the place went nuts.

Knowing it would take a few moments for them to be heard, Watts simply kept the beat and then, when it was time, when the groove felt right, Parker raised his sax to his lips, embraced the beat Watts was laying down, and instantly grabbed the crowds rapt attention with a wondrous duo version of “Bluebird”. Hot on its heels came a snappy “Relaxing At The Camarillo”, and so on into the rest of the set. Both Charlies there, in their glory, lost in the music, together in music heaven, revelling in the joy of it all, knowing these were duets for the ages, and knowing that this was as it should be.

It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but as the final notes of “Going, Going, Going, Gone” reverberated throughout the venue, everyone knew they had witnessed a true, momentous event.


The arena went dark.  A spotlight followed Dio as his spectral form returned to manic applause. He hit center stage, and looked down at the Snowman, who now was nervous as to why Dio was staring directly at him!  All Dio said was “Snowman…this band’s for you.  Here they are…CRAZY TRAIN TO HELL”!  The arena again went dark, and a menacing sound reverberated around the arena, as if a train was coming!  A bright light shone from the back of the stage, and it looked like a train was definitely coming! Smoke filled the air.  There was a nervousness in the crowd…then up from the stage came Randy Rhodes, as he threw out the riff to “Crazy Train”.  Everyone lost their minds…and for The Snowman, that wouldn’t take much!

Randy ripped through the opener, and then Bon Scott suddenly appeared and started singing the song like we’ve never heard before.  And the name of “Crazy Train to Hell” now made a lot more sense.  “But who is that playing bass, and who is destroying those drums?” wondered the Snowman, as if on cue, a poof of smoke, and Cliff Burton appeared on bass!  And then…Eric Carr on the drums!  Eric was the first metal drummer that the Snowman ever saw in concert.   He let out a huge “Woohoo!” and everyone around him looked at him like he was an idiot!  They all wondered who he was, and what the hell was he screaming about. The Snowman wondered if no one else could see them, and then the crowd suddenly could, and understood what was going on. The audience commenced screaming and the volume was almost unbearable!

After “Crazy Train”, it went dark again and as if by magic, Cliff was now front and center.  Metallica fans were about to get a treat as Cliff started playing “(Anaesthesia) Pulling Teeth”.   It was simply wicked.  People in the front were practically melting from the heat of Cliff’s bass, as it was aflame, as his fingers flew up and down the fret board.  It was a sight to be seen.  The Snowman was virtually in Rock and Roll Heaven, and wondered how Tee Bone and Superdekes were going to top that!

The arena went dark yet again and an explosion of fire lit the stage, as Eric Carr’s drum set suddenly appeared front and center.  Eric was standing up on his seat dressed in that leopard print leotard that no man should ever wear, but Eric could pull off.  He started destroying the skins and played a quick solo but then the band came back out and “Carr Jam” went in to full force.  Randy played those riffs, and the Snowman had to sit down as he felt faint from getting to hear Randy, Cliff and Eric play this amazing song. It was more than he could take.

Snowman was beside himself, and he thought he had witnessed the coolest thing ever, but it wasn’t over yet!  Bon Scott came back on stage and stood next to Randy.  He gave him a wink and Randy started playing “Highway to Hell”.  The noise from the crowd almost shattered every window in the Palace, as a few heads might have actually exploded.  Bon Scott sounded as gritty and nasty as always, and the song ended a set that was like a dream come true for so many to get to see these monsters of rock play one more time.  It was surreal.  It was insane. It was a Crazy Train to Hell.  The Snowman stood their like a idiot with a big grin slapped across his face.

There was darkness and silence as the audience at Deke’s Palace waited patiently for the next surprise.  Ripper the Squirrel hopped from his vantage point, earmuffs on, and excited by the next band inspired by his good friend Moustachio.  This time, there was no introduction from Dio, for the band had something else planned….

The stage had been shrouded in darkness since Crazy Train to Hell had left, and patience was starting to wear thin throughout the crowd. Then, the faint sound of drums came from the back of the stage. Rat tat-atatatat, it slowly grew louder as the silhouette of a man walked up to the microphone.

“Are you ready Chuck?






“Well alright fellas! Let’s gooooooooo!”, screamed the unmistakable voice of Brian Connolly.

The stage exploded in a spectacle of light and sound as the band kicked off the “Ballroom Blitz” into top gear. Joining the shimmering Connolly on stage was rock and roll legend Chuck Berry with his fiery lead guitarwork, Iron Maiden’s Clive Burr on drums, and Electric Light Orchestra veteran Kelly Groucutt pulling double duties lending both his bass-playing skills and silky backing vocals to this talented quartet.

“Oh yeah! It was electric!”, sang Brian, “so frantically hectic!”.

The lyrics were familiar, but the sound was completely fresh. The lucky people in the crowd had never heard anything like this before. The song finished to rapturous applause, and the band wasted no time launching into their next number.

Over the course of twenty-five minutes the crowd was treated to a suite of classic rock and roll songs, all rendered in spectacular fashion. As the closing notes finished on an electrifying take on Buddy Holly’s “Well…All Right” (featuring a guest appearance by Tee Bone himself lending a second axe for the smoking dual-guitar riff made famous on Santana’s version), no one thought that things could get any better. But then they did.

Because the celebration of rock was about to culminate in a larger than life performance of “Roll Over Beethoven”, featuring none other than Ludwig Van B himself. Turns out he and Chuck had really hit it off there up at the great gig in the sky when the Father of Rock and Roll had passed in 2017. To think the maestro composer first demanded entry into Rock Heaven because he had a bone to pick with Chuck!

And with both Chuck Berry and a member of ELO on stage, this was quite possibly the definitive rendition of the song, bringing the two arrangements onto one glorious performance. Eight minutes of rocking, rolling, playing and soloing closed out a night of some the greatest live performances in history.

As the curtain fell on the stage, Tee Bone came up to say a few words.  He strolled out from the curtains into the spotlight one more time.

Backstage, Deke was checking off a checklist.  “Up last…it’s time for the closer, Metal Man’s band.”

Simultaneously Tee Bone looked down at his notes on clipboard.  “Wow, what a lineup he secured!  I heard he wanted the entire original lineup of Lynyrd Skynyrd, but Tommy Lee booked them for tonight instead.  Well, I’d better go introduce the MC for this set…”

“Ladies and gentleman, aliens and otherwise!” shouted Tee Bone.  His guitar was over his shoulder.  He attempted to do his best Paul Stanley impression.  He strummed a power chord.  “People!  I said, peeeeople!”  He sang the words into the microphone, sweat now beading on his nose.  “I said peeeeeople!  Lemme hear ya!  Put your hands together…for Elvis Presley!!”  Tee Bone exited in a flourish as Elvis himself sashayed onto the stage, glowing and striking his most famous poses all the way.

Elvis walked to center stage and gave his famous, “Thank you very much” to the crowd. “Our final performance tonight features Ronnie James Dio on vocals, Criss Oliva on guitar, Jimmy Bain on bass, Jon Lord on keyboards and Cozy Powell on drums. I give you now, Deep Black Rainbow!  Thank you ma’am!”

Elvis quickly exited stage left leaving the audience to gawk at the red lights as they rolled back the stage revealing a medieval setting with two fully armoured knights holding two-handed swords at either side, and a castle behind Cozy’s drum kit. While everyone was taking in the scene, they were brought back to reality by an explosion and familiar guitar riffs. Before anyone realized, Deep Black Rainbow were on stage engaging all with “Stand Up and Shout.”

After the Dio classic, the band yo-yoed between the Rainbow and Deep Purple: “Man on the Silver Mountain,” “Black Knight” and “Tarot Woman.” Ronnie’s voice being as sound as ever, spoke to the crowd, making sure they were enjoying the show. When the crowd roared back their approval, the band launched into “The Last in Line,” which was accompanied by bright lights shining out to the audience.

By this time, any doubts as to how guitarist, Criss Oliva, would handle unfamiliar songs were consigned to the bin, as his solos more than showed he was up to the job. Still, everyone went nuts when they played “Hall of the Mountain King” with Ronnie’s vocals adding a fresh perspective. Criss continued to awe the audience with a four minute guitar solo. When the rest of the band returned, they slowed things down with Rainbow’s “Temple of the King.”

At this point, Deep Purple Rainbow showed they still had the creativity when the unveiled their first original, “Deceive the Devil,” which the audience ate up. The laser battle going across the stage between the two knights might have helped. When the light show dimmed, it perfectly set the mood for the Black Sabbath classic, “Children of the Sea.”

In the eyes and ears of the audience, Deep Black Rainbow could do no wrong. Jon amazed the crowd with a mesmerising keyboard solo before the band returned and nailed “Woman From Tokyo.” Cozy followed with a drum solo, and after a few minutes, Jimmy joined in with him on bass. That led to another original, and two more Dio classics: “Rock and Roll Children” and “Rainbow in the Dark” in rapid succession.

It might have looked like it was going to be all over when they played “Long Live Rock and Roll,” when Ronnie got the audience participating. However, the band had one more trick up their sleeves. After the singalong, with the band in full swing, a mechanical dragon just like the one used on Dio’s “Sacred Heart” tour rose from behind the drums blowing smoke from its nose! It remained to the very end, and even took a bow with the band.

There was no way the audience would let things go that easily. In unison, they roared for Deep Black Rainbow’s return. It was only when throats started to go collectively sore that the band came back.  Then, Dio, beckoned to the side of the stage.  “Come on!” he motioned.  Then Elvis appeared, waved to the crowd, and grabbed a microphone.  Chuck Berry returned to the stage, duck-walking to center stage as the crowd screamed in approval.  Criss Oliva followed, plugging in his electric guitar so familiar from the Gutter Ballet album cover.  He was followed by Randy Rhoads who plugged into another stack of amps.  The final guitarist, Tee Bone Man himself, had the honour of standing between the two legendary axemen.  His face was humble and his eyes were made of joy.

Eric Carr and Clive Burr emerged, carrying tambourines and shakers.  Brian Connolly and Kelly Groucutt were behind them with microphones in their hands.  Cliff Burton just had a beer, while the two Charlies weren’t quite sure how they fit in, but were just glad to be there.  Paul MacLeod had returned, and simply grinned at all the rock majesty from the side of the stage.

Ronnie James Dio saluted the lucky fans, who were then treated to three encore songs.  First, “Highway Star,” then “Holy Diver”.

“We have time for one more!” Ronnie announced. The familiar guitar riff of an all-time classic sent all into mass hysterical frenzy.  Criss and Ronnie led the procession as everyone joined in the party that was “Smoke On the Water”!  An amazing light show accompanied the iconic hit, and if Richie Blackmore had been there, he would have taken out a court injunction against Criss Oliva, forbidding him to play it again, as he totally nailed the guitar solo. Jon Lord followed on with one more amazing keyboard solo and then a brief drum solo from Cozy.  Charlie Parker’s saxophone joined in for “Smoke”, while everyone sang along to the indelible chorus.  When they left again, this time for good, the audience screamed their heads off, and cigarette lighters lit up the entire seating area. Ronnie graciously thanked everyone for coming and enjoying the show, and for being so wonderful. All of Deep Black Rainbow came together, took their final bows and a few heavenly hugs.  The band glimmered bright, and faded away in a giant cascade of stars.  Tee Bone remained alone on stage.  Speechless, the man stood before them for an achingly long silence.

“Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, friends from near and far…I don’t know what to say!” He paused, unsure how to finish.  Ultimately, he went with his guts.  “People…let’s see the Kiss Avatars top that!  You just witnessed the greatest rock show of all time!  Let’s hear it!”  The crowd screamed in eternal gratitude, for there would never be a show like this one.  “Now let’s count, because it’s almost midnight!”  A massive clock was projected on a screen behind him.

“10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…wooo!” screamed the rapturous attendees.

“Happy New Year!” screamed Tee Bone at the top of his lungs.  “Welcome to 2024!”

Tee Bone basked in happiness, as Deke came out to give his best friend a hug.  This had to be the best New Year’s Eve celebration ever.

Epilogue 1:  In Space

Jen watched the simulcast from her tiny screen in the Galaxy Explorer.  She smiled, knowing how much her Brainiac would have loved seeing the Kiss guy on stage.  Her favourite performer was probably Chuck Berry, but she also really liked the Paul MacLeod song.  Dio also reminded her of her Michael.

There was a tap on the bulkhead by her station.  It was Captain Frank.

“Good evening, Specialist,” smiled the captain.  “Happy New Year.  It’s lights out for you in 15, just a reminder.  We have a load-in tomorrow and we’ll all need our rest.”

Jen grinned and removed her glasses.  “I was just about to get some sleep,” she answered.  “I was watching the big New Years concert.  You wouldn’t believe who they had on stage.”

The Captain chuckled.  “I heard it was going to be Kiss, kicking off another tour!”   They both laughed.

“It was a bit bigger than that,” answered Jen, “but I won’t spoil the show for you.  You’ll have to see it for yourself.”

“Sounds good, Specialist.  See you in the morning, G’night.”

“Good night Captain,” said Jen.  “And good night my Brainiac, until we meet again.”

Epilogue 2:  The aftermath

It took a full three days for Tee Bone Man and Superdekes to sleep off the show they had hosted.  The tundra of Thunder Bay was completely thawed by the sheer heat generated by the music, not to mention the pyro.  This resulted in several road closures, cutting off Thunder Bay from the rest of Canada, with the hardtop cracked and sinkholed.  It was like an earthquake had hit the small city.  Many concert-goers were stranded in Thunder Bay until safe passage could be assured.

The Thunder Bay Times had written an article about the concert, praising the surprise factor of the performers, the music, the song selections, and the technical aspects of the show.  They had, perhaps surprisingly, also lambasted Tee Bone and Superdekes for long lines, especially to the washrooms, and a cumbersome online ticket sale interface.  Of course, the three day traffic jam to leave town dominated the news for three cycles, and even made the international morning talk programs in the US and UK.  Tee Bone Man was finding himself the uncomfortable face of the infrastructure breakdown and traffic issues that everyone was talking about.

The hotel and bed-and-breakfast business in Thunder Bay, usually struggling and sluggish, was now booming.  In three days, they had posted enough profit to cover their budgets for the next three months.  The conversations around the water coolers, pro and con Tee Bone and Superdekes, started locally but began to spread all over the world.  Was the concert a good or bad thing?  What about that exploding restaurant in Kitchener Ontario a month or two ago?  Trouble seemed to follow these two, wherever they went.  Twitter was filled with discussion, much of it hostile.  People began changing their avatars to Tee Bone Man’s face, or his face with a line through it.  It was getting…ugly.  This was something new for the two heroes.

Somewhere in Ontario, sitting in her plush red armchair, a woman read the latest article on Tee Bone and Superdekes, the concert, and the casualties.  She stroked a miniature Schnauzer, black and grey and white and snoozing peacefully, on her lap.  The woman turned the page to the obituaries.  It had become habit, since suffering her own loss at the hands of these two so-called “heroes”.   Angrily, she stopped herself, hastily balled up the newspaper and threw it into the fireplace.  The fire briefly expanded and brightened as the paper turned to ash.  The dog, startled, jumped off her lap.

She stood.  She picked up a large black case.

“It’s time we paid Tee Bone Man a visit,” she growled.  The Schnauzer growled, in perfect musical harmony.  An orange portal opened, and the two stepped through.

To be continued…in Tee Bone and Superdekes Go Back to School Parts 1 and 2!









The Writer’s Room



Top Ten SAVATAGE Tracks Ranked – A Collaboration with the 80sMetalMan

SAVATAGE!  This Florida metal band reigned from 1979 to 2002, and is now back ready to unleash a new album called Curtain Call!  They never received the recognition they deserved over the course of 12 mostly excellent albums.  Let’s fix that here and now!

This list is part of a collaborative effort with 80sMetalMan!  You can check his list here.

10. “Handful of Rain” from Handful of Rain (1994)

We begin our story with tragedy, but also triumph.  Lead guitarist Criss Oliva was killed by a drunk driver, almost ending the band permanently, and shattering the soul of his brother Jon.  Jon Oliva was not even a member of the band anymore, having abdicated the mountain king throne to new singer Zack Stevens a year prior.  Undaunted, Oliva wrote and recorded almost all the instruments on the next Savatage album Handful of Rain.  Even though bassist Johnny Lee Middleton and drummer Steve “Doc” Wacholz are pictured inside, they did not play.  Jon did.  Joining him on lead guitar was former Testament master-shredder Alex Skolnick.  An immensely powerful team up.  They produced a somber album, but not without power and thrills.  The title track, available as a 5:25 extended edition or the standard 5:02 version, boasts acoustic verses and a powerful chorus that will stay with you for days.

9. “Morphine Child” from Poets and Madmen (2001)

The final Savatage epic from the final Savatage album.  Jon Oliva was back on lead vocals.  Zack Stevens departed to form his own band, Circle II Circle.  This song utilizes a powerful, relentless riff and a host of backing singers taking care of a complicated vocal counterpoint.  Different lyrics and melodies all overlap to form a cohesive and weighty segment of an already powerful song.  With piano and guitars intertwined with equal emphasis, Savatage may have taken their new operatic metal style to its peak here.  Though a comeback is planned, the band has remaining largely inactive ever since.  Regardless, at least they finished their first life in style, and with masterful progressive metal music.

8. “Warriors” from Power of the Night (1985)

Though this song commences with a corny keyboard bit and a ballady melody, it is far from that!  The battle grunts of the “warriors” soon join in with a sharp metal riff.  An alloy of iron and titanium, “Warriors” boasts a relentless chorus.  The verses are fun too.  “Armed to attack!  The soldiers react!”  Not poetry, but it matters not when Oliva screams.  This is simply heavy metal, down to the basics, and executed with youth and naivete.  The thing is:  it’s really good and catchy!

7. “Sirens” from Sirens (1983)

A shorty, at under four minutes.  The tempered steel of Criss Oliva’s riff is the main hook.  Much would improve later on, such as Jon’s lyrics and the band’s writing skills, but they had everything they needed from the get-go.  There’s a slower breakdown in the middle that only serves to re-ignite the powerful riff later on.  Oliva’s shrieking was already in place, fully formed and under his complete control.  Because the song is so short, you just have to go back and play it one more time.

6. “Strange Wings” from Hall of the Mountain King (1987)

Producer/manager Paul O’Neill was working with a little band called Badlands in 1989, featuring former Black Sabbath singer Ray Gillen on lead vocals.  He made a hell of an impression before Badlands as a backing vocalist on “Strange Wings” by Savatage!  This song, which boasts a powerfully simple riff, contains one of Savatage’s mightiest choruses!  A melancholy metal song with oodles of power, “Strange Wings” is one of Savatage’s top deep cuts.  There are many to choose from, but Ray’s singing on this one sets it apart.  His voice, mixed with Jon Oliva’s, offers a rare metal duet of stainless steel.

5. “Hall of the Mountain King” from Hall of the Mountain King (1987)

A classic Criss Oliva riff, backed by the haunting screams of brother Jon!  This song introduced Savatage to the metal masses.  Few songs can top the power of its mighty riff, or the unholy notes that Oliva hits on the chorus.  Not overly complex, but neither is it simple.  After Criss’ solo, Jon simply lets loose with the howls of a banshee gone mad!  Many would rank this song much higher than #5.   Perhaps the Metal Man is one.  It is extremely difficult, since Savatage have so many songs of different flavours.  Of their era of pure metal majesty, this song is tops.

4. “The Wake of Magellan” from The Wake of Magellan (1999)

Savatage have utilized counterpoint vocals numerous times on their albums from Handful of Rain to Poets and Madmen.  It is arguable that “The Wake of Magellan” is their most effective use of the technique.  Multiple vocal parts and lyrics overlap over each other, with uncountable Zacks singing complementary parts over each other.  Fortunately, the melodies are strong enough to stand out in the storm!  While the band and orchestra cooks behind, Zack Stevens sings all the parts, overdubbed for simultaneous power.  The first layer:  “Don’t see the storms are forming, don’t see or heed the warning, don’t hear the sound of tyrants, surrounded by the silence.”  Then a second Zack joins, singing the same.  A third Zack emerges overtop, singing the extremely fast and challenging lines:  “Columbus and Magellan and De Gama sailed upon the ocean in a world of ignorance with thoughts so primitive.  That men were killed with no more will than that they simply had the notion, but in this world of heartless men this thing they never did.”  Imagine singing that live, which the band had to do, at machine gun speed!  Another Zack doubles those lines.  Then a fifth Zack joins:  “Don’t hear it, don’t hear it…”  Then another Zack:  “Got to keep it underground, pretend you never heard a sound.”  More Zacks join with the lines “If they find it, kill it, blind it,” and “Lord tell me what is to be,” until all the voices coalesce together in the line “They whisper, and I…”  Has there ever been a more epic song in any genre?

3. “Edge of Thorns” from Edge of Thorns (1993)

New singer.  New lease on life.  Zack Stevens was sometimes compared to Geoff Tate when he first debuted in 1993 on Edge of Thorns.  The first single from the first album of a new era, combining the metal of Savatage’s early years and the piano epics of the previous two records.  The brilliant title track from Stevens’ debut still raises goosebumps on the arms.  An apex of this style of metal, “Edge of Thorns” has no dull surfaces.  Every edge cuts deep, the scarlet blood stains lingering in your heart forever.  “I have seen you on the edge of dawn, felt you here before you were born.  Balance your dreams upon the edge of thorns…but I don’t think about you anymore.”  Yet he clearly does.  This theme recurs through the album on songs like “Conversation Piece”.  Another genius Criss Oliva guitar solo is the cherry on top.  Few bands can meld their different styles from separate eras together like Savatage did on “Edge of Thorns”.  A masterpiece of a song.

2. “Gutter Ballet” from Gutter Ballet (1989)

I’ll never forget hearing that opening piano figure.  Loosely, Jon Oliva plays:  “ding, ding, ding…”  Then as he plays the notes become stronger and the tempo more steady.  Suddenly the band crashes forth and “Gutter Ballet” careens through your stereo, into your soul.  Savatage had never incorporated piano like this before, and by breaking new ground they broke down walls.  No longer were they a simple heavy metal band.  The doors to a whole new world of concept and drama had opened.  Welcome to the Gutter Ballet.  This track combines an epic piano melody with incendiary guitar riffs, an orchestra, and street-smart Oliva/O’Neill lyrics about the nasty gutters of New York City.  “Balanced on their knives, little parts of lives, such a strange reality.  Kill the unicorn, just to have its horn, soon he’s just a fantasy…”  And the Criss Oliva guitar solo!  A composition unto itself, backed by strings.  Power, emotion, skill and fire combined together into one incredible song.  An epic song that few bands could top.  Few…except Savatage.

1. “Believe” from Streets: A Rock Opera (1991)

Within the context of the Streets story, the main character D.T. Jesus witnesses a luminous spirit emerge from a dying homeless man, that he follows up several flights of stairs to a roof of a building.  D.T. opens his heart, and hears the voice of God.  “Believe” is the perfect ending to an epic emotional journey.  With all the power that Savatage can muster — overblown, dramatic, and pompous — “Believe” ends the rock opera (and this list) properly.  Interestingly, it retains an epic section that was lifted directly from “When the Crowds are Gone”, as the two albums share a genesis.  So epic is this segment, that Savatage had to re-use it.  Then later, on the Savatage album Handful of Rain, part of it was re-used again, along with other parts of “Believe”.  “Believe” ends this album on the bright up-note that you want a story to end with, your soul awash with light and musically uplifted.  “I’ll be right there, I’ll never leave, and all I ask is believe”

Who’s the Mole in Rock and Roll Heaven? – A Tee Bone Man Multiverse Story (By 80sMetalMan)

Who’s the Mole in Rock and Roll Heaven?

A Tee Bone Man Multiverse Story

By 80sMetalMan


The band’s final song of the night ended to lacklustre applause. “Thank you very much, good night and remember your bartenders,” the singer said trying to sound grateful. He looked out at the half empty bar. Half the patrons who were there seemed more engrossed in their private conversation to pay notice to the band on stage. The other half were just plain drunk. The singer shook his head in despair and joined his band members in clearing the equipment from the stage.

“I can’t go on like this, I have a good job, so I don’t need to play in dive bars like this one in the hopes I will make the big time one day,” the steel guitarist lamented.

“Are you quittin’ the group?” the singer asked matter of factly.

“I’m not sure yet,” the steel guitarist answered honestly. I know how much more I can go on like this, playing in half empty bars to a few drunks who don’t give a damn about us.”

“He’s right though,” the drummer suddenly chimed in. “We’ve been playing in shit holes like this and ain’t getting’ nowhere.”

The singer sighed and grabbed one of the beers which was still left. Taking the can opener, he poked holes in opposite sides of the top of the can and took a long gulp. Once he digested the amber liquid, a sudden thought came to him. “Let’s not make any decisions tonight. Let’s all go home and have a good night’s sleep and think about it.”

Everyone in the band seemed to accepted their singer’s suggestion. They gathered up their equipment and packed it all away, most of it in the singer’s pickup truck before all headed home.

He wasn’t surprised that no lights were on as the singer arrived home to his trailer. After all, it was two-thirty in the morning and his wife would already be asleep.  Trying to be as quiet as possible, he opened the door and crept in. Plopping himself down on the small couch, he opened another beer and started drinking. After one long guzzle, he sat staring at the wall, reflecting upon the disillusionment of his band. What frustrated the singer was that he knew that they had the potential to make it big, they just needed a break.

After finishing the beer, the singer wasn’t sure if he was drifting off to sleep while sitting on the couch. Furthermore, he couldn’t decide if he was drunk or just tired but he was definitely sure that he was looking at a human figure with what looked like horns on his head. The figured beckoned him to come forward, which he obeyed.

“God, I gotta stop drinkin’ so much,” he thought to himself as he moved towards the figure. When he got a few feet away, the figure held out his hand and commanded, “Stop!” His voice reverberated through the singer’s head.

“Who are you?” the singer asked.

The figure laughed a deafening laugh which again rebounded back and forth inside the singer’s skull. “I am known by many names, but you know me best as Satan, or the Devil.”

“This must be a dream,” thought the singer, but not totally sure if he was thinking it or actually saying it.  His ponderings were interrupted by Satan’s booming voice. “You want to be a music star? Well I can make that happen.”

“What? Do I have to give you my soul or somethin’?” the singer sneered sarcastically.

“That’s exactly what you must do!” Satan’s booming voice nearly knocking the singer off balance.

“Look,” the singer explained once he regained his balance. “I might be a hard drinkin’ man but I’m a God fearin’ one too.”

“Oh, I’m not requiring you to stop fearing God,” Satan responded in a softer voice. “I’m just asking you for your soul and in return, I’ll make you a star.”

“Really?” the singer returned with a hint of sarcasm. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll sign your contract and see if you make me a star.”

The Devil reached into what seemed like a coat pocket and pulled out some papers. “You will sign, then?”

“Why not, I have nothing to lose except for my soul,” the singer snickered. He went over to a table which seemed to suddenly appear from out of nowhere and after a brief read, taking not of the clause that he would achieve stardom, signed his name.

“Good, good!” Satan bellowed with glee. “Tomorrow, after you’ve sobered up of course, go to Sun Records in Memphis. You will see that I will keep my end of the bargain.”

“I must be crazy,” the singer thought to himself as he drove his pick up truck into Memphis. Fortunately, the recording studio wasn’t hard to find and he found a place to park fairly quickly. As he walked up to the studio’s front door, he question the sanity of what he was doing. However, he concluded, “What do I have to lose?”

Carefully holding the reel of tape with his band’s recording and guitar slung over his back, the singer walked through the front doors of Sun Records. When he got in, a red haired lady wearing too much makeup briefly acknowledged him. Not sure of what to say, he stammered, “I have this tape of my band, I was hoping one of your executive types could give it a listen.”

In a practised tone, the receptionist automatically responded, “We can’t touch any unsolicited material.  Do you have an agent?”

The singer shook his head. He stood there for a moment not knowing whether to insist or leave. Just then, three men came through the door behind the receptionist. He vaguely recognised two of the men but there was no doubt as to the identity of the third. Elvis Presley was known, not only to him, but now becoming a big name around the Memphis area.

“Hey, are you a singer or musician?” Elvis asked the singer out of the blue.

Momentarily taken aback, the singer nervously stammered back, “Yes, I sing and play some guitar.”

“Ah, nice,” Elvis responded and then he suggested, “Why don’t you join us for lunch? Maybe we can play together after.”

The singer couldn’t believe his luck. “Hell yeah!! he let out at an unintended higher volume.

Following a lunch of burgers and fries at a local diner where Elvis, his two band members and the singer talked about their musical influences, many of which they shared, he joined them for a jam session which went on to late in the evening. When he got to sing, Elvis pointed out, “You have a very distinctive voice. I like that deep bass sound you got.”

The kind words lifted the singer’s spirits to a new high but they rose even higher when Elvis invited him to come back the next day. As he drove home that night. He thought to himself, “Maybe selling my soul to the Devil wasn’t such a bad idea.”


He didn’t experience any out of body experiences nor did he see any white lights. Instead, the singer found himself surrounded by near darkness with only a dim light above. When his eyes focused, he saw a familiar looking human shaped figure coming towards him. Instinctively, the singer headed towards the figure, thinking that he should meet it half way.  When they were twenty feet apart, the figure stopped and held out his hand beckoning the singer to do the same. He obeyed. His eyes now fully adjusted, he could now make out the identity of the figure standing before him. Even though, it had been nearly half a century since their meeting, he recognised the Devil straight away.

“You’ve come for my soul, I suppose.”

Satan let out a loud laugh which rebounded through the singer’s head. “I’ve kept my end of the bargain. You can’t say that you haven’t had a great singing career, selling millions of records and even getting a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement Award. You even had your own TV show in the early 1970s and have been in movies. I think you had the stardom you were seeking. By the way, was you dressing all in black some sort of sign that you sold your soul to me?”

“Hell no!” the singer exclaimed. “That was just an image and I thought our meeting was some sort of drunken dream. Besides, you know that I made my religious views quite clear and even sang at Billy Graham Crusades.”

“You did,” the Devil affirmed. “But drunk or not, you did make a bargain with me and now it’s time for you to keep up your end of it. God can’t get you out of this one.”

“You’re takin’ me to hell then?”

A sly grin appeared on the Devil’s face. “Actually no, I have other plans for you. I’m sending you to Rock Heaven instead. You’re going to be my eyes and ears there.”

“Rock Heaven? Is there such a place?” the singer looked totally confused.

“Yes, Rock Heaven,” Satan further explained. “Ever since Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Riche Valens died in that plane crash in 1959, Rock Heaven has been the place where all rock stars go after they’ve passed from the mortal realm. God, using the archangel Michael as his representative, and I agreed to create the place where rock stars can spend eternity making music. However, I can’t go there unless I’m invited which is why I’m sending you there. Besides, I know your buddy Elvis is waiting for you.”

The singer nodded, “Fine with me.” He had barely finished speaking when he noticed that Satan had disappeared and a large door now stood before him. Instinctively, he opened the door and stepped into a large well lit room. He knew the person coming to greet him right away.

“Hello, my friend, welcome to Rock Heaven” Elvis greeted the new arrival. The two briefly hugged and when they separated, the room was suddenly full of other rock stars who had passed onto this realm, eager to greet their newest friend. Jim Croce was the first to shake the singer’s hand. “I’ve always wanted to sing a duet with you,” Jim smiled, “And now we have an eternity.”

Not Long Ago

All the denizens of Rock Heaven headed to the big meeting room, attendance was mandatory. Elvis and Buddy Holly, at the insistence of Ronnie James Dio and Lemmy ,called for this emergency meeting. No one was quite sure the purpose of the meeting but the singer, like everyone else, went in and found a seat.

Once the congregation was settled and quiet, Elvis addressed the audience. “We have a serious problem down on Earth.”

“You’re damn fucking right we do!” Lemmy interrupted.

“Calm down Lemmy,” Elvis soothed. Turning back to the audience, Elvis continued, “Someone on Earth has invented a time machine and has gone back in time with the intention of wiping heavy metal from existence.”

A chorus of  boos arose from the heavy metal contingent.

“All the members of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Aerosmith, KISS and even Alice Cooper have all been assassinated. Their souls are in Limbo at the moment but I don’t know how long for. We’ve got to act to save heavy metal.”

All of a sudden, the singer sprang to his feet. When acknowledged, he suggested, “I think we need help from Heaven and Hell. Maybe Satan and God can help us.”

Phil Lynott also quickly rose up, “He’s right. We need to have outside help on this.”

“I second that,” Eric Carr added. “I don’t want to see my old bandmates in Limbo.”

“Agreed,” Elvis stated.

Just as soon as Elvis stopped talking a voice rang out. “Is somebody asking for help?”

While the rest of the congregation was slightly startled at the two new arrivals, the singer knew one of them straight away. It was the keeper of his soul.

“Allow me to introduce myself,” the speaker began. “You all know me as Satan, yes, me in the flesh.” Then turning to the personage next to him, he said, “I see God has sent you, Andrew.”

“Yes, they did,” Jesus’s apostle confirmed. “We need to get this mess straightened out.”

The two guests made their way to the center of the stage, Elvis taking a step back for them. Giving Elvis a thankful look, Satan addressed the audience. “I know of three people who can help us. Two are super heroes known as Tee Bone Man and Superdekes who reside in Canada. I’ve encountered those two personally.” A bad taste briefly swirled in the Devil’s mouth. “The other is a rock historian known as the Metalman. He can be found in England.

Andrew suddenly took over. “We in heaven have always feared something like this might happen and we are prepared. I’ve brought some divine items and have shaped them into forms you would be most comfortable with.” From seemingly out of nowhere, Andrew pulled out an electric guitar, a pick and a book. He further explained, “It’s best these items aren’t taken to Earth together, at least not the guitar and pick. One group should take one to the superheroes, and the other to this Metalman.”

The apostle handed the artefacts to Elvis who accepted without question, thanking both him and Satan. With that, the two beings promptly disappeared but the singer was certain that the Devil had given him a sly wink before he departed.

“Right, let’s get down to business, “Elvis demanded. After some short deliberations, it was decided that Ronnie James Dio, Lemmy, Jeff Hanneman and John Bonham would take the pick to Tee Bone Mane and Superdekes while Ronnie Van Zant, Randy Rhoads, Cliff Burton and AJ Pero would take the guitar and instruction book to the Metalman. Those chosen immediately left for their missions without further procrastination.

The singer, along with all the patrons of Rock Heaven rejoiced when each of the murdered bands was saved and history put right again. No one was surprised when Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott and Malcolm Young were dispatched to provide further assistance in saving Led Zeppelin. When Satan and Elvis returned with the ring leader, known as Suplee and his minions, they did so to thunderous applause.

“These good guys and gals will be our guests for all eternity,” Elvis chortled as he led the captives through Rock Heaven. “The can spend their time listening to the very music they tried so hard to destroy.” His words were met by more raucous applause and shouts of triumph. “We thank Satan and St. Andrew for their help in restoring rock history but the real heroes are Tee Bone Man and Superdekes. I’ve sent a request to God, and Satan here agrees that when their souls do claim, that they both join us here in Rock Heaven.”

Satan used the crowd going nuts over their victory to slip through the crowd. As he did so, he stopped in fromt of the singer and whispered, “Thank you for getting me involved. Your efforts are duly noted and when I take over Rock Heaven, you will be my right hand. After all, these rock stars should have been in hell with me to begin with.”

A smile appeared on the singer’s face as he watched his master vanish. In his mind, he though to himself, “There’s going to be some fireworks around here very soon.”

Read the Adventures of Tee Bone Man Chapter Eight:  Tee Bone & Deke’s Time Travelling Adventure for the crossover story!



  • Noirison:  Chapter One (by Holen)
  • The Mole in Rock and Roll Heaven (by 80sMetalMan) 
  • Shinzon:  Dread and the Fugitive Mind (By Harrison Kopp) TBA
  • Noirison:  Chapter Two (by Holen) TBA




Savatage Albums Ranked: A Collaboration with 80sMetalMan

A collaborative effort with 80sMetalMan!  You can check his list of Savatage Albums – Ranked by clicking here!

Don’t miss:  Savatage SONGS Top Ten with 80sMetalMan!  Click here!

12.  Fight For the Rock (1986)

It would be ridiculous for any Savatage fan to complain about keyboards, Jon Oliva’s main weapon.  However before he really started givin’ ‘er on keys with Gutter Ballet, they employed them heavily on Fight For the Rock with guest Dvoskin on the boards.  These keys over-dominate in the mix and sound tacked on and out of place.  Fight For the Rock could have been higher in the ranking if the band weren’t chasing hits by their own admission.  Nothing wrong with the ballad “Day After Day”, and there are quite a few great Sava-songs on this album.  The production tanks it, sadly.  The band would never make another album this commercial again.

11.  The Dungeons are Calling (1984)

Just a mini-album that followed Sirens.  Highlights include the ferocious title track (what a riff!) and the slower, grinding “By the Grace of the Witch”.  Some of the other songs are a bit thrashy, a bit chaotic, so it’s all a matter of taste.  I don’t think “The Whip” is particularly good but if you wanna get your head bangin’, then go for it.  One of the CD bonus tracks, “Fighting For Your Love”, later became “Crying For Love” on Fight For the Rock.  Good tune and maybe should have been on this mini-album, but also would have softened it if it was.

10.  Dead Winter Dead (1995)

I’m really really sorry about this.  I know it’s the iconic album that launched Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  I just think they had better concept albums.  Not that the concept is flawed but Savatage is a band with four concept albums (or rock operas) and one of them has to come in last.  Tracks like “I Am”, “Doesn’t Matter Anyway”, and “Dead Winter Dead” don’t hold up against superior material.  There’s also an overly long intro.  “This Isn’t What We Meant” and “This Is the Time (1990)” are emotional and awesome though.  I remember being disappointed that Alex Skolnick couldn’t stick around to record another album, and I really missed his greasy metal tone.  That’s not a slight against Al Pitrelli and Chris Caffery who came in to replace him.  It was nice to have the Mountain King, Jon Oliva, back in the band after two albums “officially” out.

9. Sirens (1983)

Not a bad debut by any stretch, with a monumental monolithic title track.  “Holocaust” is pretty awesome, as is “I Believe”, a rare song about aliens.  “On the Run” ain’t bad. “Twisted Little Sister” is a skip like “The Whip”, but the album ends on a strong note with “Out On the Streets”, another early song re-recorded and polished up on Fight For the Rock.

8. Gutter Ballet (1989)

This is so hard to pick “least favourites”. It kills me to put Gutter Ballet here in this position, since the title track is probably my favourite Savatage song of all time.  “When The Crowds Are Gone” would be in the top 10.  Banger “Of Rage and War” would make the top 30 list.  All of those songs are on side one.  Side two is less memorable, though it does feature Savatage’s first foray into conceptual territory.  The final three songs, “Mentally Yours”, “Summer Rain” and “Thorazine Shuffle” form a suite about insanity.  By the next album they were ready to do a full-blown rock opera.

7. Power of the Night (1985)

Raise the fist of the metal child!  The major label debut, produced by Max Norman.  Similar in strength, speed and heaviness to Sirens and The Dungeons Are Calling, the previous two releases.  Heavier than either due to sharp, lethal production work by Norman.  Some killer songs here:  title track, “Warriors”, and “Unusual” are all top tier.  “Washed Out” could be one of the heaviest songs they ever did.  Demonstrating their diversity, it ends on a decent ballad called “In the Dream”.  Really strong album, front to back, with a variety of heavy metal styles.

6. Hall of the Mountain King (1987)

It’s hard to believe that Fight for the Rock came in between Power of the Night and Hall of the Mountain King!  The two are brother records and it sounds impossible that anything came between them.  Mountain King was the breakthrough, with that incredible music video for the wicked title track.  Now produced by Paul O’Neill, the album sounds crisp and heavy.  Nary a wasted track here, with perhaps only the thrashy “White Witch” deserving the skip button.  “Strange Wings” could be the top track, with then-Black Sabbath singer Ray Gillen on backing vocals.  Top five Sava-tune territory.  But then there’s also “Beyond the Doors of the Dark”, very Sabbathy itself (Tony Martin era).  “The Price You Pay”, “Devastation”…what an incredible album!

5. Handful of Rain (1994)

Tragedy strikes.  Founding Savatage guitarist Criss Oliva was killed in a traffic accident.  His original snake-like style, tone, and compositional sharpness would never be heard again.  Ex-Testament guitarist Alex Skolnick came in to do the album and tour, and ex-singer Jon Oliva worked behind the scenes playing virtually everything Alex didn’t.  The band “Savatage” didn’t really play on it.  Doc Killdrums, Steve Wacholtz, was pictured on the sleeve but it was Oliva who played drums (and bass and rhythm guitar).  Lead singer Zack Stevens did an admirable job all over this album loaded with memorable songs.  Perhaps the best of the new songs was the operatic “Chance” featuring Savatage’s first foray into counterpoint vocals:  layers of different lines singing different lyrics and melodies, but all complimentary and building to an explosive climax.  Meanwhile “Taunting Cobras” and “Nothing’s Going On” covered the heavy side of things.  The closing track, “Alone You Breathe” is easily the most emotional.  It revisits parts of their magnum opus Streets: A Rock Opera for added hair-raising impact.

4. Poets and Madmen (2001)

The final Savatage, and fourth conceptual album.  Zack Stevens departed and Jon Oliva sang all the lead vocals himself for the first time since Streets (1990).  By this time we were used to big Savatage counterpoint epics, and this time it’s a 10 minute track called “Morphine Child”.  What a massive, plutonium-heavy riff!  All backed by a dramatic, emotional song.  While we did miss Stevens, Oliva more than handled the complex job with a host of backing singers similar to Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  This final album is about an asylum, but it’s more complex than that.  Many great tunes:  “Commisar”, “Drive”, “I Seek Power” and “Awaken” all slay.  At least they went out on a high note.  That counterpoint is the bomb!

3. The Wake of Magellan (1997)

Don’t see the storms are forming, don’t see or heed the warning.  Third conceptual album, and probably a hair better than Poets and Madmen simply because it has both Stevens and Oliva on lead vocals.  Brilliant songs with a nautical theme.  “Turns to Me”, “Complaint in the System”, “Paragons of Innocence”, “The Hourglass”, all great songs.  Not as heavy as their trashy past but many magnitudes more brilliant.  This time the big counterpoint song is the stunning title track, and it is the pinnacle of their counterpoint experiments.  The rapid-fire lead vocals are challenging, exiting and chill-inducing.  The band themselves found it difficult to perform.  A stellar album, lyrically and musically.  Stevens really went out on a high.  He was replaced by a singer named Damond Jiniya who unfortunately never recorded with the band before they went inactive.

2. Edge of Thorns (1993)

Jon Oliva left Savatage.  A shattering loss.  But behind the scenes, he wasn’t gone.  He still wrote and played keyboards.  He just didn’t want to tour, so Savatage brought in a new lead singer named Zack Stevens.  At the time he was compared to Geoff Tate and James LaBrie, but he soon came into his own.  Oliva personally selected him and trained him.  Taking their time, Savatage honed a fantastic album called Edge of Thorns, with a cutting-edge piano-riffed title track that took the fans by storm.  Sounding like a natural followup to Gutter Ballet, the album was stacked top to bottom with great songs both soft and heavy.  The lighter side included the piano ballad “All That I Bleed”.  On the heavy side, we have an epic called “Follow Me”, a thrashy scorcher called “Lights Out”, a dark stomp called “Skraggy’s Tomb” and another called “Conversation Piece”.  Not a conceptual album, but one that ebbs and flows just like one.  Zack’s best.

1. Streets: A Rock Opera (1990)

Grown from the seed that was “When The Crowds Are Gone” from Gutter Ballet, Savatage and Paul O’Neill conceived their first rock opera.  Leaning heavily on the piano, it was a startling change.  Yet song for song and word for word, this is Savatage at their most powerful.  Delving into Christianty, addiction, and miracles, the album was a surprise trip that really captured the imagination.  It’s more than just the story of a down and out rocker named D.T. Jesus.  It’s a story about believing and forgiveness.  The whole thing culminates with “Believe”, a top five Sava-track for certain.  Most of the highlights have ballady qualities, such “A Little Too Far”, “Can You Hear Me Now”, “If I Go Away”, “Heal My Soul” and “Somewhere In Time”.  Meanwhile “Sammy and Tex” covers the thrashy side.  Many songs had to be cut so it could fit onto one CD.  “Stay” and “Desiree” were later released as bonus tracks on other releases.  Also available is “D.T. Jesus”, a slower more soulful version of “Jesus Saves”. There is also a narrated version of the album including a cut track called “Larry Elbows”.  Though the album was a bit of a flop for Savatage, and many fans expressed disappointment in the softening sound, those kinds of albums often turn out to be the special ones.  Streets certainly is.  It’s so powerful it’ll give you chills.

The Adventures of Tee Bone Man – Chapter 8: Tee Bone & Deke’s Time Travelling Adventure (By 80sMetalMan)

By 80sMetalMan


After their much needed vacations, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes returned fresh and ready for their next adventure. However, for five whole days, nothing happened which needed their skills, so they continued to kick back sipping whiskey and listen to great music. While neither of them would actually say so, they were both secretly hoping for another adventure.

Sometime in the afternoon, Superdekes answered the door bell which just happened to be the opening riffs to Rush’s “Limelight,” to a freckled boy who looked about twelve. “At least it wasn’t religious callers,” Superdekes thought to himself. Before he could ask the boy what he wanted, the boy did that for him. “I’m Tee Bone Man’s nephew, Cam. Is my uncle in?”

“Hey, Tee Bone, you have a visitor,” Superdekes called out very loudly. The whiskey might have played a part in that.

Within seconds, Tee Bone Man was at the door. “Oh yes, this is my sister’s son, Cameron or Cam for short.” As he studied his nephew, Tee-Bone Man could tell that something wasn’t right with him. “Come inside,” he ordered.

Once Cam was sat down, made comfortable, given a Twinkie and a glass of coke, Tee-Bone Man began his detective work. “I sense that there is something troubling you so out with it.”

“It’s my music teacher, Mr. Suplee,” Cam began. “He told us that heavy metal wasn’t relevant. That it’s just a genre listened to by a few misfits and weirdos. I told him about you two but he responded that it proved his point about weirdos. When I tried to argue back, he gave me a detention.”

“What for, disagreeing with him?” Tee Bone Man found himself nearly shouting in surprise. “Well, I’ll tell you what. We’re going into your school tomorrow and have a talk with this Mr. Suplee.”

True to their word, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes showed up at Wayne Gretzky Junior High School. Unchallenged, they went into the building and followed Cam’s directions to Mr. Suplee’s room. Mr. Suplee looked all the music teacher, with his bright blue suit and matching bow-tie. He was much shorter and thinner than imagined. Tee Bone Man realised that he could snap this teacher’s neck like a twig but decided to handle things more diplomatically.

“Mr. Suplee, I’m Cameron’s uncle. I’d like to talk to you about something which happened in your music class yesterday.”

The teacher looked at the pair and snarled, “What, he came to you because I said that heavy metal is irrelevant? Well, it is!”

“I’m not going to debate you about that right now, but you gave Cameron a detention for disagreeing with you.”

“No, I gave him a detention for being insolent,” Mr. Suplee spat. Then studying the pair up and down, added, “You must be Tee Bone Man and this must be Superdekes. I heard about your so-called heavy metal exploits. If I had my way, I’d go back in time and kill off all traces of that negative force you call music.”

“What, are you gonna build a time machine or something?” Tee Bone Man sneered.

“Or something,” the teacher returned. “Now, let me alone so I can teach children about proper music.”

Tee Bone Man was now wishing he could test his theory about snapping this fool’s spine. Superdekes could feel the anger building up in his friend, so he beckoned, “There is no point talking to this guy, let’s go.” With that, the two of them walked away but when they were far enough, Tee Bone Man pronounced, “What an asshole.” The teacher might not have heard it but those in the vicinity certainly did.

Thoughts about what an asshole Mr. Suplee was stayed on their minds as Tee Bone Man and Superdekes arrived back at their lair. “I need a whiskey,” Tee Bone Man decided. “I’ll make the whiskey, you go put on an album. Make it Black Sabbath, Paranoid.

With that, he headed for the kitchen. Taking out two large glasses, he filled them almost half-way with Jack Daniels. “We definitely need a strong one,” he said aloud. He filled the remainder of both glasses with water and was about to take the drinks to the living room when Superdekes came into the kitchen looking white as a ghost. “Our records and CDs, they’re all gone,” he stammered through his shock.

“What? You’re kidding!” Tee Bone Man exclaimed in amazement. Without further hesitation, he sped over to where the music collection was kept. The empty shelves confirmed what Superdekes had told him.

From behind, Superdekes questioned, “Could we have been robbed?”

“Impossible,” Tee Bone Man responded sternly, snapping his friend out of his shock. “No one can get into this lair, it’s impregnable.”

“Then what?”

Tee Bone Man scratched his head in deep thought for a moment. Superdekes watched as his friend’s expression suddenly changed. “Holy shit!” Tee Bone Man bellowed. “I think that Suplee asshole might have actually built a time machine and made good on his threat to wipe heavy metal from existence.”

“Oh God!” was all Superdekes could say.

“That can be the only answer,” Tee Bone Man affirmed and then ordered, “Get on the computer, we need to find out.”

Superdekes needed no further prompting as he went straight to the computer and switched it on. The minute it took for the computer to get up and running seemed like an hour but when it was ready, so was Superdekes.

“Do a Google search for Black Sabbath,” Tee Bone Man instructed.

The first hit on the search revealed the answer. According to Wikipedia, Black Sabbath was in the process of recording their first album when one morning, all four band members were found dead of a suspected drugs overdose. That’s what the police report said but the police probably didn’t seemed to bothered because Black Sabbath were considered a bunch of hippy druggies. “They were probably poisoned,” Superdekes indicated.

“Try Led Zeppelin next,” was Tee Bone Man’s next instruction, his anxiety levels rising sharply. Superdekes obeyed. Only this time, the Wikipedia article stated that the band was killed in a fireball explosion at Olympic Studios whilst recording their debut album. Further searches were conducted. Aerosmith was gunned down while playing at a bar in Massachusetts. Rush was killed when the brakes on their van failed causing to go off the road and down a mountain. Deep Purple were killed in a freak fire at their hotel. Alice Cooper was mysteriously shot but there was no mention of KISS. However, when Superdekes entered the real names of the members of KISS, they found that Paul Stanley was run over by a bus, Gene Simmons was killed in a car crash and Ace Frehley allegedly jumped from a 15th story window. However, there was no mention of Peter Criss. What all of the deaths had in common was that they all occurred when the band in question was making or going to make their debut albums.

Their fears had been confirmed. Mr. Suplee had gone back in time and wiped heavy metal from the existence of history. In fact, when Superdekes put heavy metal in a search engine, all that came up was a list of metals.

“We’re going have to find this time machine and go back in time and change history back,” Tee Bone Man stated once his anger was reduced enough.

As Superdekes nodded in agreement, a somewhat familiar voice called out from seemingly out of nowhere, “You won’t need a time machine.  We can help.”

Turning around, they discovered that the voice belonged to none other than Ronnie James Dio and standing there with him was Lemmy, Jeff Hanneman and John Bonham.

It took a minute or two for the heroes to focus but when they finally managed to do so, Tee Bone Man asked, “Are you all real?”

“We’re not of flesh and bone,” Dio explained. “We are spirits. We have come down from Rock and Roll Heaven to aid you.”

“What, a rock and roll heaven?” Superdekes queried in surprise.

“Yes, there is a rock heaven, “John Bonham answered. “I thought you would have guessed it. That was what that 1974 song by the Righteous Brothers was all about.”

As both were taking in this information, Lemmy carried on, “We don’t have time to talk about this now. We need to be getting on so the two of you can save rock history. Satan himself came to me and told me about this man who has travelled back in time to destroy rock history by killing off all the influential bands. You must go back in time and stop him. Now, he may not be acting alone so you must be vigilant.”

“How did Satan get into Rock and Roll Heaven?” Superdekes suddenly asked.

“He’s allowed in when the situation calls for it,” Dio answered, “And right now, the situation calls for it. As for God, he won’t get directly involved but Satan knows hat he has God’s behind the scenes positive nod.”

“And to answer your big question, we all get to make music with Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and any other dead musician you can name,” Lemmy piped in.

“I did sing a nice duet with Janis Joplin,” Dio smirked.

“And I got to play guitar with Lynyrd Skynyrd on “Freebird,” Jeff Hanneman added.

Getting back to the task, Tee Bone Man then asked, “One question, how can we go back in time without a time machine.”

Ronnie James Dio informed, “You must go to Stroud in England. There, you must seek out The Metalman. He’s the greatest rock historian of all time, he will help you. You must succeed, I’ve seen my alternative life and I ended up writing children’s songs.”

“And I ended up working in a fucking factory,” Lemmy spewed in disgust.

Jeff Hanneman suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a guitar pick, handing it to Tee Bone Man. “Take this,” he stated plainly. “You will know what to do with it when the time comes.”

Before another question could be asked, the four personages disappeared. As Tee Bone Man was getting over the shock of the experience asking, “Wow, did that just happen?” Superdekes was already looking up The Metalman on the computer. The search didn’t reveal his actual name, but that wasn’t important. Besides, reading his history, Superdekes could see why the Metalman would want to remain anonymous. He was born in the US, growing up in New Jersey but in 1986, was forced to flee to Britain after an attempt on his life. While it couldn’t be proven, it was certain that it was an assassination attempt. Most likely by the PMRC and quite possibly sanctioned by Tipper Gore herself.

Meanwhile, Tee Bone Man stocked up on guns, ammo, explosives and other necessities for the mission to save metal. When all was gathered and loaded, Superdekes revved up his motorcycle and Tee-Bone Man took to the air and within moments, had sped across the Atlantic and were landing on Minchinhampton Common in Gloucestershire, England.

Tee Bone Man jumped onto the back of the bike and Superdekes headed off. The ride took them through some beautiful scenery of rural Gloucestershire but what was supposed to be a five minute ride took double the time. They were twice delayed, first by the cows grazing nearby who decided to cross the road in front of them. The second time, they had to wait for a truck to pull into a lane which was never meant for a vehicle that size. At least they got to see some of the countryside. But in spite of the delays, they arrived, Superdekes parking his bike across the road from the Metalman’s house.

While the area around might have been scenic, the house was located in the middle of a council estate. Several front gardens were in a good need of a mowing and one had car parts strewn all around.  The pair noted that the Metalman’s home looked much better in comparison as they walked up to the front door.

Their knock was answered by a bald, spectacled man who looked to be in his mid-fifties and sported a greying beard. Observing the pair he stated, “You must be Tee-Bone Man and Superdekes, I’ve been expecting you.”

Tee Bone Man and Superdekes accepted the invitation to come in and followed their host into the living room. The host offered refreshments but the pair politely declined, Tee Bone Man stating the urgency of getting down to business. Once seated, Tee Bone Man inquired, “You say you were expecting us, did the spirits of Ronnie James Dio, Lemmy, Jeff Hanneman and John Bonham visit you too?”

“That’s who visited you?” The Metalman asked with slight surprise. “No, I was visited by Ronnie Van Zant, Randy Rhoads, Cliff Burton and A.J. Pero. They told me you would be coming and that I should do everything I can to help you. I too know about the someone going back in time and erasing heavy metal from music history, killing off all the founding fathers and main influences of metal. So, I will give you any assistance you need.”

“They’re killing ’em all!” Superdekes exclaimed.

“They’ve got a lot of them, but not all of them,” the Metalman affirmed. “One reason why our knowledge of metal history hasn’t been fully erased is because they didn’t get this one.  Metalman went over to a cupboard and pulled out a record album, handing it to Tee Bone Man. The album he held was Hair of the Dog by Scottish rockers, Nazareth.

“What’s so special about this album, except that it totally kicks ass?” Tee Bone Man asked.

“Ronnie Van Zant told me that when they got together up in Rock Heaven to create heavy metal, this album was used as a blueprint,” The Metalman explained. “Most people don’t realize that.”

It took several seconds for the heroes to digest this information and then Tee Bone Man asked, “Do you know where we can get a time machine?”

“Won’t need one,” The Metalman returned. He slipped out of the living room and a minute later holding a guitar. “Randy Rhoads gave me this and said that you would have the pick to use it. He said that if you hit three particular chords and hold them for exactly the right amount of seconds, you will travel to a designated time and place.”

It suddenly clicked as to why Jeff Hanneman had given them the guitar pick. They needed to use both in order to time travel.

“Let’s try it!” Tee Bone Man suggested over-enthusiastically, eager to get on with the mission.

The Metalman pulled out a sheet of paper. “This list the chords you need and length of time you need to hold it in order to time travel. Let’s save Black Sabbath first,” he suggested. Looking at the paper he dictated, “Hit chord B for exactly 7.2 seconds, G for 5.7 seconds and finally D for 2.4 seconds and that will take you to London in 1969.”

Taking the pick, Tee-Bone Man struck the chords as Superdekes looked at his stopwatch. At exactly, 7.2 seconds, Tee-Bone Man changed chords and changed again when Superdekes gave the signal. Suddenly, The Metalman’s living room disappeared and the pair found themselves standing on a city street. A red double-decker bus going past told them they were in London and judging from the Ford Cortina which followed it and two young ladies in bright yellow mini-skirts, who happened to pass by, they guessed they were in 1969. A look at the date on a newspaper in a nearby shop confirmed they were indeed the in the correct time.

If it wasn’t for the urgency of the mission, the heroes would have taken in the sights of where and when they were as they walked the few streets to Regent Sound where Black Sabbath were recording their first album. They boldly strode through the front door and went right to the receptionist behind the desk where, Tee Bone Man confidently declared, “We’re here to see Black Sabbath.”

Unimpressed by his bravado, the pretty young lady replied in a strong Cockney accent, “They’re recording at the moment. You can’t wait here, you’ll have to wait outside.”

Tee Bone Man gave a quick, “okay,” then he and Superdekes left the studio. They tried to be inconspicuous as they waited for Black Sabbath to come out. However, they had to wait several hours, till it was nearly dusk, taking it in turns to buy fish and chips and take care of other necessities. Finally, the unmistakable voice of Ozzy Osbourne preceded him and the rest of the band out of front door. Resisting the temptation to go up and greet the band whom they beheld as gods, they watched them get into a taxi and head off.

“I’ll follow the taxi by flying overhead, you get another cab and try to follow. If you lose them, I will radio the address,” Tee Bone Man commanded.

At that moment, Superdekes wished he had brought his motorcycle back in time as it took him ten minutes to find a cab. Meanwhile, Tee Bone Man flew undetected above the cab Black Sabbath was riding in as it drove through Central London. A few minutes later, when the taxi stopped and the band got out, he landed about 20 yards away. Observing the area, he noted that the street was full of shops and that they must have lived in a flat above one of them.

Just then, a figure appeared out of the darkening evening. He was holding a bag. Tee Bone Man stealthily drew closer for a better look. “I know you guys, you’re Black Sabbath,” the figure’s male voice stated.

“Um, yeah, we are, you’ve heard of us?” Ozzy mumbled.

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard of you. Hey, I go some beer and marijuana. I thought maybe we could party,” the figure said invitingly.

“Um, yeah, that would be cool.”

Inching closer, Tee Bone Man was able to get a better look at this would-be fan. There was something not right about him. It wasn’t the teacher but most likely one of his minions. Putting his radio wrist watch to his lips, he whispered into the speaker, “Superdekes, we’re on Betterton Street, get here fast.” Emerging from the shadows, he approached Black Sabbath and this would-be fan. “How do you know Black Sabbath?” Tee Bone Man challenged.

“I saw them in a pub in London,” the fan answered.

“Oh really, which one?”

“Oh, I don’t remember the name,” the fan confessed.

Turning to the band, Tee Bone Man warned, “He’s not a fan, he’s been sent here to poison you.”

“What? That’s absurd!” the fan screamed.  “Why would I want to harm Black Sabbath?”

“Because you know that their music will be a standard for many generations of fans. You’re here to stop them.”


The headlights of the approaching taxi distracted everyone who was standing in the street. The all watched the lone figure get out, throw some cash at the driver and head towards them. Tee Bone Man knew who it was right away. “Superdekes, we need your test kit.”

“Oh, this is bullshit!” cried the fan. With that he suddenly pulled a knife and lunged at Tee Bone Man. Expecting this, Tee Bone Man dodged the lunge and whipped out a lariat and before the fan could make another move, he was on the ground tied up by the rope. Both Tee Bone Man and the subdued fan were distracted by the opening of a beer can. Both strained their necks to see Superdekes putting a test stick into it and pulling it out a few seconds later. A minute later, which seemed much longer, Superdekes shook his head, “It’s poisoned.”

“Why would anyone want to poison us?” Tony Iommi suddenly questioned.

“Because you are going to be a huge influence in a new genre of music called heavy metal,” Tee Bone Man explained. “Your music is going to inspire millions.”

“Millions?” Ozzy slurred.

As Tee Bone Man nodded, Superdekes asked, “What do we do with him?”

“We’ll take him back with us. We will destroy his time travel device and keep him locked up in our lair until we save all of the rock artists. He then motioned to his friend who reached into his ruck sack which held a lot more than one would have thought possible and bulled out a bag. “There you go,” Tee Bone Man said to the band. “In this bag is a bottle of whisky, a bottle of vodka, 12 cans of beer and some extra stuff. Now go and party and make a great album. I can’t wait to hear it.”

“Neither can we,” Geezer Butler joked.

The band watched as the pair pulled up their prisoner, then Tee Bone Man struck the appropriate chords for the appropriate length of time and then suddenly all of them disappeared. They didn’t hear Ozzy remark, “Wow, did that just happen man?”

Back at their lair, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes put the captive into a small room underneath the main lair. After a search, they found the captive’s time travel device, a small coin-like object on a chain around the man’s neck. As he locked it away, Superdekes stated, “Interesting device, I would like to study it.”

“We have no time for that now, we have more bands to save,” Tee Bone Man declared. Seeing Superdeke’s puzzled look, he explained further. “Here, look at this video feed from one of our security cameras at Deke’s Palace.  The one in the record room.  See?  We’ve saved Black Sabbath and all of their albums are back in our collection but none of the others are there. It looks like we will have to save each band individually.”

“Great job saving Black Sabbath,” the Metalman congratulated as he let Tee Bone Man and Superdekes into his house. “But I’m afraid you’re right, you’re going to have to save each band one by one.”

“Is there any way we can take the motorcycle back in time with us?” Superdekes inquired.

“Oh sure, just be sitting on it when you hit the guitar chords.”

“Who should we save next?” Tee-Bone Man asked enthusiastically.

The Metalman advised, “From my calculations, it would be best to save Aerosmith next.”

“Then it’s off to save Aerosmith!”

With both heroes sitting on the bike. Tee Bone Man struck the A chord for exactly 2.3 seconds, and when Superdekes said, “change,” the E chord for 4.5 seconds and then the D chord for 0.25 seconds. With a flash, they disappeared back in time to 1969 in Massachusetts.

It only took a matter of seconds for the motorcycle to get to the White House Bar where Aerosmith would be playing that night. The bar was your typical American roadside bar. The pair thought nothing of it as Superdekes parked his motorcycle and they went inside.

“We could never get into a bar for a dollar in our time, “Tee Bone Man stated amused as they paid the cover charge and went inside. They ordered their beers and found a table near the stage. Initial observations revealed no one suspicious. However, their ears did prick up at a conversation at the next table.

“This band, Aerosmith, I hear they’re really good.”

“Oh, are you in for a surprise,” Tee Bone Man amusingly thought to himself as he and Superdekes scanned the bar-room  Nearly fifteen minutes before Aerosmith was due to go on stage, there seemed to be no one who looked as if they were about to pull out a gun and shoot up the bar. Furthermore, there was no sound from Superdeke’s small, portable metal detector.

“God, I can remember them looking so young,” Tee Bone Man whispered to himself as the band took the stage. The pair recognised the opening number straight away. It was “Make It,” which was the opening song from what was going to be their debut album. It sounded raw but good, the band’s hunger was plain to hear. However, as much as they would have loved to soak up the experience of a youthful Aerosmith, they knew they had a job to do.

Suddenly, Superdeke’s metal detector began to beep. The pair followed the signal which increased as they neared a lone figure standing at the back of the small dance floor. “He’s about to let loose on everyone!” Superdekes exclaimed as the figure, who they could now tell was male, reached inside his coat.

Tee Bone Man let out a scream, “Get down!” as reached into his shirt pocket and it one motion tossed a smoke grenade at the figure’s feet. The sound of the explosion and the billowing smoke stunned not only the potential gunman but everyone else in the bar. Women started screaming and Aerosmith stopped playing. Then, those nearby heard a loud clank as the shock forced the gunman to drop his weapon. Tee Bone Man sprung into action, leaping across the room and executing a cross body pin which would have made Shawn Michaels proud. With the would be assassin pinned, Tee Bone Man rolled him over onto his front and slapped handcuffs on him.

The bar’s bouncers arrived on the scene straight after. “What’s happening?” one of them demanded to know.

Superdekes pointed at the Uzi on the floor, “This man was going to shoot up the bar.”

The bouncer looked at the gun. “I’ve never seen a gun like that before and I’ve just come back from ‘Nam.”

“It’s a new gun, Israeli made,” Superdekes explained.

“We’ll call the police,” another bouncer stated.

“No need,” Superdekes responded pulling out a wallet displaying a badge with an ID. “We’re FBI, we’ve been after this guy for awhile.”

As Tee-Bone Man and Superdekes were about to lead their captive away, they were sidetracked by a familiar sounding voice. “Was he going to kill us?”

Turning around, they saw the voice belonged to Steve Tyler with the rest of the band standing behind him. “Yeah, but we got him first,” Tee Bone Man answered.

“Well thanks,” Steve said graciously.

“Yeah, thanks dudes,” Joe Perry chimed in.

“Hey no need to thank us,” Tee Bone Man responded humbly. Just go out and be the great band I know your are. I think you’re going to go places.” With that, the heroes took the prisoner out of the bar and getting to Superdeke’s motorcycle, went back to the future.

The next few saves weren’t as exciting, but just as crucial to history. Tee Bone Man’s lariat subdued the would be cutter of the brakes on Rush’s van. Another smoke grenade saved Alice Cooper from being shot. They caught a woman who was going to tamper with the wiring in order to start a fire at the hotel Deep Purple was staying at. “Nice idea trying to use a woman to do that,” Tee Bone Man chortled when they caught her. As for KISS, all they had to do was make sure Paul, Gene and Ace weren’t anywhere near their places of death at the time. All in all, they had major successes but there was still one band to save:  Led Zeppelin.

“I have a hunch we’re gonna need take more ammo and supplies with us,” Tee-Bone Man stated as he climbed onto the back of Superdeke’s motorcycle.

“I’m way ahead of you,” Superdekes laughed. “I’ve packed everything in here but the kitchen sink.”

After striking the appropriate chords for the appropriate length of time, the heroes found themselves cruising through the streets of Barnet in North London in the year 1968. A couple of minutes later, Superdekes was parking his motorcycle outside of Olympic Studios.

Like they did with Black Sabbath, the duo strode through the door and bluntly inquired, “Is Led Zeppelin here?”

“Who?” the young lady behind the desk inquired. “Oh, that’s that new band. They just changed their name from The New Yardbirds. Yes, they’re in the studio recording at the moment.”

“Has anyone else come in? I mean not to do with any of the artists or the studio?”

Looking perplexed, the receptionist answered, “No, why do you ask?”

Flipping out his wallet, which revealed another ID and badge, Superdekes responded, “We’re with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. We’re on assignment with Scotland Yard and we have intelligence that a bomb has been planted in the studio. We need everyone to evacuate the building.”

Seeing that the receptionist’s surprise made her momentarily freeze, Tee Bone Man went over to the opposite wall and pulled the fire alarm. The loud ringing sparked the receptionist into action. She sprang from her chair, opened the door behind her and shouted, “Fire!”

People began filing out of the building a second later. They took little notice of the two men waving them through the door. The faces of the people were unfamiliar to until the last of the stragglers went past. It took all the discipline they could muster to resist the temptation of going up and talking to Led Zeppelin. It helped that as he walked past, they heard Jimmy Page moan, “I had just perfected that guitar solo.”

Once the building was clear, Superdekes took out his bomb detection kit and started the search. They weren’t surprised that the ground floor office revealed nothing. As they were ready to head to the studio room where Led Zeppelin was recording, a nagging feeling came over Tee Bone Man. “Hold up,” he ordered taking his laser gun out of the holster and setting it to ‘stun.’

The door opened with a loud bang and a huge flash of light stunning both heroes, which allowed three minions to rush through the door. Unfortunately for them, they rushed in too fast ant the flash momentarily distracted them as well. Tee Bone Man quickly recovered and fired his laser at one of them. It was a direct hit and the target  went down immediately. Then in true Western fashion, he quickly let off another shot with the same result on the second target. Meanwhile, Superdekes recovered and took out the third minion with a tranquilliser dart to the neck.

However, more minions came rushing through the door with guns blazing.  Tee Bone Man and Superdekes were forced to take cover behind a desk. They realized they were pinned down as the hail of bullets kept flying overhead. Tee Bone Man reached into his shirt pocket and took out a trusty smoke grenade. Hurling it hook shot style over the desk, it landed right in front of the shooters. The puff of smoke and loud noise gave the heroes the distraction they needed. Superdekes pressed a button on one of his many gadgets and from seemingly out of nowhere, a net appeared above four minions and came down enveloping them. At the same time, Tee Bone Man continued his wild west antics shooting two with his laser and subduing a third with his lariat. With all the minions incapacitated, Superdekes said with a great degree of urgency, “We have to find that bomb.”

“Not so fast,” chided a new voice. “You have to go through me now.”

The man standing before them was none other than the metal hating music teacher, Mr. Suplee. “We will stop you and save heavy metal,” Tee Bone Man barked defiantly.

“That’s what you think,” Mr. Suplee responded with a sinister laugh.

The teacher held out what looked like a book and with a flash of light, which momentarily blinded the heroes, the book started blasting out the most UN-rock music in rapid succession, pounding the pair’s eardrums. Although they covered their ears, it could drown out the cacophony of trendy pop music from the decades. Music from Duran Duran, Donny Osmond, Madonna and the Spice Girls, plus many more was beating them down. Either their heads were going to explode or they would be driven to the brink of insanity.

Then all of a sudden, they heard a loud pop and after what sounded like a crash, the pulverising music suddenly stopped. Looking up, they saw the Metalman holding a odd looking pistol with a wide barrel. “Quickly,” The Metalman commanded, “I managed to disarm him with a blast of rock salt but you need to finish the job. Take your guitar and strike the chords A,C,D,C in that order, holding each note for 4.3 seconds. That will render his device powerless.”

Tee-Bone Man grabbed his guitar and began striking the chords. At the same time, Mr. Suplee picked up his device and tried to re-activate it but another rock salt blast from the Metalman’s pistol disarmed him once again. With each chord Tee-Bone Man struck, the device’s power lessened and after the final C chord, became totally powerless. With his trusty gadgets, Superdekes produced another net which came down and trapped their foe.

“But how did you know, Metalman?” Tee-Bone Man asked.

“After you saved Alice Cooper, Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott and Malcolm Young appeared to me and said that the ringleader would be here and have this powerful device. It was given to him by Jimmy Swaggart who told him it was God’s plan for him to wipe out rock music. They told me how to stop him.”

As Tee Bone Man and Superdekes was taking all this in, the Metalman walked over to where the now powerless device lay on the floor and picked it up. Handing it to Tee Bone Man, they all saw that it was now merely a Bible.

“What, you’re the Metalman?” Mr. Suplee asked shocked. “Jimmy Swaggart swore he had you killed.

“He tried, or should I say his assassins did,” the Metalman returned. “But they missed and I fled to another country and all this time I thought it was Tipper Gore who ordered the hit.”

“Swaggart had her blessing,” Mr. Suplee informed.

“I found the bomb,” Superdekes interrupted.

Tee Bone Man followed Superdekes as he concentrated on his tracking device. It only took a minute for him to find the bomb underneath the mixing table where Led Zeppelin was recording. Fortunately, the device wasn’t too complicated and Superdekes was able to disarm it straight away.

When Tee Bone Man stuck his head out of the front door of the studio to say, “All clear,” the police on the scene were the first to enter. Many a police officer’s jaw nearly hit the floor when the saw the bullet holes and broken glass and furniture as well as the subdued bombers.

Superdekes once again flashed his badge, announcing, “Royal Canadian Mounted Police, we’re here in cooperation with Scotland Yard. We’re here for this man,” pointing to Mr. Suplee, “But you can have the others.”

Dumbfounded, the sergeant merely nodded. Taking their prisoner with them. Tee Bone Man, Superdekes and the Metalman stepped outside to a thunderous applause. A few of the younger women ran over to them and gave each of them hugs. When that was done, the three went over to Led Zeppelin and asked, “Can we have your autographs?”

“What, our autographs? We’re just recording our first album,” Robert Plant wondered.

“Oh, I think your group is going to be big one day, maybe even legends,” Tee Bone Man quipped.

“Hey why not? I mean, they just saved our lives,” John Paul Jones added.

Each member of the band signed autographs for the three heroes. When they got to Superdeke’s motorcycle, the Metalman informed them, “I’m afraid this is where we part ways.”

“So it is,” Tee Bone Man agreed. “Thanks for your help, I don’t know how much more of that torture we could have withstood.”

“No problem, after all, you have just saved rock history,” the Metalman told them.

With that, they all shook hands and the Metalman disappeared. Then Tee Bone Man and Superdekes, with their prisoner, returned to their time and place.

As they entered their lair, they spied two shadows lurking inside and drew their weapons as a precaution. “Hey, put down your guns, we’re here to congratulate you,” a somewhat familiar sounding voice stated.

The pair knew Satan’s voice straight away from their previous adventures. It was confirmed when Superdekes flicked the lights on and standing with Satan was none other than Elvis.

“We’ll take your prisoner and his minions from your cells,” Satan said with authority.

“What do you have in mind for them?” Tee Bone Man queried.

“We’re taking them to Rock Heaven,” Satan responded.” What better punishment for these people than to spend eternity listening to the very music they tried to destroy.”

“Serves them right,” Tee Bone Man smirked.

“I still can’t believe they let you into Rock Heaven,” Superdekes stated in an amused tone.

“Oh, we allow Satan to come in when he’s needed,” Elvis explained. “And every third weekend of the month for a jam.  God almost never visits himself but once in awhile, Jesus and Mohammed stop in every now and then to jam with us. I’ll tell you one thing, both of them are fed up with humankind twisting their teachings in order to denounce music.”

“We better get these guys to Rock Heaven,” Satan said with a sense of urgency.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Turning to the two heroes, Elvis said his famous, “Thank you very much. By the way, there is a special reward for you guys by your music equipment.” With that, Satan and Elvis disappeared with their prisoners.

When they were gone, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes rushed over to where their music equipment was and what they saw totally astounded them. On the table were dozens of MP3s and a note which read, “For your ears only.” Accompanying each MP3 was a track listing which featured songs from just about every deceased singer or musician possible. One MP3 alone had just about every singer singing a duet with The King. Tee Bone Man especially wanted to hear Elvis singing with Lemmy. There was the Ronnie James Dio/Janis Joplin duet but Ronnie also got his friends from the Sabbath/Purple/Rainbow tree and formed a band. It had Cozy Powell on drums, Jimmy Bain on bass, Jon Lord on keyboards and for the guitar, they got Criss Oliva of Savatage fame.

There were further combinations like Jill Janus, Jeff Hanneman, Cliff Burton and Razzle and another one with Mike Howe, Randy Rhoads, Cliff Burton and AJ Pero. Like with Elvis, a lot of people got Jimi Hendrix to play guitar on their songs but Jimi got with Phil Lynott and recorded some cool songs as well.

The combinations were limitless, and as they put the first MP3 on and poured themselves some whiskeys, they knew they had some great music to enjoy for a very long time.



The Writer’s Room: The Adventures of Tee Bone Man will return after these messages….

August 20, 2022. The Writer’s Room.

“OK guys!” I said as I put my coffee down on the table. “What do we have coming up for Tee Bone Man?”

Harrison officially began the meeting. “I believe you are next with your Deke-centric story, correct Mr. LeBrain?”

“That’s right,” I answered. “That will go up next week. That’s a very special one.  For reasons we will see.”

Harrison smiled.  He understood what was in store for Superdekes.

The 80s Metal Man spoke next, the newest member at the writer’s table.   “And if I am correct, after your Deke story, I will go next month with my time travel tale.”

“Wahoo!” shouted Aaron.

“And after time travel,” answered Harrison, “I have my next story lined up. It is pretty epic and involves a lot of song references and a little bit of foreshadowing.”

“Awesome sauce,” I responded.

Snowman piped in next. “I have an idea for a space-based adventure.”

“Wahoo!” shouted Aaron.

“That sounds great, Snowman. Will there be an even bigger Gene Simmons box set in this one? 10,000 discs of outtakes this time?”

Snowman laughed, but declined to answer the question. “You’ll just have to wait and see. But since you all think I look like Richard Dreyfuss, it might be fun to do a Close Encounters homage with Tee Bone Man and Superdekes.”

Harrison spoke up. “I’m very much looking forward to doing the Lego art on that one, Snowman. Please keep me posted so I can get started on it as soon as possible.”

“Wahoo!” shouted Aaron.

“Hey Harrison,” I said. “How is it going with the Lego art anyway?”

“Very well thank you,” responded the mustachioed Australian metal madman. “But as you can see, it’s not simple artwork by any means. I’d like a month between story chapters in order to perfect the artwork for each.”

The writers at the table all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Wahoo!” shouted Aaron.

“How about you, Aaron?” I queried. “Got anything cooking for Tee Bone Man?”

“Wahoo! I mean, no, not at the moment but I am sure I can come up with another one,” answered Aaron.

“Give ‘er!” I responded, throwing one of his favourite sayings at him. “You’re always welcome to contribute. It would be fun if you included yourself in your next story. We all have.” The table nodded in agreement again.

“OK, so let me get this all straight, just to make sure we’re all on the same page.” I was very excited for how well this was all going, with this creative bunch of writers.  “I’m next with my Deke chapter. Then Metal Man is on deck. Harrison goes after Metal Man. That’s the next two to three months of content right there. We are in good shape, I think.”

“I agree,” said Harrison. “And having read Metal Man’s chapter already, I think it’s good enough to break the multiverse.”

Metal Man smiled at the compliment. “Thank you,” he said. “I might have to write a sequel, I had so much story to fit in there.”

“You’re more than welcome to write a sequel,” I responded. “I’d also like to get some fresh blood in the writer’s room, see if anyone else has a good story to contribute.”

Breaking the fourth wall, Snowman spoke, to you the reader! “That’s right. Whoever is out there reading this right now, if you think you have what it takes, leave a comment below. There are lot of people that know Tee Bone and Superdekes, who could probably do a great job.”

A shudder came over Harrison. “But keep in mind, I can only do art for one per month.”

“And none of us want you to rush it,” I said. “But keep in mind the whole idea was for this to be a community effort.”

“COMMUNITY!” shouted Aaron.

The table nodded in agreement again. I sipped my coffee and continued. “I understand your concerns, and obviously we don’t want things to get bogged down too much.” Like Snowman, I then broke the fourth wall and spoke directly to the readers. “We just all want you, the reader, to understand we want inclusivity. Maybe Lana can come up with a story. Who knows, maybe even Deke will have an idea. I just want people to know this is for all of us.”

I stood and walked around the table to address all the writers.

“You guys are all killing it. We already have some amazing chapters written and it’s only getting better. I want you guys to know how much I appreciate you jumping on this idea with me…” I noticed Aaron had his hand up to ask a question. “Yeah, Aaron? What’s up.”

“I can’t help but notice you’re not wearing pants,” he said flatly.

I looked down and saw he was right.

“Didn’t you get the memo from Tee Bone? It’s time to tell the world – Fuck Pants!”


Chapter One: A Friend in Need (by LeBrain)

Chapter Two: Hell Freezes Over (by Harrison Kopp)

Chapter Three: Hell Ain’t A Bad Place to Be (by LeBrain)

Chapter Four: Tee Bone Man and the Rink of…Doom? (by Aaron KMA)

Chapter Five: The Super Duper Vault (by John Snow)

Chapter Six: Tee Bone Man Goes to Camp (by LeBrain)
COMING SOON: Chapter Seven!

The Adventures of Tee Bone Man and Superdekes – The Story So Far

On this Canada Day, please enjoy reading the exploits of Canada’s greatest superheroes: Tee Bone Man and Superdekes!

This series of fun, clever and witty rock and roll adventures is written by a collective of creators, and you can join too!  But first, catch up on what has happened so far and what is to come.



Chapter One:  A Friend in Need (by LeBrain)

As a caravan of Southern Ontario rockers travel north through Thunder Bay, they encounter a terror like none they have ever seen before.  Far from home and out of their element, a “meaty man” and “brainiac” find themselves at the mercy of a legendary beast.  Only with the sudden arrival of two mysterious superheroes do they even stand a chance of survival!

Chapter Two:  Hell Freezes Over (by Harrison Kopp)

Devastating earthquakes threaten all humankind.  Seemingly originating from the continent of Australia, Tee Bone Man makes his way south to investigate.  Teaming up with a young “Man with the Moustache”, they soon realize the only way to stop the earthquakes and save the planet is to eradicate them right from their source — hell!  But how to get there?  Perhaps El Moustachio can help!

Chapter Three:  Hell Ain’t A Bad Place to Be (by LeBrain)

Continuing from chapter two, Tee Bone Man and El Moustachio enlist the aid of Superdekes as they battle the armies of hell!  With action scenes straight out of Tolkien, our trio of heroes must defeat orcs, demons, dragons and far worse to stop the earthquakes.  When the Man with the Moustache discovers a secret doorway, they meet the evil entity responsible.  His goals will shock you!

Chapter Four:  Tee Bone Man and the Rink of…Doom?  (by Aaron KMA)

In their strangest adventure yet, Tee Bone Man and Superdekes encounter a new foe unlike any they have dealt with before.  Is it real, or just fantasy?  Decide for yourself as Tee Bone Man wields a hockey stick instead of a guitar and tries to catch a rat!

Chapter Five:  The Super Duper Vault  (by John Snow)

This chapter takes us back on the highway to hell and its evil ruler, the great Satan himself!  Never satisfied, the terrible red one now covets something truly unique.  Sending new minions dubbed the Knights in Satan’s Service to Earth, they seek the one known as the Snowman!  For he possesses the only copy of the Super Duper Vault, featuring 666 CDs of Gene Simmons outtakes.  Satan wants it and will stop at nothing.  Sounds like a call to Tee Bone Man and Superdekes is in order!

COMING SOON!  What will happen to our heroes next?

Chapter Six:  Tee Bone Man Goes to Camp (by LeBrain)

Well overdue for a vacation, Tee Bone Man treks to camp.  But all is not as it should be.

Chapter Seven (by 80sMetalMan)

Chapter Eight (by Harrison Kopp)

Chapter Nine (by LeBrain)

Stay tuned for the adventure is only beginning!